1. Re: Implementing structures

At 12:11 PM 4/23/98 -0700, David Cuny wrote:

>Let me see if I understand what you are asking for:
>1. Ability to define sequences with structured elements.
>2. Type checking for the elements.
>3. Ability to re-use element names with different structures
>4. Implemented as an include file.

Exactly (except #4)

>Assuming that something like *this* is the optimal syntax:
>   myPoint.x = 11
>   myLine.point1.x = 32
>   x = myLine.point2.y
>I can offer the following versions:
>[Fairly Little Overhead]
>   myPoint = set( myPoint, ptX, 11 )
>   myLine = set( myLine, {lnPoint1, ptX}, 32 )
>   x = get( myLine, {lnPoint2, ptY} )
<snip some more examples>

>Do any of these appeal to you (or other people)?
These seem more OO than what we have been discussing.
Looking thru some old Pascal code, I find structures used
extensively. Everywhere, actually. Quite useful, and makes
for cleaner code.
An example converted to Euphorish:
structure listbox
   coords location -- we're assuming type coords
   coords size       -- is already defined as
   sequence caption -- a structure with elements
   atom maxlen        -- x and y, type checked to be
   ....etc.               -- within valid range for screen coords.

assignments would be done in the normal way:
with listbox
  location = {1,1}
  size = {100,100}
  caption = "My List"
  maxlen = 25
end listbox

You could use the same names (location...etc) for
other gadgets:
  messagebox:location = {12,16}

The difference would be you could refer to listbox as a unit
(like any sequence) but assignments would be type checked,
i.e. location could not be assigned 1, or "Here". and maxlen
couldn't be "Lou" or {2,1} (Oh,yeah: no more LOCATION  = 1,
SIZE=2, constant declarations needed, either)

I am not at all sure this could be implemented in any way
other than a change to Euphoria itself. Hope I am wrong.

>PS: When are you going to post your Win95 for DOS program? >I'd *love* to =
take a look at it.

Saturday -- ok, maybe Sunday. Depends upon all sorts of
things, including the barometric pressure...

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