1. No one talking today ?


What, is everybody sleeping today or something?
No forum activity, until now that is smile

Wake up and let's hear about your great programs!

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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2. Re: No one talking today ?

Al Getz wrote:
> ZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz,
> What, is everybody sleeping today or something?
> No forum activity, until now that is smile
> Wake up and let's hear about your great programs!
> Take care,
> Al
> And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

Believe it or not, EUforum is one of the most active programming related mailing
list on topica. Most of them have an activity level of one or two messages per
week; some even per month. EUforum on the other hand has just 470 subscribers
(half of them are active) but an average of 20-30 messages per day. My guess is
most others ditched Topica because it's unreliable.

After nearly 13 years of Euphoria, there are only 470 subscribers and only about
250 of them are active. That is depressing! We should have more like 25,000
people not 250. There may be 1000's who are unactive, but we only really benefit
from those who are active.

The Euphoria IRC chatroom has pretty much died too, there used to be alot of
activity in the past with daily chat logs of 60-500+ KB in size. Now daily logs
are around 3-20 KB with no activity other than joining & disconnecting.

Maybe we should go mention Euphoria in other programming forums and/or
chatrooms, in an attempt to lure more people here! smile


     ___	      __________      ___
    /__/\            /__________\    |\ _\
    \::\'\          //::::::::::\\   |'|::|
     \::\'\        //:::_::::_:::\\  |'|::|
      \::\'\      //::/  |::|  \::\\ |'|::|
       \::\'\    //::/   |::|   \::\\|'|::|
        \::\'\__//::/    |::|    \::\|'|::|
         \::\','/::/     |::|     \::\\|::|
          \::\_/::/      |::|      \::\|::|
           \::,::/       |::|       \:::::|
            \___/        |__|        \____|


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3. Re: No one talking today ?

Al Getz wrote:
> ZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz,
> What, is everybody sleeping today or something?
> No forum activity, until now that is smile
> Wake up and let's hear about your great programs!
> Take care,
> Al
> And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

Hi Al,

Does seem a bit quiet, as if the programming gods were disporting themselves in
idle revelry and divine dissipation instead of attending to business.

So, let's see...  Oh yes, I did have an idea that might be worth a mention: we
could use a standing list of ideas for programs for those times when a programmer
wants to tackle something (maybe just to take a break from his or her more
commonly-done stuff).  Anyone could add to the list, and possibly it would
contain not only descriptions of the recommended programs, but a guess as to the
level of difficulty.

Off-top-of-head examples:

- A holiday-specific graphics-oriented program (actually many of these would be
welcome).  Difficulty 2:4 (of a range of 1:10)

-- A generic tutorial program to which anyone could add a module.  Difficulty:

--Universal basic language translator - does near one-to-one translations of the
basic 2-3K words in any language. Difficulty: 5-7

--Clear and distinct demo of a successful non-trivial neural net showing the
process of learning.  Difficulty: 4:6

--Super-fast and easy-to-use encoding / encryption for various schemes. 
Difficulty 4:7.

--Database of program routines for easy insertion into a program. 
(Controversial?)  Difficulty: 5:7

--Basic games (tic-tac-toe, etc.) rendered into Euphoria code for fun, teaching
programming principles, and suggusting good development habits.  Difficulty 2:5

A related idea is gathering and optimizing pseudocode algorithms for people to
use in practicing programming skills.


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4. Re: No one talking today ?

Well, if anyone is really bored, 
why not view my recent victory in Language War (expert level)...


... and they said it was impossible!

You just have to run: ex playback.ex
Multitasking is not required.
Default is 2x speed.

I added a real-time task to LW that takes a snapshot of the screen
every 1/2 sec and adds it to a queue. Another time-shared task runs when
no other real-time task is ready to run. It compresses the
queue of frame data, a bit at a time, and writes it out to disk. 
These tasks allow the game to run normally with no visible slow-down.
The result is lastgame.vid suitable for playback.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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5. Re: No one talking today ?

Robert Craig wrote:
> Well, if anyone is really bored, 
> why not view my recent victory in Language War (expert level)...
>   <a
>   href="http://www.rapideuphoria.com/uploads/victory.zip">http://www.rapideuphoria.com/uploads/victory.zip</a>
> ... and they said it was impossible!
> You just have to run: ex playback.ex
> Multitasking is not required.
> Default is 2x speed.
> I added a real-time task to LW that takes a snapshot of the screen
> every 1/2 sec and adds it to a queue. Another time-shared task runs when
> no other real-time task is ready to run. It compresses the
> queue of frame data, a bit at a time, and writes it out to disk. 
> These tasks allow the game to run normally with no visible slow-down.
> The result is lastgame.vid suitable for playback.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    <a href="http://www.RapidEuphoria.com">http://www.RapidEuphoria.com</a>

Rob, you got some mad skills at Language War. I guess you would have them as you
wrote the game and played it hundreds of times! grin

You should add online multiplayer support, so we can all have space wars; that
would be cool LOL.

BTW that is a huge movie file: 17 MB!


     ___	      __________      ___
    /__/\            /__________\    |\ _\
    \::\'\          //::::::::::\\   |'|::|
     \::\'\        //:::_::::_:::\\  |'|::|
      \::\'\      //::/  |::|  \::\\ |'|::|
       \::\'\    //::/   |::|   \::\\|'|::|
        \::\'\__//::/    |::|    \::\|'|::|
         \::\','/::/     |::|     \::\\|::|
          \::\_/::/      |::|      \::\|::|
           \::,::/       |::|       \:::::|
            \___/        |__|        \____|


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6. Re: No one talking today ?

DB James wrote:
> Al Getz wrote:
> > 
> > ZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz,
> > 
> > What, is everybody sleeping today or something?
> > No forum activity, until now that is smile
> > 
> > Wake up and let's hear about your great programs!
> > 
> > 
> > Take care,
> > Al
> > 
> > And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> > 
> > My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"
> > 
> Hi Al,
> Does seem a bit quiet, as if the programming gods were disporting themselves
> in idle revelry and divine dissipation instead of attending to business.
> So, let's see...  Oh yes, I did have an idea that might be worth a mention:
> we could use a standing list of ideas for programs for those times when a
> programmer
> wants to tackle something (maybe just to take a break from his or her more
> commonly-done
> stuff).  Anyone could add to the list, and possibly it would contain not only
> descriptions of the recommended programs, but a guess as to the level of
> difficulty.
> Off-top-of-head examples:
> - A holiday-specific graphics-oriented program (actually many of these would
> be welcome).  Difficulty 2:4 (of a range of 1:10)
> -- A generic tutorial program to which anyone could add a module.  Difficulty:
> 4-6
> --Universal basic language translator - does near one-to-one translations of
> the basic 2-3K words in any language. Difficulty: 5-7
> --Clear and distinct demo of a successful non-trivial neural net showing the
> process of learning.  Difficulty: 4:6
> --Super-fast and easy-to-use encoding / encryption for various schemes. 
> Difficulty
> 4:7.
> --Database of program routines for easy insertion into a program. 
> (Controversial?)
>  Difficulty: 5:7
> --Basic games (tic-tac-toe, etc.) rendered into Euphoria code for fun,
> teaching
> programming principles, and suggusting good development habits.  Difficulty
> 2:5
> A related idea is gathering and optimizing pseudocode algorithms for people
> to use in practicing programming skills.
> --Quark

Hi there,

Sounds like an interesting idea.
What do you mean by:
"...gathering and optimizing pseudocode algorithms for people
to use in practicing programming skills" ?

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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7. Re: No one talking today ?

Vincent wrote:
> Al Getz wrote:
> > 
> > ZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz,
> > 
> > What, is everybody sleeping today or something?
> > No forum activity, until now that is smile
> > 
> > Wake up and let's hear about your great programs!
> > 
> > 
> > Take care,
> > Al
> > 
> > And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> > 
> > My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"
> > 
> Believe it or not, EUforum is one of the most active programming related
> mailing
> list on topica. Most of them have an activity level of one or two messages per
> week; some even per month. EUforum on the other hand has just 470 subscribers
> (half of them are active) but an average of 20-30 messages per day. My guess
> is most others ditched Topica because it's unreliable.
> After nearly 13 years of Euphoria, there are only 470 subscribers and only
> about
> 250 of them are active. That is depressing! We should have more like 25,000
> people not 250. There may be 1000's who are unactive, but we only really
> benefit
> from those who are active.
> The Euphoria IRC chatroom has pretty much died too, there used to be alot of
> activity
> in the past with daily chat logs of 60-500+ KB in size. Now daily logs are
> around
> 3-20 KB with no activity other than joining & disconnecting.
> Maybe we should go mention Euphoria in other programming forums and/or
> chatrooms,
> in an attempt to lure more people here! smile
> Regards,
> Vincent
> ----------------------------------------------

Hi there Vincent,

Yeah wierd.  Some of the programmers i've talked too just consider it
another "Pascal-like" language so i guess it doesnt appear to be
anything special.  That's usually all they know about too, none of
the details.
Of the people that do pick up on Eu i think they usually stick with it.
I've also read that people tend to stick more with the languages they
already know, so if they learn something else first there's less of
a chance they will pick up on Eu or even another language like this.
Thing is, it's not all related to the quality of the language as in how
good it really is, it's partly other things too.  I guess it helps to
have libraries that work well too without any bugs (or few).

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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8. Re: No one talking today ?

Al Getz wrote:
> Hi there,
> Sounds like an interesting idea.
> What do you mean by:
> "...gathering and optimizing pseudocode algorithms for people
> to use in practicing programming skills" ?
> Take care,
> Al
> And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

Hello Al,

This idea came from my limited success on the Web in getting good, clear
pseudocode that implement algorithms for various functions for the purpose of
translating them into Eu.  I remember thinking that a nice collection of good
ones would make excellent practice in learning any programming language.  The
mental effort of translation would help fix key ideas in mind, but because the
algorithmic reasoning had already been done, the focus would remain on the

For an example of one approach to this, see my post "Unusually Clear Pseudocode
Example" which I put up before I had seen your post.

Imagine a bunch of these useful expressions presented in order of difficulty as
well as by type.  Probably people at all levels of expertise could benefit.


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9. Re: No one talking today ?

DB James wrote:
> Al Getz wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > Sounds like an interesting idea.
> > What do you mean by:
> > "...gathering and optimizing pseudocode algorithms for people
> > to use in practicing programming skills" ?
> > 
> > 
> > Take care,
> > Al
> > 
> > And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> > 
> > My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"
> Hello Al,
> This idea came from my limited success on the Web in getting good, clear
> pseudocode
> that implement algorithms for various functions for the purpose of translating
> them into Eu.  I remember thinking that a nice collection of good ones would
> make excellent practice in learning any programming language.  The mental
> effort
> of translation would help fix key ideas in mind, but because the algorithmic
> reasoning had already been done, the focus would remain on the language.
> For an example of one approach to this, see my post "Unusually Clear
> Pseudocode
> Example" which I put up before I had seen your post.
> Imagine a bunch of these useful expressions presented in order of difficulty
> as well as by type.  Probably people at all levels of expertise could benefit.
> --Quark

Hi there,

Oh yes, interesting idea.  Having the methods laid out would help
when someone wants to implement their own personal version and yeah
provide practice too.
It's also interesting to start with a flow chart, and go from there,
trying to lay out the program in Eu.  It's a challenge to try to get
some loops coded into Eu because there is no 'goto' statement.
A flow chart is very concise too, even more so than a pseudo coded

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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