1. Open BMP Dialog

I am Very new to Euphoria. In the IDE,I am trying a simple test window with 
one button and a BMP control. The button opens a 'OPEN Dialog'. How do I use 
the Dialog to open the selected BMP and see it in the BMP control?

I really need all the code because I do not understand how these Dialogs are 
to be used. 

Thank You,

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2. Re: Open BMP Dialog

Kenneth E. Bernhardt wrote:
> How do I use the Dialog to open the selected BMP and
> see it in the BMP control?

Kenneth, have a look at the Win32Lib\Demo folder. It has a few files in there
that show how to load and display and manipulate bitmaps.

If you have any specific questions, ask again. :)

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3. Re: Open BMP Dialog

Kenneth E. Bernhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Very new to Euphoria. In the IDE,I am trying a simple test window with
> one button and a BMP control. The button opens a 'OPEN Dialog'. How do I use
> the Dialog to open the selected BMP and see it in the BMP control?
> I really need all the code because I do not understand how these Dialogs are
> to be used. 
> Thank You,


Here's something that may be the start of what you want; it invokes the open
dialog, & then puts the resultant file name into a label.  Then what you'd 
want to do is to put the bitmap into a window.  An example of how you might
do that follows after this first example.  (ps. I found both of these by
using "RunDemos.exw", which can be found in the Demos folder for Win32Lib.)

Dan Moyer

include win32lib.ew
without warning

Main = create( Window, "Main", 0, Default, Default, 500, 500, 0),
Name = create( LText, "", Main, 5,5, 470, 35, SS_NOPREFIX)

procedure main_open(integer void1, integer void2, sequence null)
object x
x = getOpenFileName(Main,"",{})
if sequence(x) then
    setText(Name, x)
end if
end procedure
setHandler(Main,{w32HActivate, w32HClick},routine_id("main_open"))


And this following example, as it states, shows some bitmaps in a window.
It does more than you need, & seems complex, so maybe I'll look for easier
examples.  But at least it gives you some idea of how to proceed.


-- example16.exw
--      Display Bitmaps In Window

include win32lib.ew
without warning
without trace
VOID = setSearchPaths("..\\demoresources\\")
-- controls
integer MyWindow
integer MyButton
integer btnStyle
integer vImgBuffer

atom vBitmapHandle
integer vNextBitmap
sequence vBitmapNames

integer vTiling
vTiling = w32True
with trace
procedure onPaint_MyWindow(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
    sequence lExtent
    sequence lBitmapSize

   if vBitmapHandle = 0 then
   end if

    -- get the window size
    lExtent = getClientSize( MyWindow )
    lExtent = lExtent[3..4]
    lBitmapSize = getCtlSize(vBitmapHandle)

    if vTiling then
        -- Adjust size of off-screen buffer
        setCtlSize(vImgBuffer,lExtent[1], lExtent[2])
        -- fill the off-screen buffer with the bitmap
        for i = 0 to lExtent[1] by lBitmapSize[1] do
            for j = 0 to lExtent[2] by lBitmapSize[2] do
                drawBitmap( vImgBuffer, vBitmapHandle, i, j )
            end for
        end for
        -- Copy the off-screen buffer to the real screen.
        copyBlt(MyWindow, 0, 0, vImgBuffer)

        -- Adjust size of off-screen buffer
        setCtlSize(vImgBuffer,lBitmapSize[1], lBitmapSize[2])
        drawBitmap(vImgBuffer, vBitmapHandle, 0, 0 )
        stretchBlt(MyWindow,0,0, lExtent[1], lExtent[2],
                   vImgBuffer,0, 0,lBitmapSize[1], lBitmapSize[2],
    end if

end procedure

procedure btnClick(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)

    vNextBitmap += 1
    if vNextBitmap > length(vBitmapNames) then
        vNextBitmap = 1
    end if

    if vBitmapHandle then
        -- delete the old bitmap
    end if

    vBitmapHandle = loadBitmapFromFile(vBitmapNames[vNextBitmap])

end procedure

procedure btnStyleClick(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)

    if equal(getCaption(self), "&Tile") then
        setText(self, "&Stretch")
        vTiling = w32True
        setText(self, "&Tile")
        vTiling = w32False
    end if

end procedure

procedure resizing(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
    if not vTiling then
    end if
end procedure

procedure main()
    sequence lTextDim
    object lFileList

    vNextBitmap = 0
    vBitmapHandle = 0
    vBitmapNames = {}

    MyWindow =
        create( Window, "Tiled Bitmap Test", 0, Default, Default, 320, 200, 0 )
    MyButton =
        create( PushButton, "&Change Background", MyWindow, 10, 10, 160, 30, 0 )

    btnStyle =
        create( PushButton, "&Stretch", MyWindow, 180, 10, 100, 30, 0 )

    vImgBuffer = create(Pixmap, "", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)

    -- Get a list of the bitmaps in the current folder
    lFileList= dir("..\\demoresources\\*.bmp")
    if sequence (lFileList) then
        for i = 1 to length(lFileList) do
           vBitmapNames = append(vBitmapNames, lFileList[i][D_NAME])
        end for
    end if

    if length(vBitmapNames) = 0 then
       setText(MyButton, "No Bitmaps")
       setEnable({MyButton, btnStyle}, 0)
        setHandler(MyButton, w32HClick, routine_id("btnClick"))
    end if

    setHandler(btnStyle, w32HClick, routine_id("btnStyleClick"))

    -- Establish the handlers.
    setHandler(MyWindow, w32HPaint, routine_id("onPaint_MyWindow"))
    setHandler(MyWindow, w32HResize, routine_id("resizing"))

    -- hand control over to Windows
    WinMain( MyWindow, Normal )
end procedure


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4. Re: Open BMP Dialog


Here's an easier example of putting a bitmap into a window, just use the
return from the open file dialog as the file name, I think:

-- ex16.exw
--      Display Bitmaps In Window
--      Change Control's Font

include win32lib.ew
without warning

VOID = setSearchPaths("..\\demoresources\\")
-- controls
     "Test Window, width=50%, height=50%",
     "Button,OK, left=10, top=10, width=80, height=40," &
                "font=(Times New Roman,10),tag=1"

-- load the bitmap
constant hBitmap = loadBitmapFromFile("java.bmp")-- <-- PUT OPEN DIALOG RETURN

global procedure Paint_TestWindow( integer self, integer event, sequence parms)

    sequence extent
    sequence bmsize

    -- get the window size
    extent = getCtlSize( self )
    bmsize = getCtlSize( hBitmap )

    -- fill with the bitmap
    for i = 0 to extent[1] by bmsize[1] do
        for j = 0 to extent[2] by bmsize[2] do
            drawBitmap( self, hBitmap, i, j )
        end for
    end for

end procedure
registerRoutine("Paint_TestWindow", routine_id("Paint_TestWindow"))

global procedure Click_OK(integer self, integer event, sequence parms)
  -- change the font
  sequence lTag
  lTag = getUserProperty(self, "Tag")
  if lTag[1] then
     setFont( self, "Times New Roman", 18, Bold+Italic )
     setFont( self, "Times New Roman", 10, Normal )
  end if
  setUserProperty(self, "Tag", not lTag[1])

end procedure
registerRoutine("Click_OK", routine_id("Click_OK"))

include w32Start.ew

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5. Re: Open BMP Dialog

Kenneth E. Bernhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Very new to Euphoria. In the IDE,I am trying a simple test window with
> one button and a BMP control. The button opens a 'OPEN Dialog'. How do I use
> the Dialog to open the selected BMP and see it in the BMP control?
> I really need all the code because I do not understand how these Dialogs are
> to be used. 
> Thank You,


Here's a "quick" and dirty example that worked for me; I cut snippets from
various demos, including "Generic" from the demos folder.
The "OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT" flag is not necessary & might be a problem, 
and you could probably change the sizing portion to suit your needs:

Dan Moyer

--  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v0.20.1

include Win32Lib.ew
without warning

--  Window Window1
constant Window1 = createEx( Window, "Window1", 0, Default, Default, 400, 300,
0, 0 )
constant PushButton2 = createEx( PushButton, "PushButton2", Window1, 72, 72, 88,
28, 0, 0 )
-- default file types the app recognizes
constant FileTypes = {
    "dialog flags", {OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT},
    "bitmaps", "*.bmp"}

atom hBitmap
procedure PushButton2_onClick (integer self, integer event, sequence
params)--params is ()
    sequence extent
    sequence bmsize

    integer handle
    sequence fName, buffer
    object data

    -- get the file name
    fName = getOpenFileName( Window1, "", FileTypes )

    -- entered a file name?
    if length( fName ) = 0 then
    end if

    if sequence(fName[1]) then
        fName = fName[1] & fName[2]
    end if
    -- open the file
 --   handle = open( fName, "r" )

-- load the bitmap
hBitmap  = loadBitmapFromFile(fName)

    -- get the window size
    extent = getCtlSize( Window1 )
    bmsize = getCtlSize( hBitmap )

    -- fill with the bitmap
    for i = 0 to extent[1] by bmsize[1] do
        for j = 0 to extent[2] by bmsize[2] do
            drawBitmap( Window1, hBitmap, i, j )
        end for
    end for

end procedure
setHandler( PushButton2, w32HClick, routine_id("PushButton2_onClick"))

WinMain( Window1,Normal )

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