ATTN Euphoria 4.0 users/testers

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The new switch syntax has been implemented. The new default is "without fallthru", but can be changed with either "with fallthru" or with a new "fallthru" keyword at the end of a case. Until a new version of the docs are posted, take a look at the source, especially in tests/t_switch.e for examples. Also, the colon is out, and "then" is in. Mulitple cases should be aggregated into a single case statement separated by commas:

    case 1,2,"a" then 

If you build from source, you can't just update to the head and expect everything to work, because the front end uses switches. So you'll need to either wait for eubins to be posted, or follow this upgrade path:

  1. Update to r1631 and build / install
  2. Update to r1634 and build / install

Then you're up to date, as far as switches go, and further updates after that shouldn't be a problem, unless there's some other breaking changes made.


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