Re: How to write graphics to MS Windows clipboard

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I made a mini library, it's not tested and allows you to only paste DIB and

-- File: clipboard.ew
include dll.e
include msgbox.e

    -- Borrowed from win32lib (file w32user.ew)
    user32 = open_dll("user32.dll"),
cOpenClipboard      =
    cCloseClipboard     = define_c_func(user32,"CloseClipboard",{},C_INT),
    cEmptyClipboard     = define_c_func(user32,"EmptyClipboard",{},C_INT),
cSetClipboardData   =
    -- End borrow

atom IsClipboardOpen -- Clipboard handle

-- window must be a valid handle to a window, from win32lib, use getHWND(window)
to get the real window handle
-- hDIB must be a handle to a dib, as a example, the value returned by createDIB
or loadBitmapFromFile in win32lib
global procedure ClipboardPasteDIB(atom window, atom hDIB)
	IsClipboardOpen = c_func(cOpenClipboard, {window})

	if not IsClipboardOpen then
if message_box("Failed to open clipboard.","Error",MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK) then
end if
	end if
	if c_func(cEmptyClipboard,{}) then end if
	if c_func(cSetClipboardData,{CF_DIB,hDIB}) != hDIB then
		if c_func(cSetClipboardData,{CF_BITMAP,hDIB}) != hDIB then
if message_box("Failed to paste DIB in
clipboard.","Error",MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK) then end if
		end if
	end if
	if c_func(cCloseClipboard,{}) then end if
end procedure

-- File: test.exw
include win32lib.ew
include clipboard.ew

constant win = create( Window, "Test Clipboard", 0, Default, Default, 400, 400,
0 ),
	btn = create(PushButton, "Copy to clipboard", win, 1, 1, 40, 30, 0)

atom hBit
hBit = loadBitmapFromFile("test.bmp")}
-- Code borrowed from a win32lib example
          -- create a bitmap, and display it
          atom hBitmap
          sequence pixels, pal

          -- the pixels data
          pixels = {
              { 0,0,0,0 },        -- scan line 1
              { 0,1,1,0 },        -- scan line 2
              { 0,1,1,0 },        -- scan line 3
              { 0,0,0,0 } }       -- scan line 4

          -- the pal data (color tuples)
          pal = {
                { 255, 0, 0 },    -- color 0 is bright red
                { 0, 0, 255 } }   -- color 1 is bright blue

          -- create the DIB
          hBitmap = createDIB( {pal, pixels} )
-- End borrow

procedure onClickbtn(integer s, integer e, sequence p)
-- ClipboardPasteDIB(getHWND(win),hBit) -- Create a test.bmp file to
        test this
end procedure


Any suggestions, questions, just do it :)

Best regards,
    Guillermo Bonvehi

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