1. Menu's in WIN
- Posted by Euman <euman at bellsouth.net> Apr 21, 2001
Hello all, I hope someone might tell me how I would get a pointer to "Show Time" (CHECKED below) so I could uncheck the item. I am useing Jacques Dechenes winmenu.ew for menu creation. hmenu = CreateMenu( { MF_POPUP, "&Commands", { MF_POPUP, "&Dialogs", { MF_STRING, "Open", File_Open, MF_STRING, "Print", File_Print, MF_STRING, "Save", File_Save }, MF_POPUP + MF_CHECKED, "Show Time", { MF_STRING, "&12 Hour \tF3", File_Open, MF_STRING, "24 Hour \tF4", File_Print }, Here is where I am at the moment for some reason I thought this would work: hmenu = GetMenu(hwnd) hsubmenu = GetSubMenu(GetSubMenu(hmenu, 1), 2) UncheckMenuItem(hmenu, hsubmenu) Euman