Re: [Win32Lib] stretchBlt a virtual window to Printer?
- Posted by DanM Jan 26, 2009
I wrote a module a while back to print lines and boxes and you-name-it. The point is that it gets the printer parameters and uses them to allow me to print in absolute units (mm, cm, inches) without worrying about the printer characteristics. The module is called GrPrint.ew in the contribs, and may well contain some of the information you need. I have done a few additions since then but th eone in contribs contains what you are after. As far as stretchBlt() is concerned, that is fine as long as you know how many pixels to the inch in x & y directions. At least, it is fine from a pixmap and I assume the screen can count as that. I used it to print to a PDF but it failed, so I now stretchBlt to a pixmap and the print that to PDF. Hope this is of some use...
I'll take a look at your GrPrint.ew (it's possible I already have it somewhere, too), but as far as I can see right now, stretchBlt has worked FINE, without apparently needing to know pixels per inch etc. One thing I had to do to make it work was to be careful exactly where I put my call to the print routine, as it apparently needed the VirtScrn to be fully drawn, which makes sense, but what didn't make too much sense (but worked), was to put my call AFTER and NOT before some SCROLL bar adjustment statements. Somehow that's what made sure VirtScrn was finished, I guess/think. Weird.
Here's approx. what I did, much/most lifted from one demo or another:
function InitPrinter() sequence lRect sequence lPrinterDef atom lAspectX atom lAspectY atom lResX atom lResY lPrinterDef = getPrintChoice(1, w32or_all({PD_NOSELECTION,PD_NOPAGENUMS}), 0) if length(lPrinterDef) = 0 then return {} end if lAspectX = w32Func(xGetDeviceCaps, {lPrinterDef[4], HORZSIZE}) lAspectY = w32Func(xGetDeviceCaps, {lPrinterDef[4], VERTSIZE}) lResX = w32Func(xGetDeviceCaps, {lPrinterDef[4], HORZRES}) lResY = w32Func(xGetDeviceCaps, {lPrinterDef[4], VERTRES}) lRect = getClientRect(Printer) -- gets size of printer return {lRect, lAspectX, lAspectY, lResX, lResY} end function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure PrintVirtScrn() -- this should take the VirtScrn & print it? sequence result sequence printerInfo sequence virtSize printerInfo = InitPrinter() --{lRect, lAspectX, lAspectY, lResX, lResY} if length(printerInfo) = 0 then return end if virtSize = getClientRect(VirtScrn) --PRINTER STUFF (printerInfo[1]) --{ left, top, width, height, bottom, right } --{0,0,2976,3876,2975,3875} -- start a new document VOID = startDoc( "This is the Document title, in TitleBar") -- start a new page VOID = startPage() ------************************************** --yPosAfterEACHbox -- need to use this to make new page(s) when necessary -- probably need a loop, a test for if too long to fit page, and an EXIT ------************************************** --stretchBlt ( dst, dstX, dstY, dstWide, dstHigh, -- src, srcX, srcY, srcWide, srcHigh, rop ) -- dst: Image destination Printer -- dstX: X position in destination 1 -- dstY: Y position in destination 1 -- dstWide: Width of resulting image printerInfo[1][3] -- dstHigh: Height of resulting image printerInfo[1][4] -- src: Image source VirtScrn -- srcX: X position in source 1 -- srcY: Y position in source 1 -- srcWide: Width of image to copy virtSize[3] -- srcHigh: Height of image to copy virtSize[4] -- rop: Raster opeartion (ROP) code to apply SrcCopy -- SrcCopy : dest = source -- and the following, now, is all it takes to print my virtual screen! stretchBlt ( Printer, 1, 1, printerInfo[1][3], printerInfo[1][4], VirtScrn, 1, 1, virtSize[3], virtSize[4], SrcCopy ) -- close the page VOID = endPage() -- close the document VOID = endDoc() -- release the printer releasePrinter() end procedure