1. Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program

Hi All

I hope that this post isn't too big with my program in. It is incomplete bu=
t sort of works, though=20
some bits are not done yet and some are causing me problems. I am intereste=
d in comments about the=20
program, the code and the problems. Please feel free to make any criticisms=

What does QUICK do? Simply, you start it up and leave it running (minimized=
) and it allows you to=20
key F12 followed by a single letter to launch any program you want. So that=
 allows 26 programs. Just=20
in case I allowed the ten digits too. F12 Esc =3D quit program. F12 Space =
=3D Help. F12 Enter is not yet=20
implemented. After F12 you can alternatively hover over a button to see wha=
t it launches or press=20
the button to launch.

At present I use ctrl-alt-LETTER to launch programs from the desktop but I =
want to clear my desktop=20
so this seems like a good way.

The problems are these:

1. Originally I had quick.exw and quick.ini in the same folder and the prog=
ram found the .ini file=20
with just a "quick.ini" file name but after I rebooted it couldn't find it =
and so I had to change to=20
the full path which is "C:\\EUPHORIA\\Ray\\quick.ini". I don't understand w=
hy a reboot did this.

2. I want to put Icons on the buttons for the selected programs of type .ex=
e so that they are easy=20
to recognise.  However as someone said, the 	extractIcon( function does not=
 appear to be compatible=20
with the  create(PictureButton or the setIcon( function so I haven't manage=
d to get any icons on the=20
buttons. I have commented out the part that doesn't work near the bottom. D=
on't worry about the=20
complex looking floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40 parameters as th=
ey work fine and just use=20
the same code to set up all 39 buttons.

3. I haven't yet done the Enter key part which is to allow the reassignment=
 of the keys by the user.=20
So at present you have to edit the .ini file (carefully) to set up the prog=
rams you want to have a=20
quick launch of.

4. I am not sure whether my program has a memory leak but something does. H=
ow do I tell?

What follows are the program which I call quick.exw and a possible starting=
 quick.ini file.
You can edit quick.ini to have your own favourites - the format should be o=

Dam - this is possibly going to butcher some long lines! I cut the indents =
down to try and help.

Ray Tomes

  =3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.exw start=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
sequence qhelp
qhelp=3D"QUICK is a quick hotkey program launcher of your favourite program=
s\n" &
   "\n" &
   "TO USE, start the quick application which will be in minimized mode.\n"=
   "At any time press F12 (or click *quick* on the task bar) to bring quick=
 up for use,\n" &
   "then either click on a button or type a single key a-z (or A-Z)\n" &
   "or 0-9 to run the chosen application. To remember easily,\n" &
   "I use E for Explorer, I for Irfanview, W for WordPad, Z for WinZip etc.=
\n" &
   "Press Enter and any of the 36 chosen applications can be set or altered=
.\n" &
   "When an application is selected for a button then its icon will show on=
 that button.\n" &
   "Press Esc and the application will be disabled and closed.\n" &
   "Press any other key (e.g. space) and the help information will be broug=
ht up.\n" &
   "Be Happy!\n" &
   "\n" &
   "=A9 Copyright 2003 Ray Tomes -- rtomes at ihug.co.nz\n" &
   "No warranty of any kind is given by the author\n" &
   "as it is my first Euphoria program, but I did test it lots  blink\n" &
   "May be freely used.  Please advise suggested changes to me.\n" &
   "Written in Euphoria language, see http://www.RapidEuphoria.com\n" &
   "and uses Win32Lib by David Cuny and friends and hotkey by Ting.\n" &
   "Thanks to Dan Moyer, Derek Parnell, C.K.Lester, aku saya, Pete Lomax\n"=
   "and others for helping me to learn Euphoria and Win32Lib.\n"

without warning
include Win32lib.ew
include hotkey.e
include msgbox.e

atom bnum -- button number pressed or key typed: a-z=3D>1-26, 0-9=3D>27-36,=
 Enter=3D>37, Esc=3D>38, other=3D>39
sequence assign, button
assign =3D repeat("",39)
button =3D repeat(0,39)
object bshow
bshow =3D "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" & {"Enter","Esc","?"}
atom inifn, i
object linb, bsh
constant Window1 =3D create( Window, "Quick", 0, Center, Center, 128, 547, =
0 )

atom Window2

procedure gethelp()
   i =3D message_box(qhelp, "Quick HELP", MB_OK)
end procedure

procedure reassign()
   -- to be done yet
end procedure

procedure launch(integer butno)
   if butno=3D37 then reassign()
   elsif butno=3D38 then closeApp()
   elsif butno=3D39 then gethelp()
   else shellExecute("open", assign[butno], SW_SHOWNORMAL)
   end if
   openWindow(Window1, Minimize)
end procedure

procedure AnyKey(integer self, integer event, sequence params) -- KEYstroke=

   integer keycode, shift
   if keycode>=3D'a' and keycode<=3D'z' then bnum=3Dkeycode-96
   elsif keycode>=3D'A' and keycode<=3D'Z' then bnum=3Dkeycode-64
   elsif keycode>=3D'0' and keycode<=3D'9' then bnum=3Dkeycode-48+27
   elsif keycode=3D13 then bnum=3D37
   elsif keycode=3D27 then bnum=3D38
   else bnum=3D39 -- undefined keys also gives help
   end if
end procedure

procedure WinHotKey(atom id) -- HotKey pressed =3D> show window
   openWindow( Window1, Normal)
end procedure

procedure ClickBut(integer id, integer event, sequence parms)
   for ib=3D1 to 39 do
     if id=3Dbutton[ib] then launch(ib) end if
   end for
end procedure

inifn=3Dopen( "C:\\EUPHORIA\\Ray\\quick.ini", "r") -- execution starts here=
 with quick.ini file
if inifn =3D -1 then
   i =3D message_box("quick.ini file not found", "Quick", MB_OKCANCEL)
   linb =3D gets(inifn)
   if equal(linb,"[buttons]\n") then
     for bn=3D1 to 36 do
       linb =3D gets(inifn)
       if atom(linb) then exit end if
     end for
   end if
end if

for ib=3D1 to 39 do
   if atom(bsh) then bsh=3D{bsh} end if
--  if match(".exe",assign[ib]) then
--    i=3DextractIcon(assign[ib]) -- seems that extractIcon is NOT compatib=
le with PictureButton
--    if i !=3D 0 then button[ib] =3D create( PictureButton, {bsh,"Launches=
 " & assign[ib]}, Window1,
--      floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40, 40, 40, 0)
--      setIcon ( button[ib], {i} )
--    else
--    end if
--  end if
   if i=3D0 then
     button[ib] =3D create( PushButton, {bsh,"Launches " & assign[ib]}, Win=
       floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40, 40, 40, 0)
   end if
   setHandler( button[ib], w32HClick, routine_id("ClickBut"))
end for

onHotKey =3D routine_id("WinHotKey")
setHotKey( Window1, 2, 0, VK_F12)
setHandler( Window1, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("AnyKey"))
WinMain( Window1, Minimize )
  =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.exw end=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D

  =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.ini start=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
I=3D"C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe"
L=3D"C:\Program Files\NoteTab Light\NoteTab.exe"
N=3D"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\Netscp.exe"
W=3D"C:\Program Files\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE"
Z=3D"C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE"

  =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.ini ends=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D

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2. Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program

Dam it butchered my post! Where do all those =3D=3D=3D come from?

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3. Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program


Your post & program has extra formatting characters in it, maybe you can see
them in this reply.  Maybe you're not set to send plain text?

Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Tomes" <rtomes at ihug.co.nz>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program

> Hi All
> I hope that this post isn't too big with my program in. It is incomplete
> t sort of works, though=20
> some bits are not done yet and some are causing me problems. I am
> d in comments about the=20
> program, the code and the problems. Please feel free to make any
> .
> What does QUICK do? Simply, you start it up and leave it running
> ) and it allows you to=20
> key F12 followed by a single letter to launch any program you want. So
>  allows 26 programs. Just=20
> in case I allowed the ten digits too. F12 Esc =3D quit program. F12 Space
> =3D Help. F12 Enter is not yet=20
> implemented. After F12 you can alternatively hover over a button to see
> t it launches or press=20
> the button to launch.
> At present I use ctrl-alt-LETTER to launch programs from the desktop but I
> want to clear my desktop=20
> so this seems like a good way.
> The problems are these:
> 1. Originally I had quick.exw and quick.ini in the same folder and the
> ram found the .ini file=20
> with just a "quick.ini" file name but after I rebooted it couldn't find it
> and so I had to change to=20
> the full path which is "C:\\EUPHORIA\\Ray\\quick.ini". I don't understand
> hy a reboot did this.
> 2. I want to put Icons on the buttons for the selected programs of type
> e so that they are easy=20
> to recognise.  However as someone said, the extractIcon( function does
>  appear to be compatible=20
> with the  create(PictureButton or the setIcon( function so I haven't
> d to get any icons on the=20
> buttons. I have commented out the part that doesn't work near the bottom.
> on't worry about the=20
> complex looking floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40 parameters as
> ey work fine and just use=20
> the same code to set up all 39 buttons.
> 3. I haven't yet done the Enter key part which is to allow the
>  of the keys by the user.=20
> So at present you have to edit the .ini file (carefully) to set up the
> rams you want to have a=20
> quick launch of.
> 4. I am not sure whether my program has a memory leak but something does.
> ow do I tell?
> What follows are the program which I call quick.exw and a possible
>  quick.ini file.
> You can edit quick.ini to have your own favourites - the format should be
> bvious.
> Dam - this is possibly going to butcher some long lines! I cut the indents
> down to try and help.
> Ray Tomes
>   =3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.exw start=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> sequence qhelp
> qhelp=3D"QUICK is a quick hotkey program launcher of your favourite
> s\n" &
>    "\n" &
>    "TO USE, start the quick application which will be in minimized
>  &
>    "At any time press F12 (or click *quick* on the task bar) to bring
>  up for use,\n" &
>    "then either click on a button or type a single key a-z (or A-Z)\n" &
>    "or 0-9 to run the chosen application. To remember easily,\n" &
>    "I use E for Explorer, I for Irfanview, W for WordPad, Z for WinZip
> \n" &
>    "Press Enter and any of the 36 chosen applications can be set or
> .\n" &
>    "When an application is selected for a button then its icon will show
>  that button.\n" &
>    "Press Esc and the application will be disabled and closed.\n" &
>    "Press any other key (e.g. space) and the help information will be
> ht up.\n" &
>    "Be Happy!\n" &
>    "\n" &
>    "=A9 Copyright 2003 Ray Tomes -- rtomes at ihug.co.nz\n" &
>    "No warranty of any kind is given by the author\n" &
>    "as it is my first Euphoria program, but I did test it lots  blink\n" &
>    "May be freely used.  Please advise suggested changes to me.\n" &
>    "Written in Euphoria language, see http://www.RapidEuphoria.com\n" &
>    "and uses Win32Lib by David Cuny and friends and hotkey by Ting.\n" &
>    "Thanks to Dan Moyer, Derek Parnell, C.K.Lester, aku saya, Pete
>  &
>    "and others for helping me to learn Euphoria and Win32Lib.\n"
> without warning
> include Win32lib.ew
> include hotkey.e
> include msgbox.e
> atom bnum -- button number pressed or key typed: a-z=3D>1-26,
>  Enter=3D>37, Esc=3D>38, other=3D>39
> sequence assign, button
> assign =3D repeat("",39)
> button =3D repeat(0,39)
> object bshow
> bshow =3D "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" & {"Enter","Esc","?"}
> atom inifn, i
> object linb, bsh
> constant Window1 =3D create( Window, "Quick", 0, Center, Center, 128, 547,
> 0 )
> atom Window2
> procedure gethelp()
>    i =3D message_box(qhelp, "Quick HELP", MB_OK)
> end procedure
> procedure reassign()
>    -- to be done yet
> end procedure
> procedure launch(integer butno)
>    if butno=3D37 then reassign()
>    elsif butno=3D38 then closeApp()
>    elsif butno=3D39 then gethelp()
>    else shellExecute("open", assign[butno], SW_SHOWNORMAL)
>    end if
>    openWindow(Window1, Minimize)
> end procedure
> procedure AnyKey(integer self, integer event, sequence params) --
>    integer keycode, shift
>    keycode=3Dparams[1]
>    shift=3Dparams[2]
>    if keycode>=3D'a' and keycode<=3D'z' then bnum=3Dkeycode-96
>    elsif keycode>=3D'A' and keycode<=3D'Z' then bnum=3Dkeycode-64
>    elsif keycode>=3D'0' and keycode<=3D'9' then bnum=3Dkeycode-48+27
>    elsif keycode=3D13 then bnum=3D37
>    elsif keycode=3D27 then bnum=3D38
>    else bnum=3D39 -- undefined keys also gives help
>    end if
>    launch(bnum)
> end procedure
> procedure WinHotKey(atom id) -- HotKey pressed =3D> show window
>    openWindow( Window1, Normal)
> end procedure
> procedure ClickBut(integer id, integer event, sequence parms)
>    for ib=3D1 to 39 do
>      if id=3Dbutton[ib] then launch(ib) end if
>    end for
> end procedure
> inifn=3Dopen( "C:\\EUPHORIA\\Ray\\quick.ini", "r") -- execution starts
>  with quick.ini file
> if inifn =3D -1 then
>    i =3D message_box("quick.ini file not found", "Quick", MB_OKCANCEL)
> else
>    linb =3D gets(inifn)
>    if equal(linb,"[buttons]\n") then
>      for bn=3D1 to 36 do
>        linb =3D gets(inifn)
>        if atom(linb) then exit end if
>        assign[bn]=3Dlinb[3..length(linb)-1]
>      end for
>    end if
> end if
> close(inifn)
> for ib=3D1 to 39 do
>    i=3D0
>    bsh=3Dbshow[ib]
>    if atom(bsh) then bsh=3D{bsh} end if
> --  if match(".exe",assign[ib]) then
> --    i=3DextractIcon(assign[ib]) -- seems that extractIcon is NOT
> le with PictureButton
> --    if i !=3D 0 then button[ib] =3D create( PictureButton,
>  " & assign[ib]}, Window1,
> --      floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40, 40, 40, 0)
> --      setIcon ( button[ib], {i} )
> --    else
> --    end if
> --  end if
>    if i=3D0 then
>      button[ib] =3D create( PushButton, {bsh,"Launches " & assign[ib]},
> dow1,
>        floor((ib-1)/13)*40, remainder(ib-1,13)*40, 40, 40, 0)
>    end if
>    setHandler( button[ib], w32HClick, routine_id("ClickBut"))
> end for
> onHotKey =3D routine_id("WinHotKey")
> setHotKey( Window1, 2, 0, VK_F12)
> setHandler( Window1, w32HKeyPress, routine_id("AnyKey"))
> WinMain( Window1, Minimize )
>   =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.exw end=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
>   =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.ini start=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> [buttons]
> A=3D
> B=3D
> C=3D
> D=3D
> F=3D
> G=3D
> H=3D
> I=3D"C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe"
> J=3D
> K=3D
> L=3D"C:\Program Files\NoteTab Light\NoteTab.exe"
> M=3D
> N=3D"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\Netscp.exe"
> O=3D
> P=3D
> Q=3D
> R=3D
> S=3D
> T=3D
> U=3D
> V=3D
> W=3D"C:\Program Files\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE"
> X=3D
> Y=3D
> Z=3D"C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE"
> 0=3D
> 1=3D
> 2=3D
> 3=3D
> 4=3D
> 5=3D
> 6=3D
> 7=3D
> 8=3D
> 9=3D
>   =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3Dquick.ini ends=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> TOPICA - Start your own email discussion group. FREE!

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4. Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program


Until someone suggests how to get rid of those extra characters, maybe send
it as an attachment; it won't go thru the web mail, but those who get the
posts directly will be able to see it.

btw, congrats on a very fast learning curve!  Mine is (still) as flat as a
graph of rate of technologic inventions during Paleolithic age.

Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Tomes" <rtomes at ihug.co.nz>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria

> Dam it butchered my post! Where do all those =3D=3D=3D come from?
> Ray
> TOPICA - Start your own email discussion group. FREE!

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5. Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program

Dan Moyer wrote:

> Until someone suggests how to get rid of those extra characters, maybe send
> it as an attachment; it won't go thru the web mail, but those who get the
> posts directly will be able to see it.

Yes, I am sorry about the mess that some of my posts end up in. I am using 
Netscape 7.0 for email and as far as I know I am using plain text. I just 
looked at my preferences and I don't see anything odd.

However it is clear that sometimes when I post any equals character the 
digits 32 are added after it.  At other times the equals (at the end of 
long lines) are put there by something else. My first post with subject 
"Hotkeys and Toolbars" Has very long lines and came through fine whereas 
"New to Euphoria and GUI" got loads of =20 put in wherever "it" decided to 
break the lines. What "it" is I do not know.

The weird thing is that I experienced this once before years ago in a 
discussion group, using a different email program, a different ISP and a 
different version of Windows! Only common thing is me and I am completely 
in the dark.

The following is a line of ten equals:
Will it come though as that?

In my first post to this subject (the big one) it added a 32 after each 
equal, but in my second one it didn't (I put them there). AFAIK I did 
nothing different!

> btw, congrats on a very fast learning curve!  Mine is (still) as flat as a
> graph of rate of technologic inventions during Paleolithic age.

LOL! Thanks, but as you will see in the help info, large parts of the 
program are attributable to other people, including you.

Ray Tomes

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6. Re: Hotkey Toolbar Quick Program Launcher - my first Euphoria program

gertie at visionsix.com wrote:

> stop using MIME.
> Kat,
> sure to be wrong, and should be ignored.

I cannot find anything in Netscape email to turn mime off.

However I did find an unchecked a box labeled:
"for messages that contain 8 bit characters, use 'quoted printable' MIME =

encoding. Leave unchecked to send the message as is."

I have now ticked this because maybe some of my posts do have 8 bit=20
characters. Certainly the problem one had a copyright character =3D =A9
so I will see what happens to this one.


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