1. random numbers

I am trying to generate 52 random numbers 1-52 without duplicating any numbers.
it seems every time I try I get duplications. Does anyone have a
solution for this.


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2. Re: random numbers

Allen Ashby wrote:
> I am trying to generate 52 random numbers 1-52 without duplicating any
> numbers.
> it seems every time I try I get duplications. Does anyone have a
> solution for this.

include misc.e

function Shuffle()
  sequence ShuffledDeck
  integer temp

  ShuffledDeck = {}
  while length(ShuffledDeck) < 52 do
     temp = rand(52)
     if not find(temp, ShuffledDeck) then
        ShuffledDeck &= temp
     end if
  end while

  return ShuffledDeck
end function

-- Unit tests
sequence test
if find("--unittest", command_line()) then
  puts(2, "Doing unit testing\n")
  test = Shuffle()
  if length(test) != 52 then
    printf(2, "Length is %d and not 52\n", length(test))
  end if
  for i = 1 to length(test) do
    if find(test[i], test[i+1..$]) then
        printf(2, "Dup %d at %d\n", {test[i], i})
    end if
  end for
end if
Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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3. Re: random numbers

Allen Ashby wrote:
> I am trying to generate 52 random numbers 1-52 without duplicating any
> numbers.
> it seems every time I try I get duplications. Does anyone have a
> solution for this.

Start with a sequence {1..52} and pull them from that.

s = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...52}
n = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for

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4. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:

> function Shuffle()
>   sequence ShuffledDeck
>   integer temp
>   ShuffledDeck = {}
>   while length(ShuffledDeck) < 52 do
>      temp = rand(52)
>      if not find(temp, ShuffledDeck) then
>         ShuffledDeck &= temp
>      end if
>   end while
>   return ShuffledDeck
> end function

Wouldn't that possibly take too long generating the last number? You have a
51 out of 52 chance of picking a number the already exists. Nevermind...
here's a test:

include misc.e
include get.e

function Shuffle()
  sequence ShuffledDeck
  integer temp
  ShuffledDeck = {}
  while length(ShuffledDeck) < 52 do
     temp = rand(52)
     if not find(temp, ShuffledDeck) then
        ShuffledDeck &= temp
     end if
  end while
  return ShuffledDeck
end function

function shuff()
sequence s, n
integer r
s = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
	s &= t
end for
n = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for
return n
end function

atom c, t
sequence test


t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = Shuffle()
	c += 1
end while

c = 0
t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = shuff()
	c += 1
end while

if wait_key() then end if

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5. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:

> function Shuffle()
>   sequence ShuffledDeck
>   integer temp
>   ShuffledDeck = {}
>   while length(ShuffledDeck) < 52 do
>      temp = rand(52)
>      if not find(temp, ShuffledDeck) then
>         ShuffledDeck &= temp
>      end if
>   end while
>   return ShuffledDeck
> end function

Wouldn't that possibly take too long generating the last number? You have a
51 out of 52 chance of picking a number the already exists. Nevermind...
here's a test:

include misc.e
include get.e

constant fittytwo =

function Shuffle()
  sequence ShuffledDeck
  integer temp
  ShuffledDeck = {}
  while length(ShuffledDeck) < 52 do
     temp = rand(52)
     if not find(temp, ShuffledDeck) then
        ShuffledDeck &= temp
     end if
  end while
  return ShuffledDeck
end function

function shuff()
sequence s, n
integer r
s = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
	s &= t
end for
n = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for
return n
end function

function shuff2()
sequence s, n
integer r
s = repeat(0,52)
for t=1 to 52 do
	s[t] = t
end for
n = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for
return n
end function

function shuff3()
sequence s, n
integer r
s = fittytwo
n = {}
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for
return n
end function

atom c, t
sequence test


puts(1,"Starting test...\n\n")

t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = Shuffle()
	c += 1
end while

c = 0
t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = shuff()
	c += 1
end while

c = 0
t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = shuff2()
	c += 1
end while

c = 0
t = time() + 3
while t > time() do
	test = shuff3()
	c += 1
end while

if wait_key() then end if

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6. Re: random numbers

Sorry for the double-post... The first one didn't seem to go through and I
figured out faster ways to go...

OpenEuphoria.org is acting up a lot lately. :(

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7. Re: random numbers

c.k.lester wrote:
> Allen Ashby wrote:
> > 
> > I am trying to generate 52 random numbers 1-52 without duplicating any
> > numbers.
> > it seems every time I try I get duplications. Does anyone have a
> > solution for this.
> Start with a sequence {1..52} and pull them from that.
> s = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...52}
> n = {}
> for t=1 to 52 do
>    r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
>    n &= s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>    s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
> end for

This would have been my solution as well. Nice!

I would only change it slightly:
s = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...52}
n = repeat(0, 52)
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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8. Re: random numbers

Jason Gade wrote:
> I would only change it slightly:
> }}}
> s = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...52}
> n = repeat(0, 52)
> for t=1 to 52 do
>    r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
>    n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>    s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
> end for
> </eucode>

Good eye! :)

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9. Re: random numbers

sequence s

function shuffle(sequence s)    -- random shuffle of sequence
    object temp
    integer r
    for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
        r = rand(i)
        temp = s[r]
        s[r] = s[i]
        s[i] = temp
    end for
    return s
end function

s =
s = shuffle(s)

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10. Re: random numbers

c.k.lester wrote:
> Wouldn't that possibly take too long generating the last number? You have a
> 51 out of 52 chance of picking a number the already exists. Nevermind...
> here's a test:

Well no one mentioned that speed was an issue. I just tried to demonstrate a
simple algorithm, I wasn't after speed. However, if you want speed, try this
adjustment to your fastest routine ...

  function shuff4()
    sequence s, n
    integer r
    s = fittytwo
    n = repeat(0,52)
    for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
     r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
     n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
     s[r..51] = s[r+1..52]-- remove from available numbers
    end for
    n[1] = s[1]
    return n
  end function

On my machine I get ...

  shuff: 20-22% improvement
 shuff2: 24-27% improvement
 shuff3: 25-30% improvement
 shuff4: 85-95% improvement

The shuff4() routine avoids unnecessary calculations, and memory allocations and

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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11. Re: random numbers

jiri babor wrote:

Hey jiri! I knew I should have left it to the master. Your routine is about 385%
faster than my first try. It is the same as mine but very sensibly reuses the
very sequence that is being shuffled for the result storage. That really
eliminates all the excess memory allocation and moving stuff about.

... if only there was a built-in swap operation for even faster run times.

function shuffle(sequence s)    -- random shuffle of sequence
    integer r
    for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
        r = rand(i)
        swap s[r] with s[i] !!!
    end for
    return s
end function

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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12. Re: random numbers

Yes, Derek, a built-in swap function would be more useful than endless
discussions how to simulate a simple goto with a dozen fancy constructs...


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13. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:
> jiri babor wrote:
> Hey jiri! I knew I should have left it to the master. Your routine is about
> 385% faster than my first try. It is the same as mine but very sensibly reuses
> the very sequence that is being shuffled for the result storage. That really
> eliminates all the excess memory allocation and moving stuff about.
> ... if only there was a built-in swap operation for even faster run times.
> function shuffle(sequence s)    -- random shuffle of sequence
>     integer r
>     for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
>         r = rand(i)
>         swap s[r] with s[i] !!!
>     end for
>     return s
> end function
> -- 
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> Skype name: derek.j.parnell

Shuffling algorithm: nothing to add, solved optimally while I was sleeping.

Swap operation: I am not sure swap(sequence s,integer index1,integer index2)
would be much faster than current

because of the overhead of routine calls. At the machine level, you can of
course shave implicit_temp using the three XCHG trick:
xchg eax,[ebx+esi]
wchg eax,[ebx+edi]
xchg eax,[ebx+esi]
with obvious register usage. I don't know if supported C compilers can apply it,
and it wouldn't work on non Intel CPUs (ARM processor standard architecture
doesn't have an XCHG instruction).

What would speed up some tasks is a builtin move_right(sequence s,integer
start_slice,integer end_slice,integer how_much). Currently you have to do this by
creating temporary slices:

In the backend you just need EMalloc()ing some memory for the end portion, three
memcpy() and an EFree(). Wraparounds should probably trigger a runtime error, but
could be handled with a couple more memcpy() calls. Of course negative values for
how_much would be allowed.


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14. Re: random numbers

CChris wrote:
> Derek Parnell wrote:
>> ... if only there was a built-in swap operation for even faster run times.
>>         swap s[r] with s[i] !!!

> Swap operation: I am not sure swap(sequence s,integer index1,integer index2)
> would be much faster than current
> }}}
> temp=s[index1]
> implicit_temp=s[index2]
> s[index1]=implicit_temp
> s[index2]=temp
> </eucode>

> because of the overhead of routine calls. 

I said swap OPERATION and not swap FUNCTION. The idea being that there would be
an in-built operation, like the arithmetic operations, that performs optimal swap
functionality so we wouldn't have a function call overhead.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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15. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:
> I said swap OPERATION and not swap FUNCTION. The idea being that there would
> be an in-built operation, like the arithmetic operations, that performs
> optimal
> swap functionality so we wouldn't have a function call overhead.
> -- 

   A suggestion for a swap operator to swap two variable:

  first_variable >< second_variable


My files in archive:

Can be downloaded here:

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16. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:
>   function shuff4()
>   ...
>   end function
> On my machine I get ...
>   shuff: 20-22% improvement
>  shuff2: 24-27% improvement
>  shuff3: 25-30% improvement
>  shuff4: 85-95% improvement
> The shuff4() routine avoids unnecessary calculations, and memory allocations
> and deallocations.

That's awesome, Derek!

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17. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Hey jiri! I knew I should have left it to the master. Your routine is about
> 385% faster than my first try.

Yeah, Jiri's is fast! So, how do you measure randomness?
I know there are tests for it. I'm wondering if jiri's algorithm allows for
every possible permutation. I sped up your original first try, Derek. Look
at shuff3(). But I don't know if that ruins the algorithm or messes with
the randomness.

Here's an updated look:

include misc.e
include get.e

constant fittytwo =

sequence tests
	tests = {{},{}}
procedure add_test(sequence name, atom id)
	tests[1] = append(tests[1],name)
	tests[2] &= id
end procedure

function shuff1()
sequence s, n
integer r
s = fittytwo
n = repeat(0,52)
for t=1 to 52 do
   r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
   n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
   s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
end for
return n
end function

function shuff3()
    sequence s, n
    integer r
    s = fittytwo
    n = repeat(0,52)
    for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
     r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
     n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
     s[r..51] = s[r+1..52]-- remove from available numbers
    end for
    n[1] = s[1]
    return n
  end function

function shuff4()
    sequence s, n
    integer r
    s = fittytwo
    n = repeat(0,52)
    for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
     r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
     n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
s[r..t-1] = s[r+1..t]-- remove from available numbers -- Derek, this is
     what I changed
    end for
    n[1] = s[1]
    return n
  end function

function shuff5()
    object temp
    integer r
    sequence s
    s = fittytwo
    for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
        r = rand(i)
        temp = s[r]
        s[r] = s[i]
        s[i] = temp
    end for
    return s
end function

procedure run_tests()
atom c, t
sequence test
integer secs

for x=1 to length( tests[1]) do
	secs = 1
	puts(1,"Starting test " & tests[1][x] & "\n")
	t = time() + secs
	while t > time() do
		test = call_func(tests[2][x],{})
		c += 1
	end while
end for

end procedure

add_test("Derek's First",routine_id("shuff3"))
add_test("Derek's First Modified",routine_id("shuff4"))
add_test("Jiri's Speed Demon",routine_id("shuff5"))


puts(1,"\nDone! Press any key to quit.")
if wait_key() then end if

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18. Re: random numbers

c.k.lester wrote:
> I sped up your original first try, Derek. Look at shuff3().

Obviously I meant shuff4(). :)

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19. Re: random numbers

c.k.lester wrote:
> Derek Parnell wrote:
> > Hey jiri! I knew I should have left it to the master. Your routine is about
> > 385% faster than my first try.
> Yeah, Jiri's is fast! So, how do you measure randomness?
> I know there are tests for it. I'm wondering if jiri's algorithm allows for
> every possible permutation. I sped up your original first try, Derek. Look
> at shuff3(). But I don't know if that ruins the algorithm or messes with
> the randomness.
> Here's an updated look:
> }}}
<eucode>include misc.e
> include get.e
> constant fittytwo =
> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52}
> sequence tests
> 	tests = {{},{}}
> procedure add_test(sequence name, atom id)
> 	tests[1] = append(tests[1],name)
> 	tests[2] &= id
> end procedure
> function shuff1()
> sequence s, n
> integer r
> s = fittytwo
> n = repeat(0,52)
> for t=1 to 52 do
>    r = rand(length(s)) -- grab a random position
>    n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>    s = s[1..r-1] & s[r+1..$] -- remove from available numbers
> end for
> return n
> end function
> function shuff3()
>     sequence s, n
>     integer r
>     s = fittytwo
>     n = repeat(0,52)
>     for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
>      r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
>      n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>      s[r..51] = s[r+1..52]-- remove from available numbers
>     end for
>     n[1] = s[1]
>     return n
>   end function
> function shuff4()
>     sequence s, n
>     integer r
>     s = fittytwo
>     n = repeat(0,52)
>     for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
>      r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
>      n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>      s[r..t-1] = s[r+1..t]-- remove from available numbers -- Derek, this is
>      what I changed
>     end for
>     n[1] = s[1]
>     return n
>   end function
> function shuff5()
>     object temp
>     integer r
>     sequence s
>     s = fittytwo
>     for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
>         r = rand(i)
>         temp = s[r]
>         s[r] = s[i]
>         s[i] = temp
>     end for
>     return s
> end function
> procedure run_tests()
> atom c, t
> sequence test
> integer secs
> for x=1 to length( tests[1]) do
> 	c=0
> 	secs = 1
> 	puts(1,"Starting test " & tests[1][x] & "\n")
> 	t = time() + secs
> 	while t > time() do
> 		test = call_func(tests[2][x],{})
> 		c += 1
> 	end while
> 	?test
> 	printf(1,"\t%d\n\n",{c})
> end for
> end procedure
> add_test("Baseline",routine_id("shuff1"))
> add_test("Derek's First",routine_id("shuff3"))
> add_test("Derek's First Modified",routine_id("shuff4"))
> add_test("Jiri's Speed Demon",routine_id("shuff5"))
> run_tests()
> puts(1,"\nDone! Press any key to quit.")
> if wait_key() then end if</eucode>

An almost identical routine is included in my General Functions package.
Here it is:

--/func Scramble(sequence s)
--/desc Scrambles, that is, disorders a sequence
--/ret The argument in random order
--Returns sequence 's' scrambled, that is, the resulting sequence contains
-- the elements of 's' in random order.
--Example: Scramble("Mandrake") might give "kadnMare"
global function Scramble(sequence s)
    integer len, k
    object temp
    len = length(s)
    for i = 1 to len do
	k = rand(len)
	temp = s[k]
	s[k] = s[i]
	s[i] = temp
    end for
    return s
end function

I later learnt that Donald Knuth was probably the first one to design this
algorithm, and that he showed it really randomly ordered (or disordered smile) a


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20. Re: random numbers

Derek Parnell wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > 
> > Derek Parnell wrote:
> >> ... if only there was a built-in swap operation for even faster run times.
> >>         swap s[r] with s[i] !!!
> > 
> > Swap operation: I am not sure swap(sequence s,integer index1,integer index2)
> > would be much faster than current
> > }}}
> > temp=s[index1]
> > implicit_temp=s[index2]
> > s[index1]=implicit_temp
> > s[index2]=temp
> > </eucode>

> > because of the overhead of routine calls. 
> I said swap OPERATION and not swap FUNCTION. The idea being that there would
> be an in-built operation, like the arithmetic operations, that performs
> optimal
> swap functionality so we wouldn't have a function call overhead.
> -- 
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> Skype name: derek.j.parnell

Ok, this will avoid the overhead of the call. Yet I wonder how much speed you
can gain this way wrt current sequene of assignments. At least you'll gain
clearer code - not a small benefit.


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21. Re: random numbers

jiri babor wrote:
> sequence s
> function shuffle(sequence s)    -- random shuffle of sequence
>     object temp
>     integer r
>     for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
>         r = rand(i)
>         temp = s[r]
>         s[r] = s[i]
>         s[i] = temp
>     end for
>     return s
> end function
> s =
> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52}
> s = shuffle(s)

Good to see you, jiri!

Derek Parnell wrote:
> c.k.lester wrote:
> > Wouldn't that possibly take too long generating the last number? You have a
> > 51 out of 52 chance of picking a number the already exists. Nevermind...
> > here's a test:
> Well no one mentioned that speed was an issue. I just tried to demonstrate a
> simple algorithm, I wasn't after speed. However, if you want speed, try this
> adjustment to your fastest routine ...
>   function shuff4()
>     sequence s, n
>     integer r
>     s = fittytwo
>     n = repeat(0,52)
>     for t=52 to 2 by -1 do
>      r = rand(t) -- grab a random position
>      n[t] = s[r] -- add it to our new sequence
>      s[r..51] = s[r+1..52]-- remove from available numbers
>     end for
>     n[1] = s[1]
>     return n
>   end function

I never thought that speed was an issue myself -- I just thought that it was a
simpler or more elegant way of doing things.

Yes, jiri's is best though.

jiri babor wrote:
> Yes, Derek, a built-in swap function would be more useful than endless
> discussions
> how to simulate a simple goto with a dozen fancy constructs...
> jiri

Well, while I'm one of the "anti-gotos" and prefer a few clear constructs
instead, I think that there are quite a few interesting sequence operations that
I would like to see built-in to the interpreter.

Then again, we always discuss them and never come to any kind of consensus.

Does any other compiled or interpreted language have a built-in swap? I can't
recall coming across one, even though it is a pretty common operation.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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22. Re: random numbers

Hello Ricardo,

you wrote:


> An almost identical routine is included in my General Functions package.
> Here it is:
> --/func Scramble(sequence s)
> --/desc Scrambles, that is, disorders a sequence
> --/ret The argument in random order
> --Returns sequence 's' scrambled, that is, the resulting sequence contains
> -- the elements of 's' in random order.
> --Example: Scramble("Mandrake") might give "kadnMare"
> global function Scramble(sequence s)
>     integer len, k
>     object temp
>     len = length(s)
>     for i = 1 to len do
> 	k = rand(len)
> 	temp = s[k]
> 	s[k] = s[i]
> 	s[i] = temp
>     end for
>     return s
> end function
> I later learnt that Donald Knuth was probably the first one to design
> this algorithm, and that he showed it really randomly ordered
> (or disordered smile)

As far as I can see, your Scramble() function above is _not_ a correct
implementation of the so-called Knuth shuffle (see e.g.

On that page, in the chapter "Implementation errors" it reads:
| Similarly, always selecting k from the entire range of valid array
| indexes [...] also produces a result which is biased, albeit less
| obviously so. This can be seen from the fact that doing so yields N^N
| distinct possible sequences of swaps, whereas there are only N!
| possible permutations of an N-element array. Since N^N can never be
| evenly divisible by N! (as the latter is divisible by N−1, which shares
| no prime factors with N), some permutations must be produced by more of
| the NN sequences of swaps than others.

Fernando Bauer already had written something similar some months ago:

According to my understanding, the code posted here by Jiri Babor is a
correct implementation of the Knuth shuffle.


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23. Re: random numbers

Hi Jason,

you wrote:


> Does any other compiled or interpreted language have a built-in swap?

Oh yes, oh yes! smile

> I can't
> recall coming across one, even though it is a pretty common operation.

It is implemented in many BASIC flavours:
     SWAP a, b

Also interesting in this regard is Lua. Lua allows multiple assignment
in one command, e.g.:
     a, b = 1, 3
which is the same as:
     a = 1
     b = 3

This feature can be used for swapping:
     a, b = b, a

No joke, that actually works fine in Lua. Cool, no? smile


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24. Re: random numbers

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> you wrote:
> <snip>
> > Does any other compiled or interpreted language have a built-in swap?
> Oh yes, oh yes! smile
> > I can't
> > recall coming across one, even though it is a pretty common operation.
> It is implemented in many BASIC flavours:
>      SWAP a, b

Heh. The last time that I wrote in BASIC was on an 8-bit machine and it required
line numbers.

> Also interesting in this regard is Lua. Lua allows multiple assignment
> in one command, e.g.:
>      a, b = 1, 3
> which is the same as:
>      a = 1
>      b = 3
> This feature can be used for swapping:
>      a, b = b, a
> No joke, that actually works fine in Lua. Cool, no? smile
> Regards,
>    Juergen

I've always thought that Lua was a pretty cool implementation of Euphoria...


A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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25. Re: random numbers

Yes, Juergen. My method is biased. I thought it was identical to Knuth's, but it
wasn't, as you pointed out.
I will change it next time I post a modified General Functions.
Best regards.

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