1. Zips and Graphics and routine_id() and Nuerons and AI and Japan
- Posted by Mathew Hounsell <mat.hounsell at MAILEXCITE.COM> Mar 31, 1998
[Zips] "Unexpected End Of Compressed" data corrupted files can be fixed, but you lose t he files afterwards, meaning if you need all the files in the archive, your stuffed , putting it politely. There is no known cure except to see if you can get a repla cement. [Tamper Proof Graphics] Dave Cuny is right. For a 256 colour bitmap, {1,2,3,4}, iy's 4 atoms of four byt es each, when you need only a 1/4 of that. It would probabley be more efficient to store then using allocate than "1234", as "1234" is {1,2,3,4}. The best way is to put whatever method in an include file and bind your progam, it is fun to decifer. If saving it as a file, be even sneakier set the pallete to all orange, as all w hite will probablely cause them to think it's empty. Try to avoid in/decreasing colou r values, 256 greyscale changed to 256 color orangescale, still show the picture. [Routine_id()] I am only _guessing_ but declaring the functions before the call to routine_id() should be ok as things are defined by the interpreter then the code is run one l ine at a time, ignoring defenitions, sorta. [Nuerons] Thanks for the info. I didn't know they were a tolerance switch. [AI] Perhaps in AI you should consider levels of true, not 0 True, ! 0 False. [Robert & Junko] Have a safe trip, enjoy Japan. --- Sincerely, Mathew Hounsell Mat.Hounsell at mailexcite.com "Look out it's another mood swing." Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! http://www.mailexcite.com