Re: EditBoxes?
- Posted by Andy Mar 02, 2009
ghaberek said...
Here's a demo of what I mentioned earlier. Notice how I create a child Window, Icon, and EditText. Then I made a quick routine to apply the correct styling and another to handle the resize event.
include Win32Lib.ew without warning integer r_Box_onResize procedure makeEditBox( integer box, integer image, integer edit, object icon ) setUserProperty( box, "Image", image ) setUserProperty( box, "Edit", edit ) addStyle( box, {WS_BORDER,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE} ) removeStyle( edit, {WS_BORDER,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE} ) setWindowBackColor( image, getSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) ) setIcon( image, icon ) setHandler( box, w32HResize, r_Box_onResize ) end procedure procedure Box_onResize( integer pSelf, integer pEvent, sequence pParams ) object image, edit sequence rect image = getUserProperty( pSelf, "Image" ) edit = getUserProperty( pSelf, "Edit" ) rect = getClientRect( pSelf ) setRect( image[1], 0, 0, 16, rect[4], w32True ) setRect( edit[1], 16, 0, rect[3]-16, rect[4], w32True ) end procedure r_Box_onResize = routine_id("Box_onResize") constant Main = create( Window, "EditText w/image", 0, Default, Default, 480, 70, 0 ), Box = create( Window, "", Main, 0, 0, 0, 0, {WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE} ), -- mind your styles here Image = create( Icon, "", Box, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), Edit = create( EditText, "", Box, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), Btn = create( Button, "Click", Main, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) makeEditBox( Box, Image, Edit, extractIcon({"pilcrow.ico", 1}) ) procedure Main_onResize( integer pSelf, integer pEvent, sequence pParams ) setRect( Box, 10, 9, {w32Edge,-100}, 22, w32True ) setRect( Btn, {w32AltEdge,-90}, 8, 80, 24, w32True ) end procedure setHandler( Main, w32HResize, routine_id("Main_onResize") ) procedure Btn_onClick( integer pSelf, integer pEvent, sequence pParams ) VOID = message_box( '"' & getText(Edit) & '"', "Text", MB_ICONINFORMATION ) end procedure setHandler( Btn, w32HClick, routine_id("Btn_onClick") ) WinMain( Main, Normal )
Here's the icon I used in the demo: pilcrow.ico
Thanks, I think this will help.