Re: missing eu.a
- Posted by ne1uno Aug 19, 2009
tests/t_legacy_callback.e fails translated.
Can you be more specific about the crashes? Does either test pass?
using minGW compiled w/managed_mem, note it still says using system memory. Euphoria Interpreter 4.0.0 development (r2543) for Windows Using System Memory, EuConsole
I copied t_legacy_callback.e to t_legacy_callback1.e & t_legacy_callback2.e with one test commented out in each.
both tests crash in debug mode interpreted. both pass interpreted in release mode.
both crash translated release mode.
I think Jeremy didn't test translated. eutest, contrary to what the docs say, donesn't run translated tests by default. it would have no idea how to find or choose a compiler.
would need a commmandline something like: eui ..\source\eutest -ec euc -cc gcc but that is not quite working,
interpreting t_call.e: translating, compiling, and executing executable: t_call.e ...................................FAILURE: t_call program could not be compiled . Error -1 executing:# TODO: check for executable, jump to done