1. Re: An idea for a "moderation period" based list server WAS:
- Posted by simulat <simulat at INTERGATE.CA> Jan 25, 2001
Bingo! You hit the nail right on the head Bernie. Filter the guy out if you can, ignore him if the filters don't work. I have no idea why people respond to MTS's posts. And people flaming him are almost as bad as he is - they are just keeping him going and their posts aren't filterable. I think that responding to MTS is a violation of list etiquette, sort of like constantly pushing offtopic and uninteresting posts, or sending 500k files to the whole list. Bye Martin ----- Original Message ----- From: Bernie <xotron at LOCALNET.COM> To: <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 4:17 PM Subject: Re: An idea for a "moderation period" based list server WAS: Moving The List > -- > Since I have been on the list there has been only > one person that has abused the list. Does that mean > that everyone has to alter there way of conducting > their way of using the list. Maybe if people would stop > responding to MTS/Dr Cage he will go some place else, > and start his own list. RDS has the problem of removing him from > the list, no matter where the list is located. The best thing > everyone can do is to ignore his posts and don't bother to reply > until he decides that his posts are just a waste of his time. >