Re: switch statement
- Posted by Kat Mar 25, 2009
I like the switch statement, it's already saved me a tangle of if-statements.
I'd like to make a suggestion:
value = {1,2,3} switch value do case 1: -- code, break case (1+1): -- code runs if value = 2, break case (var - 12): -- code , break case (value < 4): -- if all the elements of value are < 4, break case (match("cow,value)): end switch
Basically, if () are encountered, then call eval() to run the expression in the (). Besides, value is somewhat executeable in a sense, i do this in http.e, and it runs fine:
switch sendheader[idx][1] do
And i believe it executes (to dig into sendheader) because nothing is known about sendheader at compile time except it's declared as a sequence.
How to make a select switch:
switch value do case a: break case b: break case c: end switch
Think of it as a new two-word keyword. I did not try it. Depending on the switch parser, it may loose it's footing and crash. Basic Eu doesn't care if "break" is on another or the same line, but i don't know where it sees "case" in the context of the stack of testable conditions. I just think of "break" as Pascal's ; eol tag:
case "GET": tempheader &= sendheader[idx][1] & sendheader[idx][2] & sendheader[idx][3] & " " & httpversion & "\r\n" break -- append the http version