Re: ver 4.0 docs
- Posted by jcmarsh Aug 31, 2008
the change from [123] to _123_ in the name= links, alas, does not make the autogenerated toc in htmlhelp any better.
What's the problem? Something I can do in creole?
in the 0013.html
links after " for statement" are unresolved
exit statement break statement continue statement retry statement "2.5.9 Labelled headers" too
somewhere in the past 10 svn revisions.
I'm not getting this. All these are resolved on my system.
probably unrelated also in refman_2.txt
loop do label "GONEXT" should be loop label "GONEXT" do
Ok, that I can fix.
Can you please add this change to your next update of creole:
creolehtml.ex line 276 of 836
kan:setValue(lData, "thistext", lThisText) -- jcmarsh
This will add the ability to reference the text name of the current page from the template files. It helps to have the current page name in the title HTML tag when compiling as a CHM. I can then add this to my template:
And always have a unique title.
On another note, I have created an alpha version of htm2chm.ew which will generate toc.hhc and Index.hhk from the creolehtml.ex output. I will post it to my website. It will be part of the
Oh, and by the way, great work for putting together the eudocs and creole!