Re: How to combine a slider and an edit control in win32lib
- Posted by DerekParnell (admin) May 05, 2009
penpal0andrew said...
I have a program which has a slider (scroll control) and an edit control. And when I move the slider it adjusts the value shown in the read only edit control. However, I would like it so I can ALSO edit the edit control, and have the slider change. But when I attempted to do them both, it made some sort of infinite event loop. I assume that is what happened.
I am asking this as a general idea, rather than asking someone to fix some code that I have written.
Assuming Win32lib ...
global procedure Keypress_EB( integer self, integer event, sequence parms ) object val sequence range if parms[1] = VK_RETURN and parms[2] = 0 then -- Get the number typed in to the EditBox (EB) val = getNumber(self) -- Get the current range allowed in the scrollbar range = getScrollRange(HSBar) -- Make sure the entered value is in the allowed range. if val >= range[1] and val <= range[2] then -- Set the new position of the 'thumb' setScrollPos(HSBar, val) else -- Change the edit box to the current thumb position. setText(self, getScrollPos(HSBar)) end if end if end procedure setHandler(EB, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("Keypress_EB"))