Re: [Win32Lib] wrap Media control?
- Posted by DanM Feb 09, 2009
I haven't looked at EuCOM yet, Matt also mentioned it, my head is still spinning trying to wrap my brain around wxEuphoria.
So I'd be real happy if you were able to figure out how to make Media control usable via Win32Lib
Are you saying you're heading in that direction (hope, hope, hope!)
Here's the wrapped EuCOM file, for those interested (requires EuCOM and Win32Lib): wmp.ew (267 KB)
This is what I have so far (note the "now what" part)...
include Win32Lib.ew include wmp.ew without warning object PATH PATH = getenv("PATH") if sequence( PATH ) then PATH = w32split( PATH, ";" ) VOID = setSearchPaths( PATH ) end if constant icoMedia = extractIcon({ "wmp.dll", 7, 1 }) constant Main = create( Window, "Windows Media Player Demo", 0, Default, Default, 640, 480, 0 ) constant File = create( Menu, "&File", Main, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) constant File_Open = create( MenuItem, "&Open...", File, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) constant File_Sep1 = create( MenuItem, "-", File, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) constant File_Exit = create( MenuItem, "E&xit", File, 0, 0, 0, 0, w32AUTOCLOSE ) constant WMPlayer = create_com_control( WindowsMediaPlayer_clsid_ix, getHandle(Main), 0, 0, 0, 0 ) setIcon( Main, icoMedia ) procedure Main_onResize( integer pSelf, integer pEvent, sequence pParams ) sequence rect rect = getClientRect( pSelf ) move_obj( WMPlayer, rect[1..4] ) end procedure setHandler( Main, w32HResize, routine_id("Main_onResize") ) procedure File_Open_onClick( integer pSelf, integer pEvent, sequence pParams ) sequence filename atom bstr filename = getOpenFileName( Main, "", {"All files (*.*)", "*.*"} ) if length( filename ) = 0 then return end if -- what? end procedure setHandler( File_Open, w32HClick, routine_id("File_Open_onClick") ) WinMain( Main, Normal )
Wow, I never expected this much so soon! I really hate to have to leave for the rest of the day!
I did set up to see what your code + EuCom + your wrap did, and got this error on my system:
in function setSearchPaths()
subscript value 0 is out of bounds, reading from a sequence of length 0
Any obvious cause leap out at anyone?
Dan (regretfully signing off for rest of day)