1. Another Puzzle

/me is good at finding (or falling over, more like) bind bugs

The following Script Works when Interpreted, but not when compiled...
I get Win32Lib error code 461, Failed to aquire a hWnd

The Main Script :
--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v0.17.0

without warning
include OE-POST.EW
include compress.e
include Win32lib.ew
include Urzwin32Inc.ew
include b_Urzinclude.e

constant BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
-- This is hack'n'slash from COMPRESS.EX the compresso example
integer inp, finp, fout, stream, abufferlen
sequence abuffer
sequence out
procedure do_compress (sequence inpfile,sequence outfile)

     -- open the files; report error if cannot open
     finp = open (inpfile, "rb")
     if (finp = -1) then
         fatal_error(inpfile&" cannot be opened!")
     end if
     fout = open (outfile, "wb")
     if (fout = -1) then
         fatal_error(inpfile&" cannot be opened for writing!")
     end if

     -- setup the compression stream
     stream = open_compress_stream ()

     -- actually move the data
     abuffer = get_bytes (finp, BUFFER_SIZE)
     while (length (abuffer) >= BUFFER_SIZE) do
         out = compress (stream, abuffer)
         puts (fout, out)
         abuffer = get_bytes (finp, BUFFER_SIZE)
     end while
     out = compress (stream, abuffer)
     puts (fout, out)

     -- we're done, so clean up...
     out = close_compress_stream (stream)
     puts (fout, out)
     close (finp)
     close (fout)
end procedure

procedure do_decompress(sequence inpfile, sequence outfile)

     finp = open (inpfile, "rb")
     if (finp = -1) then
         fatal_error(inpfile&" cannot be opened!")
     end if
     fout = open (outfile, "wb")
     if (fout = -1) then
         fatal_error(inpfile&" cannot be opened for writing!")
     end if

     -- setup the decompression stream
     stream = open_decompress_stream ()

     -- actually move the data
     abuffer = get_bytes (finp, BUFFER_SIZE)
     while (length (abuffer) >= BUFFER_SIZE) do
         out = decompress (stream, abuffer)
         puts (fout, out)
         abuffer = get_bytes (finp, BUFFER_SIZE)
     end while
     out = decompress (stream, abuffer)
     puts (fout, out)

     -- we're done, so clean up...
     out = close_decompress_stream (stream)
     puts (fout, out)
     close (finp)
     close (fout)

end procedure

object direc
object foobar
sequence calanderevents
atom filehandle
sequence dadate
atom repeatdays
     repeatdays = 0
atom repeatcheck
repeatcheck = FALSE
sequence Inf_Repeatlookup
     Inf_Repeatlookup = {{"No 
     direc = dir(mydir() & "calender.cal")
     if sequence(direc) then
         filehandle = open("temp.tmp","r")
         calanderevents = get(filehandle)
         calanderevents = calanderevents[2]
         calanderevents = {{{2,8,2003},"TESTEVENT","TEST COMMENT","TEST 
     end if
-- calanderevents = {{dadate,Eventname,Comemnts,Start/Fin time,Who,atom 
repeatdate},{dadate,Eventname,Comemnts,Start/Fin time,Who,atom repeatdate}}
function repeat_applies(sequence event)
sequence startdate
sequence datecomparereturn
             if length(event) > 5 and event[6] != 0 then
                 startdate = event[1]
                 datecomparereturn = Date_Compare(startdate,dadate)
		if compare(datecomparereturn,"SAME") = 0 then
			return TRUE
                 end if
                 while compare(datecomparereturn,"BEFORE") = 0 do
                     startdate = 
                     datecomparereturn = Date_Compare(startdate,dadate)
                     if compare(datecomparereturn,"SAME") = 0 then
			return TRUE
                     end if
                 end while
		-- we have made it after the date without hitting the date
		return FALSE
             end if
end function
--  Window Window1
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Little Black Calender, By 
Urzumph", 0, Default, Default,
                              416, 529, 0, 0 )
send2dump("It Worked.... yay")
constant MonthCalendar2 = createEx( MonthCalendar, "MonthCalendar2", 
Window1, 32, 20, 250, 200,
                                     0, 0 )
object EditText3
     EditText3 = createEx( EditText, "", Window1, 32, 248, 272, 28, 0, 
object EditText4
     EditText4 = createEx( MleText, "", Window1, 32, 300, 272, 56, 0, 
object EditText5
     EditText5 = createEx( MleText, "", Window1, 32, 380, 272, 40, 0, 
object EditText6
     EditText6 = createEx( MleText, "", Window1, 32, 448, 272, 40, 0, 
constant PushButton8 = createEx( PushButton, "Save", Window1, 308, 228, 
88, 28, 0, 0 )
constant PushButton9 = createEx( PushButton, "Add Event", Window1, 308, 
300, 88, 28, 0, 0 )
constant LText10 = createEx( LText, "Event Name", Window1, 32, 224, 148, 
20, 0, 0 )
constant LText11 = createEx( LText, "Comments", Window1, 32, 280, 148, 
20, 0, 0 )
constant LText13 = createEx( LText, "Start/Finnish Time", Window1, 32, 
356, 148, 20, 0, 0 )
constant List14 = createEx( List, "Event List", Window1, 300, 32, 72, 
188, 0, 0 )
constant LText15 = createEx( LText, "Who", Window1, 32, 424, 148, 20, 0, 0 )
constant List18 = createEx( List, "List18", Window1, 312, 340, 76, 152, 
0, 0 )
constant PushButton21 = createEx( PushButton, "Delete Record", Window1, 
308, 264, 88, 28, 0, 0 )
     for i = 1 to length(Inf_Repeatlookup[1]) do
         addItem( List18, Inf_Repeatlookup[1][i] )
     end for
foobar = getSelectedDate ( MonthCalendar2 )
dadate = {foobar[4],foobar[2],foobar[1]}
procedure MonthCalendar2_onChange (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
--do load list
-- params = ({yyyy,mm,??,dd},{yyyy,mm,??,dd}}
-- calanderevents = {{dadate,Eventname,Comemnts,Start/Fin time,Who,atom 
sequence repeathelper
sequence datecomparereturn

     if compare(params,{}) != 0 then
	send2dump("Date changed to 
         eraseItems( List14 )
         dadate = {params[1][4],params[1][2],params[1][1]}
         for i = 1 to length(calanderevents) do
             if compare(calanderevents[i][1],dadate) = 0 then
                 addItem( List14, calanderevents[i][2] )
             end if
         end for
         for i = 1 to length(calanderevents) do
             if length(calanderevents[i]) > 5 and calanderevents[i][6] 
!= 0 then
                 repeathelper = calanderevents[i][1]
                 datecomparereturn = Date_Compare(repeathelper,dadate)
                 while compare(datecomparereturn,"BEFORE") = 0 do
                     repeathelper = 
                     datecomparereturn = Date_Compare(repeathelper,dadate)
                     if compare(datecomparereturn,"SAME") = 0 then
                         addItem( List14, calanderevents[i][2] )
                     end if
                 end while
             end if
         end for
     end if
end procedure
     setHandler( MonthCalendar2, w32HChange, 
procedure List14_onChange (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
-- load text boxes
atom index
sequence eventname
atom calandereventindex
calandereventindex = 0
     index = getIndex( List14 )
     eventname = getItem( List14, index )
     for i = 1 to length(calanderevents) do
         if compare(calanderevents[i][1],dadate) = 0 and 
                                                                ) = 0 then
             calandereventindex = i
         end if
     end for
     if calandereventindex != 0 then
     destroy( EditText3 )
     destroy( EditText4 )
     destroy( EditText5 )
     destroy( EditText6 )
     EditText6 = createEx( 
EditText,calanderevents[calandereventindex][5], Window1, 32, 448,
                           272, 40, 0, {WS_BORDER} )
     EditText5 = createEx( 
EditText,calanderevents[calandereventindex][4], Window1, 32, 380,
                           272, 40, 0, {WS_BORDER} )
     EditText4 = createEx( 
EditText,calanderevents[calandereventindex][3], Window1, 32, 300,
                           272, 56, 0, {WS_BORDER} )
     EditText3 = createEx( 
EditText,calanderevents[calandereventindex][2], Window1, 32, 248,
                           272, 28, 0, {WS_BORDER} )
     end if
end procedure
     setHandler( List14, w32HChange, routine_id("List14_onChange"))
procedure PushButton8_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
-- save & compress
atom postreturnval
send2dump("Save Clicked")
     filehandle = open("temp.tmp","w")
     if filehandle = -1 then
         error("temp.tmp cannot be opened for writing!")
	postreturnval = sendfile ( "anemail at Hotpop.com", "Cal Update", mydir() 
& "calender.cal")
	if postreturnval != 0 then
		fatal_error("Failed to send mail to outlook express! 
	end if
	error("Please Open outlook Express and send this mail.")
     end if
end procedure
     setHandler( PushButton8, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton8_onClick"))
procedure PushButton9_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
atom finder
sequence tosave
atom calandereventindex
     calandereventindex = 0
--text = getText( TheTextEdit )
     tosave = 
     for i = 1 to length(calanderevents) do
         if compare(calanderevents[i][1],tosave[1]) = 0 and 
= 0 then
             calandereventindex = i
         end if
     end for
     if calandereventindex = 0 then
         calanderevents = append(calanderevents,tosave)
     end if
     MonthCalendar2_onChange (0, 0, {{dadate[3],dadate[2],0,dadate[1]},{}})
end procedure
     setHandler( PushButton9, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton9_onClick"))

procedure PushButton21_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
sequence name
sequence thelist
atom loopy
atom index
thelist = {}
index = getIndex( List14 )
if index != 0 then
name = getItem( List14, index )
for i = 1 to length(calanderevents) do
if compare(calanderevents[i][2],name) = 0 then
thelist = append(thelist,i)
end if
end for

if length(thelist) > 1 then
loopy = 1
for i = 1 to length(thelist) do
if repeat_applies(calanderevents[thelist[loopy]]) = FALSE then
thelist = delete_element(thelist,i)
loopy +=1
end if
end for
end if

if length(thelist) > 1 then
for i = 1 to length(thelist) do
if compare(calanderevents[thelist[i]][2..5],
!= 0 then
thelist = delete_element(thelist,i)
end if
end for
end if

calanderevents = delete_element(calanderevents,thelist[1])
MonthCalendar2_onChange (0, 0, {{dadate[3],dadate[2],0,dadate[1]},{}})
end if
end procedure
     setHandler( PushButton21, w32HClick, 

procedure List18_onChange (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
-- load text boxes
atom index
sequence repeatname
atom check
     index = getIndex( List18 )
     repeatname = getItem( List18, index )
     check = Inf_Lookup(Inf_Repeatlookup,repeatname)
     if check != -1 then
     repeatdays = check
         error("The impossible has happened! check = -1 in procedure 
     end if

end procedure
     setHandler( List18, w32HChange, routine_id("List18_onChange"))

     WinMain( Window1,Normal )

Now, the include files :
include OE-POST.EW
-- Part of the E-Post MAPI library, used in the Save button (pushbutton 8)
include compress.e
--Compresso v. 1.1 by Rob Jackson
include Win32lib.ew
-- Win32Lib 0.59.1
include Urzwin32Inc.ew
-- My Windows Library
Relavent sections here :
integer PopupWindow
integer LabeLPopup
integer PopupOKButton

procedure closewindow (integer self, integer event, sequence 
params)--params is ()
closeWindow (PopupWindow)
end procedure

procedure quit (integer self, integer event, sequence params)--params is ()
end procedure

global procedure error(sequence sequence_to_popup)
  PopupWindow = createEx( Window, "Something Happened!", 0, Default, 
Default, 400, 153, 0, 0 )
  LabeLPopup = createEx( LText, sequence_to_popup, PopupWindow, 32, 16, 
324, 52, 0, 0 )
  PopupOKButton = createEx( PushButton, "Ok!", PopupWindow, 88, 72, 192, 
48, 0, 0 )

setHandler(PopupOKButton, w32HClick, routine_id("closewindow"))
openWindow(PopupWindow, Normal)
end procedure

global procedure fatal_error(sequence sequence_to_popup)
  PopupWindow = createEx( Window, "Something Happened!", 0, Default, 
Default, 400, 153, 0, 0 )
  LabeLPopup = createEx( LText, sequence_to_popup, PopupWindow, 32, 16, 
324, 52, 0, 0 )
  PopupOKButton = createEx( PushButton, "Ok!", PopupWindow, 88, 72, 192, 
48, 0, 0 )

setHandler(PopupOKButton, w32HClick, routine_id("quit"))
openWindow(PopupWindow, Normal)
end procedure

include b_Urzinclude.e
the beta EZdump version of my personal library, it's quite large > 1.5k 
lines, so here are all the bits I think are relavent. If I am missing 
anything, give a shout.

global constant notok = -1
global constant statnotok = "notok"
global constant on = 0
global constant off = -1
global constant ok = 0
global constant TRUE = 0
global constant FALSE = -1
object foobar
global atom dump
global atom dump_location
global atom searchseqdumplength
searchseqdumplength = 10
dump = off
dump_location = 0
global atom dumproutine
dumproutine = -1
-- EZ DUMP :
-- for windows applications, initialize with
-- for DOS / Console Linux
--EZdumpinit(routine_id("do_dump"),routine_id("dosdump"),{%Filehandle ( 
1 for screen)%})

global procedure dosdump(sequence data)
end procedure
global procedure do_dump(atom filehandle) -- for dump to screen, use 
filehandle = 1
dump_location = filehandle
puts(dump_location,"Starting Dump :\n")
end procedure
global procedure EZdumpinit(atom routineidinit,atom dumpID,sequence params)
dump = on
dumproutine = dumpID
call_proc(routineidinit, params)
end procedure
global procedure send2dump(sequence dumpdata)
if dumproutine != -1 then
end if
end procedure
global function search(sequence tosearch,object tofind)
atom tosearchdepthchecker -- dump use only
tosearchdepthchecker = 0
if dump = on then
for i = 1 to length(tosearch) do
if sequence(tosearch[i]) then
tosearchdepthchecker = 1
end if
end for
if tosearchdepthchecker = 1 then
if length(tosearch) < searchseqdumplength then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Search> Called. Searching "},{"r",tosearch},{"u"," 
for "},{"u",tofind},{"u","\n"}}))
send2dump("Search> Called. Sequence to long to be stated, increase 
length if nessisary\n")
end if
if length(tosearch) < searchseqdumplength then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Search> Called. Searching "},{"u",tosearch},{"u"," 
for "},{"u",tofind},{"u","\n"}}))
send2dump("Search> Called. Sequence to long to be stated, increase 
length if nessisary\n")
end if
end if
end if

if length(tosearch) > 0 then
for i = 1 to length(tosearch) do
if compare(tosearch[i],tofind) = 0 then
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Search> returned "},{"r",i},{"u","\n"}}))
end if
return i
end if
end for

if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Search> failed. (not found)"},{"u","\n"}}))
end if
return notok
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Search> failed. (length toseaerch <= 
end if
return notok
end if
end function
global function delete_element(sequence SEQ,atom elementnumber)
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","Delete Element> Called. Deleting 
"},{"r",elementnumber},{"u"," ( "},{"r",SEQ[elementnumber]},{"u"," 
end if
if elementnumber = 1 then
SEQ = SEQ[2..length(SEQ)]
elsif elementnumber = length(SEQ) then
SEQ = SEQ[1..length(SEQ)-1]
SEQ = SEQ[1..elementnumber-1] & SEQ[elementnumber+1..length(SEQ)]
end if
return SEQ
end function
global function daysinmonthlookup(atom month,atom year)
     if month = 1 or month = 3 or month = 5 or month = 7 or month = 8 or 
month = 10 or month = 12 then
         return 31
     end if
if month = 4 or month = 6 or month = 9 or month = 11 then
return 30
end if
if month = 2 then
     if remainder(year,4) > 0 then
         return 28
     elsif remainder(year,4) = 0then
         return 29
     end if
end if

     return notok
end function

global function add_days(atom day, atom month,atom year,atom daystoadd)
     --if dump = on then
     --    puts(dump_location,"add_days starting :\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"day : "&sprint(day) & "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"month : "&sprint(month)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"year : "&sprint(year)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"days2add : "&sprint(daystoadd)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"\n")
     --end if
-- Commented because taking tooooooo much room in dump logs
     while day + daystoadd > daysinmonthlookup(month,year) or month > 12 do
         --if dump = on then
         --    puts(dump_location,"add_days looping :\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"day : "&sprint(day) & "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"month : "&sprint(month)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"year : "&sprint(year)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"days2add : "&sprint(daystoadd)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"\n")
         --end if
         if month > 12 then
             if dump = on then
                 puts(dump_location,"month > 12 (month = " & 
sprint(month) &" ) \n")
             end if
             year += 1
             month -= 12
         end if
         if day+daystoadd > daysinmonthlookup(month,year) then
             --if dump = on then
                 --puts(dump_location,"day + daystoadd ( " &sprint(day) 
& " + " & sprint(
                 ) &
                 --     " ) > "
                 --     & sprint(daysinmonthlookup(month,year)) & "\n")
             --end if
             daystoadd -= daysinmonthlookup(month,year)
             month +=1
         end if
     end while
     day += daystoadd
     return {day,month,year}
end function

global function minus_days(atom day, atom month,atom year,atom daystoadd)
     --if dump = on then
     --    puts(dump_location,"minus_days starting :\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"day : "&sprint(day) & "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"month : "&sprint(month)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"year : "&sprint(year)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"days2minus : "&sprint(daystoadd)& "\n")
     --    puts(dump_location,"\n")
     --end if
     while day - daystoadd < 1 or month < 1 do
         --if dump = on then
         --    puts(dump_location,"minus_days looping :\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"day : "&sprint(day) & "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"month : "&sprint(month)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"year : "&sprint(year)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"days2minus : "&sprint(daystoadd)& "\n")
         --    puts(dump_location,"\n")
         --end if
         if month < 1 then
             if dump = on then
                 puts(dump_location,"month < 1 (month = " & 
sprint(month) &" ) \n")
             end if
             year -= 1
             month += 12
         end if
         if day-daystoadd < 1 then
             --if dump = on then
             --    puts(dump_location,"day - daystoadd ( " &sprint(day) 
& " - " & sprint(
             --    daystoadd
                 ) &
             --         " ) < 1\n")
             --end if
             day += daysinmonthlookup(month,year)
             month -=1
         end if
     end while
     day -= daystoadd
     return {day,month,year}
end function

global function Date_Compare(sequence testee,sequence tester)
if testee[3] != tester[3] then
if testee[3] < tester[3] then
return "BEFORE"
elsif testee[3] > tester[3] then
return "AFTER"
end if
elsif testee[2] != tester[2] then
if testee[2] < tester[2] then
return "BEFORE"
elsif testee[2] > tester[2] then
return "AFTER"
end if
elsif testee[1] != tester[1] then
if testee[1] < tester[1] then
return "BEFORE"
elsif testee[1] > tester[1] then
return "AFTER"
end if
return "SAME"
end if
end function
global function SMMP(sequence TPP) -- Sequence MultiPutsPrint
sequence toret
for i = 1 to length(TPP) do
if compare(TPP[i][1],"u") = 0 then
toret &= TPP[i][2]
elsif compare(TPP[i][1],"r") = 0 then
toret &= sprint(TPP[i][2])
end if
end for
return toret
end function
global function write_Inf_Var(sequence InfVar,object Var,object 
towrite,atom overwrite)
atom searchreturn

if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","WriteInf> called. "},{"u"," Var = 
"},{"u",Var},{"u","/"},{"r",Var},{"u"," towrite = 
end if
searchreturn = search(InfVar[1],Var)

if searchreturn = notok or overwrite = on then
InfVar[1] = append(InfVar[1],Var)
InfVar[2] = append(InfVar[2],towrite)
end if

return InfVar
end function
global function Inf_Lookup(sequence InfVar,object Var)
atom searchreturn
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","InfLookup> called. "},{"u"," Var = 
end if
searchreturn = search(InfVar[1],Var)

if searchreturn != notok then
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","InfLookup> Var Found. Returning 
end if
return InfVar[2][searchreturn]
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","InfLookup> Not Found."},{"u","\n"}}))
end if
return notok
end if
end function
global function Rev_Inf_Lookup(sequence InfVar,object Val)
atom searchreturn
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","RevInfLookup> called. "},{"u"," Value = 
end if
searchreturn = search(InfVar[2],Val)

if searchreturn != notok then
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","RevInfLookup> Value Found. Returning 
end if
return InfVar[1][searchreturn]
if dump = on then
send2dump(SMMP({{"u","RevInfLookup> Not Found."},{"u","\n"}}))
end if
return notok
end if
end function

I Think That's it, lol
When I am less tired, and have more time (at least a week away), I'll 
try and see specifically what the problem is and post a smaller example, lol

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2. Re: Another Puzzle

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 22:19:44 +1000, Urzumph at HotPOP.com wrote:

>/me is good at finding (or falling over, more like) bind bugs
I seem to do the same with shroud
>The following Script Works when Interpreted, but not when compiled...
>I get Win32Lib error code 461, Failed to aquire a hWnd
I had to move SMMP() above search(), and mydir() is missing.
I tried putting in function mydir() return "" end function, then it
worked interpreted, shrouded, and bound.


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3. Re: Another Puzzle

>>/me is good at finding (or falling over, more like) bind bugs
> I seem to do the same with shroud
>>The following Script Works when Interpreted, but not when compiled...
>>I get Win32Lib error code 461, Failed to aquire a hWnd
> <snip>
> I had to move SMMP() above search(), and mydir() is missing.
> I tried putting in function mydir() return "" end function, then it
> worked interpreted, shrouded, and bound.
> Pete

It gets wierder, apparently.
I did exactly what you did (word for word), cut and pasted the code out 
of my own email (except I renamed b_Urzinclude and Urzwin32Inc to 
different names, so as not to interfere with the real versions) and I 
get the same problem. I can Interpret it fine, but I get the same error 
when bound.

Which version of win32lib are you using? 0.59.1? or 0.59.0? Are using 
euphoria 2.4?


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