1. help me... pcspeak.zip...

Hi all!

I just downloaded "pcspeak.zip" from Euphoria Home page...

the sound effect is good... however, there is a minor problem.

When the demo program of "test.ex" of pcspeak.zip runs in my computer,
the "selection menu screen" does not be displayed well. In my monitor,
the ascii no. 10 character (linefeed) *are* displayed, and the menu screen
is all messed up.

How can i cure this ? i use DOS 6.2.

Bye! -- from Lee, wooseob.

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2. Re: help me... pcspeak.zip...

At 02:22 PM 10/13/97 +0900, Lee woo seob wrote:
>Hi all!
>I just downloaded "pcspeak.zip" from Euphoria Home page...
>the sound effect is good... however, there is a minor problem.
>When the demo program of "test.ex" of pcspeak.zip runs in my computer,
>the "selection menu screen" does not be displayed well. In my monitor,
>the ascii no. 10 character (linefeed) *are* displayed, and the menu screen
>is all messed up.
>How can i cure this ? i use DOS 6.2.
>Bye! -- from Lee, wooseob.

        Sloppy Fix: Take out all the '\n' characters at the end of the puts()
lines, then put locate() statements before each puts() to line up the menu
lines correctly.  Brutal and ugly, but it should work.  Or extend the
strings out with spaces to make them wrap to the next line naturally.

        As to why your computer  would do that, I don't know.  As far as I
remember, the statements were straightforward puts(1,"text" & '\n') type
things.  Now that I look back at it, I can't remember why I put the '\n'
separate from the main string, but it shouldn't make any difference.

        There is one possibility.  The pcspeak.e file has the statement
tick_rate(500) in it, to get the necessary resolution for some of the sound
effects.  High tick rates can cause very strange errors on some machines,
so you might try commenting that statement out to see if it works properly
that way.  Of course, if you do that, not all of the sound effects will
work then.

If the tick_rate() statement turns out to be the problem, you may have
write your own timing setup that doesn't use high clock rates (which I
should have done in the first place).  If I recall correctly, the langwar
demo that comes with Euphoria has an example in it of how to approximate
fine resolutions without changing anything.

        An alternative, if tick_rate() is indeed the problem, would be to leave
tick_rate() in and qradually step it up/down until you find a setting that
lets at least most of the sound effects work properly without causing such
strange behavior as you have described.

Craig Gilbert
cgilbert at cennet.mc.peachnet.edu
"Positing infinity, the rest is easy."
-- Roger Zelazny, in 'Creatures of Light and Darkness'

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