Re: question about liballeg.a

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bernie said...

/dev/mice and /dev/psaux are supported not only by /usr/bin/X (i.e. the X server accessing your video card directly thru the ioports and/or DRM kernel driver) but also by Xfbdev, the implementation of X11 on top of fbdev.

GPM works (or used to work) by opening /dev/psaux (or whatever device pointed to the mouse) in a daemon process and then allowed client applications to get mouse events by reading a fifo named /dev/gpmctl.

What I think you are forgeting is those are all compiled dlls or compiled
programs or special fbdev's ; not euphoria code.


This comment makes no sense in regard to /dev/psaux or /dev/mice. Those are just regular device files, so in theory you can use getc() and puts() to control them. (For the cases where you can not, you may need to wrap C code to handle ioctl() and read()/write() or write assembly code to make the syscalls into the linux kernel directly.)

For X11, GTK, etc... this is true in that you need to wrap the compiled dlls and call C code from Eu. However, Irv Mullins has already wrapped the minimum you should need to use GTK, so you can just use his euphoria code to make the graphics functions work on linux/X11.

(Technically, you can do X11 programming entirely in euphoria just using socket calls, by working at the X11 network protocol level, and remove Xlib out of the picture entirely.)

bernie said...

When you are using the frame-buffer the X11 server is shutdown.

I assume you mean that having an X11 server running won't help you access the mouse in a framebuffer program. While you can in fact have both running at the same time, you can use only one at a time, so controling the mouse from the X server would be greatly impractial here.

If I assume correctly, then you are right. However, direct access to /dev/psaux or /dev/mice should work for a framebuffer app.

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