1. hard drive serial numbers


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2. hard drive serial numbers

I've been using a contributed routine to read hard drive serial numbers. They
all have actually been numbers up to now. Apparently this dell laptop with
Vista is reporting a serial number which is a mixture of alpha and numbers. 
Does anyone have any knowledge about this. Is this one computer dorked up 
or is this generally the case?

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3. Re: hard drive serial numbers

George Walters wrote:
> I've been using a contributed routine to read hard drive serial numbers. They
> all have actually been numbers up to now. Apparently this dell laptop with
> Vista is reporting a serial number which is a mixture of alpha and numbers.
> Does anyone have any knowledge about this. Is this one computer dorked up 
> or is this generally the case?

Depends what you mean. 14E9-420A is just a 32-bit number expressed in hex,
and I got that from running dir in a dos prompt. If I done my maths right
((6/16)*8), 3 out of 4 serial nos have a letter A-F somewhere. If you've seen
lots of serial nos which are only 0..9, that is a bit spooky.


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4. Re: hard drive serial numbers

Actually, Pete the user contriution which I'm using gets the serial number
and returns to me an atom. I'm getting a type mismatch when using it with
this computer. Hopefully there gonna send me the computer so I can investigate
the problem further.

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5. Re: hard drive serial numbers

Is there a function (for example in Win32Lib) to fetch this serial no?

Kenneth / ZNorQ

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6. Re: hard drive serial numbers

I don't know. I downloaded one from the archives. It's name is serialize.e
I can't remember who wrote it. I can email it to you if you can't find it.

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7. Re: hard drive serial numbers

Here's what I use for a Win32 app:

--include dll.e
--include machine.e
--include get.e

   kernel32 = open_dll( "kernel32.dll" ),
   xGetVolumeInfo = define_c_func( kernel32, "GetVolumeInformationA",

global function get_drive(sequence s)
integer i
	s = reverse( s )
	i = match( "\\", s )
	if i > 0 then
		s = s[i..$]
	end if
	s = reverse( s )
	return s
end function

global function getVolSerial( object root_dir )
-- Input: A string that contains the root directory of the volume to be
--        A trailing backslash is required. For example, you would specify
--        \\MyServer\MyShare as "\\\\MyServer\\MyShare\\", or the C drive as
-- Output: Volume Serial Number

   atom rootPathName, volSerNum
   sequence ret_val

	if atom(root_dir) then
		root_dir = root_dir & ":\\"
	end if
   rootPathName    = allocate_string( root_dir )
   volSerNum       = allocate( 4 )

   if not c_func( xGetVolumeInfo, { rootPathName, NULL, NULL, volSerNum,
				   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } ) then
      --puts( 1, "\n**xGetVolumeInfo failed in function getVolSerial**\n" )
      --puts(1, root_dir)
   end if

   ret_val = { peek4u( volSerNum ) }
   free( rootPathName )
   free( volSerNum )
   return ret_val
end function

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8. Re: hard drive serial numbers

That's the one. Has worked fine for me.

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