1. Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Hi Guys,

I need some help, I am using my window caption bar for some variable text. To
prevent truncation of this I need to detect if the user has his Display
Properties set to "large fonts" (Note not the same as DPI - I can detect that
OK). A google
suggests using a SystemParametersInfo call with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. I coded
the following but it fails with a zero return code.
Can anyone tell me where I have gone wrong?

include win32lib.ew
without warning

constant -- LOGFONT struct
     lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
    lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
    lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
    lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
    lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
    lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
    lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
    SIZEOF_LOGFONT      = w32allotted_size()

constant    -- NONCLIENTMETRICS struct
    NCM_cbSize              = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iBorderWidth        = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iScrollWidth        = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iScrollHeight       = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iCaptionWidth       = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iCaptionHeight      = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_lfCaptionFont       = w32allot(Ptr),
    NCM_iSmCaptionWidth     = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iSmCaptionHeight    = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_lfSmCaptionFont     = w32allot(Ptr),
    NCM_iMenuWidth          = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_iMenuHeight         = w32allot(Long),
    NCM_lfMenuFont          = w32allot(Ptr),
    NCM_lfStatusFont        = w32allot(Ptr),
    NCM_lfMessageFont       = w32allot(Ptr),
    SIZEOF_NCM              = w32allotted_size()

atom memset
atom CaptionFont, SmCaptionFont, MenuFont, StatusFont, MessageFont,

memset = w32new_memset()

NCM_struct = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_NCM)
CaptionFont = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_LOGFONT)
SmCaptionFont = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_LOGFONT)
MenuFont = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_LOGFONT)
StatusFont = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_LOGFONT)
MessageFont = w32acquire_mem(memset, SIZEOF_LOGFONT)

w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_cbSize, SIZEOF_NCM )
w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_lfCaptionFont, CaptionFont )
w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_lfSmCaptionFont, SmCaptionFont )
w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_lfMenuFont, MenuFont )
w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_lfStatusFont, StatusFont )
w32store ( NCM_struct, NCM_lfMessageFont, MessageFont )

NCM_struct, 0})

Regards PeteS

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2. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

A easier way would be to use:

atom lpString, pt, void, width, height
lpString = allocate_string("M")
pt allocate(8)
void = GetTextExtentPoint32A(hDC,lpString,1,pt)

-- this is the size of a single font character note
-- use capital M because it would be nearest to largest character.
width = peek4u(pt) 
height = peek4u(pt+4)

--  HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
--  LPCTSTR lpString,  // pointer to text string
--  int cbString,      // number of characters in string
--  LPSIZE lpSize      // pointer to structure for string size


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3. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Thanks Bernie,
That would be easier - if it worked! it always returns 12 and 16 for the width
and height with the fonts set to Normal or Large. I tried the hdc for both the
window and for "Screen". It may return different values if the DPI is changed but
I need to detect when the Font size is changed (in Display Properties ->
Appearance, Font Size).

Regards Pete S

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4. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Pete Stoner wrote:
> Thanks Bernie,
> That would be easier - if it worked! it always returns 12 and 16 for the width
> and height with the fonts set to Normal or Large. I tried the hdc for both the
> window and for "Screen". It may return different values if the DPI is changed
> but I need to detect when the Font size is changed (in Display Properties ->
> Appearance, Font Size).


One question, why aren't you using a status bar to display messages ??   

Then you would have an easier job.


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5. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Bernie Ryan wrote:
> Pete Stoner wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks Bernie,
> > That would be easier - if it worked! it always returns 12 and 16 for the
> > width
> > and height with the fonts set to Normal or Large. I tried the hdc for both
> > the
> > window and for "Screen". It may return different values if the DPI is
> > changed
> > but I need to detect when the Font size is changed (in Display Properties ->
> > Appearance, Font Size).
> > 
> Pete:
> One question, why aren't you using a status bar to display messages ??   
> Then you would have an easier job.
> Bernie


The text I display is not a "message", but rather some important information
that first lived along the top of the client area, but I needed to reduce the
window size and it makes sense (and the users like it) to move it to the window
title bar.


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6. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Pete Stoner wrote:
> but it fails with a zero return code.
> Can anyone tell me where I have gone wrong?
> }}}
>     NCM_lfCaptionFont       = w32allot(Ptr),
> </eucode>

If I change that and the other 4 to w32allot(SIZEOF_LOGFONT) to match the
definition I found in arwen, then the call no longer returns 0. I assume that
where msdn states these are pointers, it lies.


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7. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Pete Stoner wrote:
> }}}
> include win32lib.ew
> without warning
> constant -- LOGFONT struct
>      lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
>     lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
>     lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
>     lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
>     lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
>     lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
>     lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
>     SIZEOF_LOGFONT      = w32allotted_size()
> constant    -- NONCLIENTMETRICS struct
>     NCM_cbSize              = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iBorderWidth        = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iScrollWidth        = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iScrollHeight       = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iCaptionWidth       = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iCaptionHeight      = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_lfCaptionFont       = w32allot(Ptr),
>     NCM_iSmCaptionWidth     = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iSmCaptionHeight    = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_lfSmCaptionFont     = w32allot(Ptr),
>     NCM_iMenuWidth          = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_iMenuHeight         = w32allot(Long),
>     NCM_lfMenuFont          = w32allot(Ptr),
>     NCM_lfStatusFont        = w32allot(Ptr),
>     NCM_lfMessageFont       = w32allot(Ptr),
>     SIZEOF_NCM              = w32allotted_size()
> </eucode>


The problem with your code is the description of your

  NONCLIENTMETRICS structure is not correct.

The size of the structure should be 340 bytes ( your's is 60 )

The LOGFONT structures in the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure are

 nested structures NOT pointers.

In the place of each font pointer in the NONCLIENTMETRICS structure

you have to have a LOGFONT structure not a pointer.

I don't know how to describe nested structures in the win32lib

because my libraries handle this in a different way.

You need to end up with a structure thats 340 bytes in size.


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8. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call


  Here is the structure.


constant    -- NONCLIENTMETRICS struct
  NCM_cbSize              = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iBorderWidth        = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iScrollWidth        = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iScrollHeight       = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iCaptionWidth       = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iCaptionHeight      = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
  NCM_iSmCaptionWidth     = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iSmCaptionHeight    = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
  NCM_iMenuWidth          = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_iMenuHeight         = w32allot(Long),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMenuFont_lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfStatusFont_lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfHeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfWidth             = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfEscapement        = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfOrientation       = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfWeight            = w32allot( Long ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfItalic            = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfUnderline         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfStrikeOut         = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfCharSet           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfOutPrecision      = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfClipPrecision     = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfQuality           = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfPitchAndFamily    = w32allot( Byte ),
  NCM_lfMessageFont_lfFaceName          = w32allot( {32, Strz} ),
  SIZEOF_NCM              = w32allotted_size()



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9. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Pete Lomax wrote:
> If I change that and the other 4 to w32allot(SIZEOF_LOGFONT) to match the
> definition
> I found in arwen, then the call no longer returns 0. I assume that where msdn
> states these are pointers, it lies.
> Regards,
> Pete

Thanks Pete (and Bernie) . More fool me for believing the MS Docs since if
specifically says for each of them.. "A pointer to a LOGFONT structure that
contains information about the font..."


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10. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

Thanks Bernie,

That works fine, using your stuct definition I get
if w32Func(xSystemParametersInfo,{SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, SIZEOF_NCM,
 NCM_struct, 0}) then
    printf(1, "%s\n", { w32fetch( NCM_struct, NCM_lfCaptionFont_lfFaceName )})
    printf(1, "%d\n", {-w32fetch( NCM_struct, NCM_lfSmCaptionFont_lfHeight )})
 end if

I get Trebuchet MS and 11, 12 & 13 for "Normal", "Large Fonts" and "Extra Large
Fonts" settings respectively.. Just what I needed.

Thanks again, PeteS

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11. Re: Help with SystemParametersInfo call

There is an inconsistency on MSDN indeed (
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724506.aspx ). The descriotion of the
members wrongly refers to them as pointers to LOGFONT structures, but the list in
the grey rectangle mentions LOGFONT type parameters, which is correct.

By the way, in win32lib 0.70.1 and later:
you can say:
-- define a structure member as a LOGFONT structure
someStruct_myLogFont = w32allot(ID_LOGFONT) 
-- define a structure member as an array of LOGFONT structures 
someStruct_myLogFont = w32allot({3,ID_LOGFONT}) 
-- nested fields can be specified like this

w32constants.ew has quite a few definitions like this.

Check out the docs for further ways to deal with variable size members, or
arrays which are counted, or whose ends have a specific marker (some Windows
structures are like that :( ). Unions are supported too.


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