1. Unusually clear pseudocode example


Found this on the web while searching on "pseudocode" -- it seems like a good
clear example of a presention of an algorithm.  A collection of such algorithms,
done consistently in form, would be valuable.  As it is, the pseudocode on the
web seems a mish-mash that ranges widely in value.  Even this example is mildly
biased toward C++.  Ideally there would be no program bias.  I did use this in
writing a slope and intercept function.



PURPOSE: Find the equation of the least squares line for a set of n data
points (x,y).  Slope is its slope, and YIntercept it its y intercept.
SumX, SumY, SumX2, and SumXY are the sums of the x's, the y's, the squares of 
the x's, and the products x*y.  XMean and YMean are the means of the x's
and the y's, respectively 

INPUT:   A collection of data points (x,y)

OUTPUT:  The equation of the least squares line


Step 1   Initialize n, SumX, SumY, SumX2, SumXY all to 0.

Step 2   Read the x-coordinate of the first data point x.

Step 3  While the end of data has not been encountered, do the following
	Step 4  Read the y-coordinate of the data point, y. 

	Step 5  Increment n by 1.

	Step 6  Add x to SumX

        Step 7  Add x^2 to SumX2

        Step 8  Add y to SumY

        Step 9  Add x*y to SumXY

        Step 10 Read the next data point x,y
        End while 

Step 11 If n > 0 then call CalculateSlopeIntercept
        and display least squares line

Step 12 Else Display a message that no data points were read.
        End If/Else

End Main

PROCEDURE: CalculateSlopeIntercept

INPUT:  SumX, SumY, SumX2, SumXY, n

OUTPUT:  Slope of least squares line, and YIntercept of least 
         squares line.


Step1  calculate   XMean = SumX/n and YMean = SumY/n
Step2  calculate   Slope = (SumXY - SumX*YMean)/(SumX2 - SumX*XMean)

Step3  calculate   YIntercept = YMean - Slope * XMean

Step4  return  Slope and YIntercept

The algorithm assumes a main portion and a function call to a procedure called
ComputeSlopeIntercept. In C++ this would be a main() function and a void function
ComputeSlopeIntercept with 5 value parameters and 2 reference parameters. Step 4
in the procedure algorithm, return Slope and YIntercept is achieved through
assignment of the reference parameters. No explicit return statement is needed.

The output of the program is bracketed by an if/else structure to avoid calling
the procedure ComputeSlopeIntercept with no data points. The output should
include the format of a line in slope-intercept form y = mx + b. This equation
should be displayed on the screen.


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2. Re: Unusually clear pseudocode example

DB James wrote:
> Hi,
> Found this on the web while searching on "pseudocode" -- it seems like a good
> clear example of a presention of an algorithm.  A collection of such
> algorithms,
> done consistently in form, would be valuable.  As it is, the pseudocode on the
> web seems a mish-mash that ranges widely in value.  Even this example is
> mildly
> biased toward C++.  Ideally there would be no program bias.  I did use this
> in writing a slope and intercept function.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> from:
> <a
> href="http://www.mines.edu/Academic/courses/math_cs/macs261/LABS/F00/lab7.html">http://www.mines.edu/Academic/courses/math_cs/macs261/LABS/F00/lab7.html</a>
> PURPOSE: Find the equation of the least squares line for a set of n data
> points (x,y).  Slope is its slope, and YIntercept it its y intercept.
> SumX, SumY, SumX2, and SumXY are the sums of the x's, the y's, the squares of
> the x's, and the products x*y.  XMean and YMean are the means of the x's
> and the y's, respectively 
> INPUT:   A collection of data points (x,y)
> OUTPUT:  The equation of the least squares line
> Step 1   Initialize n, SumX, SumY, SumX2, SumXY all to 0.
> Step 2   Read the x-coordinate of the first data point x.
> Step 3  While the end of data has not been encountered, do the following
> 	Step 4  Read the y-coordinate of the data point, y. 
> 	Step 5  Increment n by 1.
> 	Step 6  Add x to SumX
>         Step 7  Add x^2 to SumX2
>         Step 8  Add y to SumY
>         Step 9  Add x*y to SumXY
>         Step 10 Read the next data point x,y
>         End while 
> Step 11 If n > 0 then call CalculateSlopeIntercept
>         and display least squares line
> Step 12 Else Display a message that no data points were read.
>         End If/Else
> End Main
> PROCEDURE: CalculateSlopeIntercept
> INPUT:  SumX, SumY, SumX2, SumXY, n
> OUTPUT:  Slope of least squares line, and YIntercept of least 
>          squares line.
> Step1  calculate   XMean = SumX/n and YMean = SumY/n
> Step2  calculate   Slope = (SumXY - SumX*YMean)/(SumX2 - SumX*XMean)
> Step3  calculate   YIntercept = YMean - Slope * XMean
> Step4  return  Slope and YIntercept
> The algorithm assumes a main portion and a function call to a procedure called
> ComputeSlopeIntercept. In C++ this would be a main() function and a void
> function
> ComputeSlopeIntercept with 5 value parameters and 2 reference parameters. Step
> 4 in the procedure algorithm, return Slope and YIntercept is achieved through
> assignment of the reference parameters. No explicit return statement is
> needed.
> The output of the program is bracketed by an if/else structure to avoid
> calling
> the procedure ComputeSlopeIntercept with no data points. The output should
> include
> the format of a line in slope-intercept form y = mx + b. This equation should
> be displayed on the screen. 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --Quark

I haven't worked on it for awhile, but I wish that I had clear explanations like
this for the Great Computer Language Shootout code... it would make the task much

What I do now is translate from C or whatever other language is the most clear
but I still don't always understand what I'm doing. If I had clearer explanations
I would be able to see how to use Euphoria's strengths better.


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