1. HI & LOW

Hi again!

Can someone explain me what's the difference between High-level
programing and Low-level programing?I'm lost!


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2. Re: HI & LOW

>Can someone explain me what's the difference between High-level
>programing and Low-level programing?I'm lost!

A High-level programming language is defined to serve the programmer program
the algorithms.
A low-level programming language is defined to give the programmer a clear
idea and control to what the computer is actually doing. In ASM you know
what instruction the machine is executing. In Java you have no control nor
idea and this may vary along different interpreters or virtual machines and

That is why low-level machine languages are usually faster. You have more
control over the actual code that is being executed. You could optimize
better, than any high-level language could do, simply because we are humans
and have more insight than a compiler or interpreter could ever have.
High-level languages usually give you more freedom and flexibility because
you can not force them into any code, they can choose the appropiate code
for you, sometimes even within some context.

High-level languages are thus closer to algoritms and present easier to
maintain and understand code, that will work in more situations and is
always more portable than low-level programming language.

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at xs4all.nl

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3. Re: HI & LOW

At 04:52 PM 5/26/98 +0000, Luis wrote:

>Hi again!
>Can someone explain me what's the difference between High-level
>programing and Low-level programing?I'm lost!
OK: Low level:

  .MODEL small
  .STACK 100h
HelloMessage DB 'Hello, World!',13,10,'$'
  mov ax,@data
  mov ds,ax           ; set ds to point to the data segment
  mov ah,9             ; dos printstring function (*see note)
  mov dx,OFFSET HelloMessage   ; point to message
  int 21h                 ; call dos service
  mov ah,4Ch         ; dos terminate program call
  int 21h                 ; call dos service

High level:

 puts(1,"Hello World!")



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4. HI & LOW

Hi there,

I think high-level =3D for example programming in EUPHORIA,PASCAL etc
        low-level  =3D                            Assembeler (machinecode=

at least this is my understanding

regards Karlheinz =

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5. Re: HI & LOW

At 02:46 PM 5/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi there,
>I think high-level = for example programming in EUPHORIA,PASCAL etc
>        low-level  = Assembeler (machinecode)
>at least this is my understanding
>regards Karlheinz

Perhaps it has to do with how much attention you have to pay
to the machine: If you have to worry about 8/16/32 bit numbers,
signed/unsigned/double..etc., searching for the end of strings,
stuff like that, then I call that a low-level language.
Oops, C++ fits that description.

Perhaps it has to do with how much code it takes to do a particular
task. I noticed a 2k com file on my drive, and the assembler
source was 25k. I'd call that low level. On the other hand,
have you ever seen how much code it takes to print "Hello World!"
in COBOL? (Don't forget the JCL!) Yet COBOL is considered more
or less a high level language.

Using either of these two criteria, Euphoria falls into the
category of "high level", I think.


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6. Re: HI & LOW

Irv wrote:

> At 04:52 PM 5/26/98 +0000, Luis wrote:
> >Hi again!
> >
> >Can someone explain me what's the difference between High-level
> >programing and Low-level programing?I'm lost!
> >
> >
> OK: Low level:
>   .MODEL small
>   .STACK 100h
>   .DATA
> HelloMessage DB 'Hello, World!',13,10,'$'
>   .CODE
>   mov ax,@data
>   mov ds,ax           ; set ds to point to the data segment
>   mov ah,9             ; dos printstring function (*see note)
>   mov dx,OFFSET HelloMessage   ; point to message
>   int 21h                 ; call dos service
>   mov ah,4Ch         ; dos terminate program call
>   int 21h                 ; call dos service
>   END
> High level:
>  puts(1,"Hello World!")
> Regards,
> Irv

  Basically, low level stuff is one step above machine code. High level
is stuff like Visual basic, C, C++, and Euphoria. But, it all has to
come low-level for it to be taken easier. (Is that right?)

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