Re: Euphoria 4.0 debugger
- Posted by bernie Mar 23, 2009
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed and I missed it, but can anyone please tell me whether in v4.0 the euphoria debugger has a easier way to view the contents of a string.
In other words instead of seeing this when you type ?URL
URL={104h,116t,116t,112p,58:,47/,47/,111o,112p,101e,110n,101e,117u,112p,104h, 111o,114r,105i,97a,46.,111o,114r,103g}
Perhaps a method by which it would be possible to see this...
URL = ""
Perhaps via another command, e.g. s?URL (string query) or something similar.
No not that I know of.
For your convenience, numbers that are in the range of printable ASCII characters (32-127) are displayed along with the ASCII character itself. The ASCII character will be in a different color (or in quotes in a mono display). This is done for all variables, since Euphoria does not know in general whether you are thinking of a number as an ASCII character or not. You will also see ASCII characters (in quotes) in ex.err. This can make for a rather "busy" display, but the ASCII information is often very useful.
Here is link to 4.0 Manual
Mark you could use the ' ! ' command to dump your program
and look at the ex.err program.
Another thing to do is to insert a sequence variable in
your code and set the sequence variable = to the
sequence you want to look at and use the ' ? ' command to view
the sequence ( which displays in pretty print mode ).