[wxEuphoria] making a "virtual window"
- Posted by DanM Feb 09, 2009
I'm trying to modify the demo "text-on-window" such that ALL the text would be written to a "virtual window" first; that way, the arrow-keys, instead of constantly re-writing portions of text from the read-in file to the window, could make relevant portions of the virtual window be blitted to the real window, so as to have a moving "view-port".
First, I moved the "TextFrame = create( wxFrame..." up higher in the demo (just so I could see it better), which worked ok, and then added "canvasBMP = create( wxBitmap, {BM_IN_MEMORY, ScrnDim[1], ScrnDim[2]})," with the intent to write the text TO that bitmap.
But should I also create a "wxMemoryDC", as in "trans_blit.exw" demo?
And can I CHANGE the virtual window's size via "set_size" after the text file is loaded & length/height can be determined, so it can hold all the text?