1. Table Of C and C++ Operators
- Posted by Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com> Apr 16, 2001
Lets try this again... Since Topica's line reading mistakes all ">>" instances as a quote from a previous post, some of the operators in the last post got mangled up. Here, i have enclosed all the operators in double quotes. Lets see if that works! C Operators (C++ operators follow) There are three types of operators. A unary expression consists of either a unary operator prepended to an operand, or the sizeof keyword followed by an expression. The expression can be either the name of a variable or a cast expression. If the expression is a cast expression, it must be enclosed in parentheses. A binary expression consists of two operands joined by a binary operator. A ternary expression consists of three operands joined by the conditional-expression operator. C includes the following unary operators: "–" "~" "!" Negation and complement operators "*" "&" Indirection and address-of operators "sizeof" Size operator "+" Unary plus operator "++" "––" Unary increment and decrement operators Binary operators associate from left to right. C provides the following binary operators: "*" "/" "%" Multiplicative operators "+" "–" Additive operators "<<" ">>" Shift operators "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "==" "!=" Relational operators "&" "|" "^" Bitwise operators "&&" "||" Logical operators "," Sequential-evaluation operator The conditional-expression operator has lower precedence than binary expressions and differs from them in being right associative. Expressions with operators also include assignment expressions, which use unary or binary assignment operators. The unary assignment operators are the increment (++) and decrement (––) operators; the binary assignment operators are the simple-assignment operator (=) and the compound-assignment operators. Each compound-assignment operator is a combination of another binary operator with the simple-assignment C++ Operators Operators specify an evaluation to be performed on one of the following: One operand (unary operator) Two operands (binary operator) Three operands (ternary operator) The C++ language includes all C operators and adds several new operators. There might be other special operators available in your C++ version. It's also possible that your particular version doesnt have some of these operators. C++ Operator Precedence and Associativity Operators follow a strict precedence which defines the evaluation order of expressions containing these operators. Operators associate with either the expression on their left or the expression on their right; this is called "associativity". Operators in the same group have equal precedence and are evaluated left to right in an expression unless explicitly forced by a pair of parentheses, ( ). This shows the precedence and associativity of C++ operators (from highest to lowest precedence). "Operator" Name or Meaning, Associativity "::" Scope resolution, None "::" Global, None "[ ]" Array subscript, Left to right "( )" Function call, Left to right "( )" Conversion, None "." Member selection (object), Left to right "–>" Member selection (pointer), Left to right "++" Postfix increment, None "––" Postfix decrement, None "new" Allocate object, None "delete" Deallocate object, None "delete[ ]" Deallocate object, None "++" Prefix increment, None "––" Prefix decrement, None "*" Dereference, None "&" Address-of, None "+" Unary plus, None "–" Arithmetic negation (unary), None "!" Logical NOT, None "~" Bitwise complement, None "sizeof" Size of object, None "sizeof ( )" Size of type, None "typeid( )" type name, None "(type)" Type cast (conversion), Right to left "const_cast" Type cast (conversion), None "dynamic_cast" Type cast (conversion), None "reinterpret_cast" Type cast (conversion), None "static_cast" Type cast (conversion), None ".*" Apply pointer to class member (objects), Left to right "–>*" Dereference pointer to class member, Left to right "*" Multiplication, Left to right "/" Division, Left to right "%" Remainder (modulus), Left to right "+" Addition, Left to right "–" Subtraction, Left to right "<<" Left shift, Left to right ">>" Right shift, Left to right "<" Less than, Left to right ">" Greater than, Left to right "<=" Less than or equal to, Left to right ">=" Greater than or equal to, Left to right "==" Equality, Left to right "!=" Inequality, Left to right "&" Bitwise AND, Left to right "^" Bitwise exclusive OR, Left to right "|" Bitwise OR, Left to right "&&" Logical AND, Left to right "||" Logical OR, Left to right "e1?e2:e3" Conditional, Right to left "=" Assignment, Right to left "*=" Multiplication assignment, Right to left "/=" Division assignment, Right to left "%=" Modulus assignment, Right to left "+=" Addition assignment, Right to left "–=" Subtraction assignment, Right to left "<<=" Left-shift assignment, Right to left ">>=" Right-shift assignment, Right to left "&=" Bitwise AND assignment, Right to left "|=" Bitwise inclusive OR assignment, Right to left "^=" Bitwise exclusive OR assignment, Right to left "," Comma, Left to right