1. A bit of help...

Hi again!

Is there some way to open a file from command line into GENERIC.EXW
included with Win32lib? If not, do I have to add command_line into
GENERIC.EXW, and how do I do it? (I never made sense of it...) I'll give
a shot at it, and tell me how i'm doing/help me correct it.



sequence cmd_line
cmd_line = command_line()

so if user types at command prompt: generic.exe c:\magicdat.out
cmd_line would me: {"path/generic.exe", "c:\magicdat.out"}

(^ = I want this. How do I get just that segment?)

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2. Re: A bit of help...

Bonn Ortloff ("LEVIATHAN") wondered:

>Is there some way to open a file from command line into GENERIC.EXW
>included with Win32lib? If not, do I have to add command_line into
>GENERIC.EXW, and how do I do it? (I never made sense of it...) I'll give
>a shot at it, and tell me how i'm doing/help me correct it.

You are correct, in that command_line is the mechanism to do it.

You are guaranteed to get at least two sequences back from command_line();
those you can ignore. You are interested in the third argument. So something
along the lines of:

   sequence parm, fileName
   parm = command_line()
   if length(parm) > 2 then
      -- they entered a file name
      -- note that only the first name entered is used
      fileName = parm[3]
      -- no file name
      fileName = ""
   end if

should do the trick.

Hope this helps!

-- David Cuny

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