Re: [wxEuphoria] max size window?
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Feb 09, 2009
ok, how do I specify that a window fills the screen?
I tried:
main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Media Demo", -1,-1,-1,-1, wxMAXIMIZE} ),
main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Media Demo", -1,-1,400,300, wxMAXIMIZE} ),
neither gave expected result.
If I can start out with a full size window, then maybe I'll be able to figure out how to put the Media control etc where I want them.
I probably just gave it a bad size, into which is didn't fit. Not sure if it wants a particular aspect ratio or anything.
It looks like there's a wxTopLevelWindow::Maximize that we haven't wrapped. You could alternatively use show_fullscreen(), which is wrapped. For just figuring stuff out, just put the size as something like 1000 x 800 (or whatever's appropriate for your screen size.