Re: a dumb question about installing OEu 4?

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alanjohnoxley said...

But won't this bat file give problems when switching back? If you set the path to concantenate the desired euphoria, then its just concantenating that onto a path that already contains a euphoria. Could be just the type of confusion to avoid!

Why not have a euphoria app that accepts the new euphoria base dir as an argument, but also strips off any existing euphoria references in the path or eudir or include?

Regards Alan

No, in a dos environment such as that, the settings pertain only to that shell, which goes away when it ends. So the variables don't grow. And you can have multiple .bat files, in the form of your versions, i put the bats in the \bin\ directories with the interpreter's exe files, and code the bat file there to point to there and to that interpreter and it's \include\ dir.

To run v4b2, i run C:\euphoria40b2\bin\euiw.bat as if it's euiw.exe there.

To run v3.11, i run C:\euphoria\bin\exw.bat as if it's the exw.exe there.

To make things more complex for you, and simple for me, i run m:\DataMinerCode\mine_noaa_sat\BIN\Getnoaasat_exw.exe because in Taskmgr.exe (winxp) or TaskInfo2000 (win95b), i can see that particular exw.exe is the Getnoaasat miner instead of some other euiw.exe app. Simply rename the exe.

And to make it even easier, i have a .bat that sets the shell vars, launches an Eu app that renames the chosen Euphoria .exe and wget.exe to something relavant, and then launches them.

Isn't dos fun?


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