1. trivial prints()...

Hi all!

the codes below is the one used in my simple text-mode user interface
program, instead of puts(1,s). as you will see, the code is small and
very trivial one, however, i felt this is a little handy.
i hope someone find this useful to him...
i will happy if anyone would make this routine better...

from Lee woo seob...
---------------------------- codes start here ---------------------------
global sequence bt
    bt={0,7} -- set background and text color
procedure prints(integer r, integer c, integer k, object s)
-- screen print procedure
-- when s is a string sequence:
-- if k=0, string will be written as left-justified
-- if k=1, string will be written as right-justified
-- if k>1, string will be written as centered text between the spaces
-- from column "c" to "k" on the row of "r".
-- when s is a integer(atom):
-- the screen part from column "c" to "k" on the row of r will be erased.
    sequence a
    integer ls
    if sequence(s) then
        for i=1 to ls do a[i*2-1]=s[i] end for
        if k=0 then
        elsif k=1 then c=c-ls+1
        else c=c+floor((k-c+1-ls)/2)
        end if
        for i=1 to k-c+1 do a[i*2-1]=32 end for
    end if
end procedure
-------------------------- codes end here -----------------------

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2. Re: trivial prints()...

>the codes below is the one used in my simple text-mode user interface
>program, instead of puts(1,s). as you will see, the code is small and
>very trivial one, however, i felt this is a little handy.
>i hope someone find this useful to him...
>i will happy if anyone would make this routine better...
>from Lee woo seob...

I have a routine, display(), that works similar except:
It doesn't use the <>'s
Color codes are done like BBS text door game color codes (eg `5 for
magenta, color 5. `! for bright cyan, or 11.)
Background colors use a tilid. (~4 for brown)
(Sorry, no support for bright background colors, like the Text/GUI does!)
use `` or ~~ to display a ` or ~.
All % codes are supported, plus a %c for my add_commas() routine.
Calls printf() to display the % codes. (And still supports full
just use:
display("Here is your change:\n$%7.2c", {34.1})
to display

Here is your change:
$   34.10

or if you used 1330

Here is your change:

Here it is: (Just pop them into some .e file, comments appreciated.)

global function add_commas(atom number, sequence field)
-- Adds commas to numbers to make them more readable
sequence revised, space
atom float, modify
space = ""
modify = 1
revised = sprintf("%" & field & "f", {number})
while modify <= length(revised) do
    if revised[modify] = ' ' then
        space = space & ' '
        revised = revised[modify+1..length(revised)]
        modify = modify - 1
    end if
    modify = modify + 1
end while
float = find('.', revised)
if float then
    for j = (float-4) to 1 by -3 do
        revised = revised[1..j] & ',' & revised[j+1..length(revised)]
        if length(space) then space = space[1..length(space)-1] end if
    end for
    if length(revised) > 3 then
        for j = (length(revised)-3) to 1 by -3 do
            revised = revised[1..j] & ',' & revised[j+1..length(revised)]
            if length(space) then space = space[1..length(space)-1] end
        end for
    end if
end if
return(space & revised)
end function

global procedure display(sequence text, sequence vars)
-- Allows color codes embeded into the text.
-- Use ` for foreground (Use SHIFT number for above ten. (`@ = 12
-- (@ is SHIFT 2)) `) = 10. (SHIFT will add 10 to the number...)
-- Use ~ for background. (Sorry, only 0-7 work. 8-15 won't work the same,
-- but if you know how to use 'high' background colors, you can fix it.
-- 8-15 will display the 'low' version. (8 = black (0), 9 = blue (1),

integer color_code
integer curr_var
curr_var = 1
color_code = 0
    if length(text) < 1 then
    end if
    for i = 1 to length(text) do
        if color_code > 0 then
            color_code = color_code -1
        end if
        if text[i] = '~' and color_code = 0 and i < length(text) then
            color_code = 2
            if text[i+1] >= '0' and text[i+1] <= '7' then
                bk_color(text[i+1] - 48)
            elsif text[i+1]='~' then puts(1, '~')
            end if
        end if
        if text[i] = '`' and color_code = 0 and i < length(text) then
            color_code = 2
            if text[i+1] >= '0' and text[i+1] <= '9' then
                text_color(text[i+1] - 48)
            elsif text[i+1]=')' then text_color(10)
            elsif text[i+1]='!' then text_color(11)
            elsif text[i+1]='@' then text_color(12)
            elsif text[i+1]='#' then text_color(13)
            elsif text[i+1]='$' then text_color(14)
            elsif text[i+1]='%' then text_color(15)
            elsif text[i+1]='`' then puts(1, '`')
            end if
        end if
        if text[i] = '%' and color_code = 0 and i < length(text) then
            for j = i+1 to length(text) do
                if find(text[j], "dxosefgc%") then
                    if text[j] = 'c' then
                        puts(1, add_commas(vars[curr_var],
                        printf(1, text[i..j], {vars[curr_var]})
                    end if
                    curr_var = curr_var + 1
                    color_code = j-i+1
                end if
            end for
        end if
        if color_code = 0 then
            puts(1, text[i])
        end if
    end for
end procedure

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