1. Re: xplode.ex
- Posted by "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Oct 16, 1998
Hi Everybody, Last night my tennis match was interrupted again by rain (every bloody Thursday, four or five weeks in a row!) so I had to resort to Euphoria to calm my nerves. I played with Chris Cox's conversion from Qbasic - I hope you don't mind, Chris - and the result is attached. I added a little bit of random color, gravitational acceleration and timing loops to make it reasonably independent of the machine speed. The velocity gradation is also finer to avoid obvious layering. Enjoy. jiri -- explode.ex -- from code by David Calhoun -- ported from Qbasic to Euphoria by Chris Cox -- modified by jiri babor 98-10-15 without type_check include graphics.e -- pixel() and stuff include machine.e -- tick_rate() object junk sequence x,y,vx,vy atom ay,t integer a,flag procedure explode(sequence s, integer xo, integer yo) sequence pix,pal integer len -- initialize: write (invisibly) and record non-blank pixels x={} y={} len=8*length(s) -- length of string in pixels clear_screen() junk=palette(1,{0,0,0}) -- black, invisible ink text_color(1) position(1,1) puts(1,s) for row=0 to 15 do pix=get_pixel({0,row,len}) for i=1 to len do if pix[i] then x=x & (i-1) y=y & row end if end for end for x=x+xo -- include initial text offset y=y+yo -- include initial text offset len=length(x) -- pixel total vx=.1*(rand(repeat(41,len))-21) -- horizontal velocity between +-9 vy=.1*(rand(repeat(41,len))-41) -- vertical velocity between 0 to 9, up ay=0.01*(rand(11)+9) -- vertical acceleration, 0.1 to 0.2 -- display string junk=palette(15,{0,0,0}) -- start with black, invisible ink for i=1 to len do pixel(15,{x[i],y[i]}) end for -- fade in pal=0.02*(rand({21,21,21})+42) for i=1 to 50 do t=time()+0.01 junk=palette(15,floor(i*pal)) while time()<t do end while -- waste time end for a=50 flag=0 while a do t=time()+0.02 -- 50 fps max for i=1 to len do pixel(1,{x[i],y[i]}) x[i]=x[i]+vx[i] y[i]=y[i]+vy[i] vy[i]=vy[i]+ay pixel(15,{x[i],y[i]}) end for if flag then a=a-1 junk=palette(15,floor(a*pal)) end if flag=not flag while time()<t do end while -- waste time end while end procedure tick_rate(100) junk = graphics_mode(18) while get_key()=-1 do explode("VIVA EUPHORIA",50+rand(436),40+rand(200)) -- mode 18 (640x480) -- explode("VIVA EUPHORIA",20+rand(176),10+rand(120)) -- mode 19 (320x200) end while junk = graphics_mode(-1)