1. svga mouse, HD boot fix, INP,OUT, cds

[svga mouse]
Einar asked how Irv did the smooth scrolling mouse cursor in his Windoz
gui... I think he used my rewrite of mouse.e for David Cuny's TextGui in
svga graphics mode.  If I'm not mistaken, the modified mouse.e is also
available from Irv's FTP.  I'm adding support for custom graphics cursors
which I'll make available after testing.

[hard disk boot fix]
When I had a virus kill my hd, I had to use "fdisk /mbr" to make it
bootable again.  This is only for the event that your master boot record
is corrupted, and won't fix anything if it's a problem with the cables.

[INP, OUT, and CD routines]
For port I/O, try ports.e by Jacques Deschenes.  use "Input" in place of
basic's "INP" and "Output" for "OUT".  Jacques has also written cd
routines.  Both are available at

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       xseal at harborside.com

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