1. Win32Lib ver 0.14

Just had a quick look at it, and played the games. Very neat indeed!
The Black Box Game is quite difficult, but nicely done.
In the 'connect4' game I found a small bug:
Ex18.exw, line 294 should read:

            if diagonal( i, j, win ) then

Mr. Cuny doesn't want us to win, apparently blink

And concerning the Win32 tutorial:
David Cuny tries to explain us something on the internal workings, which =
very enlightning, especially for the more seasoned programmers.
What I'm trying to do is figure out what can be done with the tools he
provides us, with as little as possible diving into the making of the
That's what higher level programming is all about, isn't it?
So we are not, and will never be, in each others way, I think.

Anyway, thanks David Cuny for your new installment and explanation,
Best regards,


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