1. windows beeping
- Posted by George Walters <gwalters at sc?r?.com> Oct 31, 2007
Can someone remind me why windows beeps when I hit a cariage return. I'm using win32 and can't find why. I've scattered returnValue(-1) all over the place but it's still mad and beeps. I know I've done something wrong but basically don't know what makes it beep. I trapping w32HKeyDown to do some things when the carriage/enter key is pressed.
2. Re: windows beeping
- Posted by Andy Drummond <andy at k?streltele.co?> Oct 31, 2007
George Walters wrote: > > > Can someone remind me why windows beeps when I hit a cariage return. I'm using > win32 and can't find why. I've scattered returnValue(-1) all over the place > but it's still mad and beeps. I know I've done something wrong but basically > don't know what makes it beep. I trapping w32HKeyDown to do some things when > the carriage/enter key is pressed. Yes, I'd be glad of an answer too. I trap w32HKeyPress too and every key beeps. I also have used returnValue(-1) or (0) and nothing seems to stop the beeps. AndyD