Re: Debugging "A machine-level exception"
- Posted by gbonvehi Aug 21, 2008
Sorry about the badly formatted message.
Regarding the second error again, here's some code that will help you debug that one.
According to the documentation, OleCreateFontIndirect returns E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, E_NOINTERFACE and E_POINTER errors.
Eucom has routines to check for errors, they're just not used there, until now :)
On eucom.ew, quick_activate function add below the line:
ok = c_func( OleCreateFontIndirect, { pfont, riid, ppvIFont } )
This code:
if is_error(ok) then com_err_out(1) -- Print the error on console com_error(ok) -- Display the error on console while get_key() = -1 do -- Wait for key press end while ?1/0 -- Crash end if