1. windoze error codes

Hi all, another net problem here. What are the error code meanings?, like 
12029 is what in english? I can't correct an error 12029, and i have no idea 
why the url cannot be contacted. What do these codes mean? I looked at 
http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/networking/wininet/wininet.asp and got 


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2. Re: windoze error codes


Searching NorthernLight  for error 12029 ...

http://abiglime.com/webmaster/boards/frontpage/posts/586.htm says it's a
"12029 - Could not connect to the site"

At http://www.rtr.com/fpdiscussion/_cusudi/00000428.htm "When I close this
window, the explorer returns error 12029 indicating that it is unable to
publish to the subweb path using WebPost."

According to http://www.mersenne.org/ips/FAQ.html#error12029:

What does PrimeNet error 12029 mean?

Can't find PrimeNet server. If you are using PrimeNet for the first time
through a proxy server or firewall, check your web browser settings for the
proxy address and port number, and make sure the primenet.ini file settings
match this.  Most often the 'http://' part of the ProxyHost URL is omitted,
or the port # is wrong, or the wrong proxy server is named.

Now, http://www.aspupload.com/xupload/xmanual.htm:

Error: 12029
Meaning: "Cannot connect."
Solution: Make sure the Server and Script parameters are correct and the
network connection is functioning.

And http://www.installshield.com/client/trouble/ says:

Q: What should I do if I receive the error "12029 - Could not connect to the

Internet message 12029 displays when the installation site is found, but a
connection could not be made.
If you receive this error, it is most likely due to Internet traffic or a
bad connection. Please retry installing again.
If you consistently receive this error, it is possible that there is "noise"
on your Internet Service Provider's line.

And it goes on ... and on ...

Hope it helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kat" <gertie at PELL.NET>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: windoze error codes

> >
> >
> Hi all, another net problem here. What are the error code meanings?, like
> 12029 is what in english? I can't correct an error 12029, and i have no
> why the url cannot be contacted. What do these codes mean? I looked at
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/networking/wininet/wininet.asp and got
> nowhere.
> Kat
> >
> >


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3. Re: windoze error codes

On 19 Apr 2001, at 0:32, Gerardo wrote:

> Kat,
> Searching NorthernLight  for error 12029 ...

Problem with most of those search engines, like the ones i used and
NothernLight, is
that you might get the one error code, but you don't get the list of the other
error codes. I finally found what i was looking for, after several emails and 3
hrs of
online power searching, two all-encompasing error index pages:


The last one is linked from a MS page that says i must have scripting on:

You must have scripting enabled in order to view this site. Please modify your 
browser's settings accordingly. Frame:"msnav.asp"

Obviously, i did NOT need scripting to get data, sheesh.

WIN Wrapper for WinInet.dll 334K Fabio Ramirez Apr 16/01   
A library that provides easy use of FTP and HTTP functions supported by
Has some of the error codes in an impressive http/ftp wrapper.

Thanks to Gerardo and Wolf for pointers and data.


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4. Re: windoze error codes

Ok, another problem i am having... If i get *one* timeout error, i get 
cannot_connect errors and never again make connection. If i restart the 
program, i may or may not get a connection. Trying to get to the url with EI 
may or may not reach it. The urls are good, they have been reached before in 
both Eu and in IE. The urls are of the form:


After one timeout error, Eu ran for hours with cannot_connect errors untill i 
woke up and stopped it from running. I have it programmed to wait 60 
seconds between connect attempts.

Any ideas as to why the errors?


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5. Re: windoze error codes

On 19 Apr 2001, at 13:21, Kat wrote:

> Ok, another problem i am having... If i get *one* timeout error, i get 
> cannot_connect errors and never again make connection. If i restart the 
> program, i may or may not get a connection. Trying to get to the url with EI
> may
> or may not reach it. The urls are good, they have been reached before in both
> Eu
> and in IE. The urls are of the form:
> http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTran?from=eng&to=spa&type=text&action
> =Translate&text=WordToTranslate
> After one timeout error, Eu ran for hours with cannot_connect errors untill i
> woke up and stopped it from running. I have it programmed to wait 60 seconds
> between connect attempts.
> Any ideas as to why the errors?
> Kat

Changing the time-to-retry to 300 seconds doesn't help, after one timeout 
error from windoze, i get only cannot-connect errors. IE gets the page, why 
won't Eu?


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6. Re: windoze error codes


Beats me. I'd try

a) Another browser, see if it can connect. I tried it on IE
(5.50.4134.0600IC, Spanish version -probably LA) and it worked ok. Also with
Netscape 4.74. Nothing unusual in the page source/info, either. Nice page,
bet it should work with Amaya, even.

b) Have your program restart itself.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kat" <gertie at PELL.NET>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: windoze error codes

> On 19 Apr 2001, at 13:21, Kat wrote:
> >
> >
> > Ok, another problem i am having... If i get *one* timeout error, i get
> > cannot_connect errors and never again make connection. If i restart the
> > program, i may or may not get a connection. Trying to get to the url
with EI may
> > or may not reach it. The urls are good, they have been reached before in
both Eu
> > and in IE. The urls are of the form:
> >
> > http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTran?from=eng&to=spa&type=text&action
> > =Translate&text=WordToTranslate
> >
> > After one timeout error, Eu ran for hours with cannot_connect errors
untill i
> > woke up and stopped it from running. I have it programmed to wait 60
> > between connect attempts.
> >
> > Any ideas as to why the errors?
> >
> > Kat
> Changing the time-to-retry to 300 seconds doesn't help, after one timeout
> error from windoze, i get only cannot-connect errors. IE gets the page,
> won't Eu?
> Kat

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7. Re: windoze error codes

On 20 Apr 2001, at 0:34, Gerardo wrote:

> Kat,
> Beats me. I'd try
> a) Another browser, see if it can connect. I tried it on IE
> (5.50.4134.0600IC, Spanish version -probably LA) and it worked ok. Also with
> Netscape 4.74. Nothing unusual in the page source/info, either. Nice page, bet
> it should work with Amaya, even.

The browser works fine, it's the Eu code that is the problem.

> b) Have your program restart itself.

That's a awful way to run a program.... interface it to mirc, and if Eu returns 
an error, have mirc kill it and restart it. <sigh> Or, since mirc has a nice
have it do the internet stuff for Eu too.


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8. Re: windoze error codes


I don't know about mirc, have never programmed irc, but -what about a
'mother' program that spawned a 'daughter' who'd try to establish
connection, kill it and respawn it until it connects, then transfer control
to daughter. Would this be possible?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kat" <gertie at PELL.NET>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: windoze error codes

> On 20 Apr 2001, at 0:34, Gerardo wrote:
> > Kat,
> >
> > Beats me. I'd try
> >
> > a) Another browser, see if it can connect. I tried it on IE
> > (5.50.4134.0600IC, Spanish version -probably LA) and it worked ok. Also
> > Netscape 4.74. Nothing unusual in the page source/info, either. Nice
page, bet
> > it should work with Amaya, even.
> The browser works fine, it's the Eu code that is the problem.
> > b) Have your program restart itself.
> That's a awful way to run a program.... interface it to mirc, and if Eu
> an error, have mirc kill it and restart it. <sigh> Or, since mirc has a
nice gui,
> have it do the internet stuff for Eu too.
> Kat


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9. Re: windoze error codes

On 21 Apr 2001, at 1:46, Gerardo wrote:

> Kat,
> I don't know about mirc, have never programmed irc, but -what about a
> 'mother' program that spawned a 'daughter' who'd try to establish
> connection, kill it and respawn it until it connects, then transfer control to
> daughter. Would this be possible?

Yes, Tiggr does this with other Eu code now. I expect Eu could do it to 
another Eu program easily enough. Right now, i am trying Fabio Ramirez's 
latest (written just hours ago) code/interface to his EInetLib_full.ew. So far, 
so good.... 


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