1. Re: Fuzzy logic
- Posted by Hawke <mdeland at NWINFO.NET> Oct 04, 1998
Michael Sabal wrote: > Your explanation was quite clear why thank you, i've been trying to avoid making stream of conciousness posts, glad it helped :) >(I didn't even need my old stats textbook -- >I think I sold it anyway :)). *snicker* sure ya didn't return it to the rental bookstore? ;) >With that perspective, it seems like a very good >start to comparing bitmaps >I still wouldn't put complete faith in a fuzzy logic program well, it is (imho) a very good start, and you're ever so very right not to trust it. I'll be the first to admit that and i'm kinda suprised no one has brought up what I'm about to say (been kinda waiting to see if anyone would *wry grin*) on this topic. The library (as such) or even the concept does actually have a potentially severe flaw depending on how or what you are doing. scenario: you're a police officer, running this program based upon this library to see if a mug shot of a suspect (let's say anglo male) is in the database. you scan the mug shot into the computer and tell the comparison program to load all photo's of anglo males and find all near matches. there is a far higher probability, even if the program is implemented properly, based upon the way the libary stands currently, that no pictures will be returned at all, then there is a probability that the correct picture is returned amidst several other 'close' matches. simply put, the library probably will not work for this scenario. *gasp* "well, Hawke', why the f**k did you release something that's ever so very broke!" answer: i didn't, technically speaking. the problem lies in the pictures themselves. the program can determine matchings based upon pixelXpixel matchings of pixel values. the dilemma falls into play if the mug shot is *shifted* (just by one single pixel) in any direction from the other database images. JoeBob sits on the cute bench at booking time, getting his mug shot taken, and JoeBob might sit a wee to the left on the bench. John Carnal might sit a wee to the right on the bench. So even with extreme care taken during the mug shot picture taking, and extreme care taken during the scanning of the suspect photo, unless you nail the centering of the pictures (all the way around) dead on solid pixel perfect (yeah,right) you will never get a match... joyous eh? ;) now, for the situation where you have a static camera taking pictures of the room, for security, and comparing those realtime images against a picture of the empty room, the library will crank, because unless the camera is bumped, the *shifting* will be 0/nil/nada/zip, and everything is thusly kosher. >If you're interested in voice recognition and >natural language algorithms, I have some snippits >I still need to add a check...I thought I could shortcut >Feel free to hack away! yeah, i might take a lookie-see at dat, see wot's wot... could be fun :) --Hawke'