Re: WinClass question for Al
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at> Nov 29, 2005
don cole wrote: > > > How do you minimize a window with WinClass.ew? > > Don Cole > A Bug is an un-documented feature. > A Feature is a documented Bug. Hi there Don, I've never needed to do this, but i guess it would be: object void void=ShowWindow(GetHandle(WindowID),SW_MINIMIZE) which is using "ShowWindow" to change the show state of the window. In that function call: 'GetHandle' is used to get the actual window handle from the window id, (where the window id is returned from the Create call) and the possible values to use as second param (SW_MINIMIZE shown above) are: Value /Meaning SW_HIDE /Hides the window and activates another window. SW_MAXIMIZE /Maximizes the specified window. SW_MINIMIZE /Minimizes the specified window and activates the next /top-level window in the Z order. SW_RESTORE /Activates and displays the window. If the window is /minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size /and position. An application should specify this flag when /restoring a minimized window. SW_SHOW /Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. SW_SHOWDEFAULT /Sets the show state based on the SW_ flag specified in /the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess /function by the program that started the application. /An application should call ShowWindow with this flag to /set the initial show state of its main window. SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED /Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. SW_SHOWMINIMIZED /Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window. SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE /Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains /active. SW_SHOWNA /Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains /active. SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE /Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active /window remains active. SW_SHOWNORMAL /Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, /Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application /should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time. Take care, Al And, good luck with your Euphoria programming! My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"