1. help?
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Apr 14, 2001
Ok, i may have localized the error, but i have no idea why this error is happening now, because it's never happened before. Safe.e isn't the returning an error, it's happening in a modified WebShepard (in archives). Pretty much the only thing i have done is make it accept urls from another socket and send the page back thru that socket. At the trace(1) line below, i hit shift! to get the ex.err. url = allocate_string(urltext) canurl = allocate(200) canurlLengthAddress = allocate(4) while not c_func(InternetCanonicalizeUrl,{url,canurl,canurlLengthAddress,0}) do errorCode = c_func(GetLastError,{}) if errorCode = 122 then elsif errorCode = 12005 then elsif errorCode = 87 then trace(1) error_message("A parameter in the canonicalize URL function is bad.") InternetCanonicalizeUrl = 195 url = 6979144 canurl = 6979288 canurlLengthAddress = 8126944 What i don't understand is i never got *this* error until i started using safe.e in place of machine.e. What is the error? Kat