1. eu_addr.exw v0.3 bugfix


Ferlin Scarborough found a bug in the Address Manager: it was not testing=

on the length of fullname. This could get greater then 30, causing an err=
when trying to fill the string up to 30 characters. I decided not to
lengten the fullname, but warning the user to shorten the names. This tak=
only a few lines of coding.
Please paste in the following lines after line 100 (after the check for
empty fields) in the original program:

-- bugfix01.txt (line 100)      -- cut here
    -- test if fullname will fit in 30 characters
    elsif length(fname) + length(mname) + length(lname) > 28 then
        junk =3D message_box("Fullname is too long!\n" &
                           "Please shorten some of the names!",
                           "Warning!", {MB_ICONHAND, MB_TASKMODAL})
        setFocus(edtFName) =

-- cut here


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