1. scanf

Is there a library that can mimic the function
scanf(fileNumber, format, data) in C/C++ ?

it's opposite of printf

I could make it but it's better if already avaliable.


And thanks for open_dll("") explanation from
Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum_analyst at hotmail.com>
Ray Smith <smithr at ix.net.au>
Martin Stachon <martin.stachon at worldonline.cz>
jbrown105 at speedymail.org

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2. Re: scanf

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Here is something I wrote in January which might serve your purpose.

Colin Taylor

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <akusaya at gmx.net>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 8:42 AM
Subject: scanf

> Is there a library that can mimic the function
> scanf(fileNumber, format, data) in C/C++ ?
> it's opposite of printf
> I could make it but it's better if already avaliable.
> Thanks!
> And thanks for open_dll("") explanation from
> Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum_analyst at hotmail.com>
> Ray Smith <smithr at ix.net.au>
> Martin Stachon <martin.stachon at worldonline.cz>
> jbrown105 at speedymail.org
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment;

-- PARSEF.E -- formatted parser
-- Colin Taylor - cetaylor at compuserve.com
-- 21/01/02

-- PARSEF reads data from formatted strings, sort of like sprintf()
-- working in reverse.  The format string follows the same rules as 
-- for printf and sprintf, but additionally there must be at least 
-- one delimiter character after every field.

include get.e

function read_octal(sequence octal_number)
-- returns {ec, nv} where
--   ec = 0 for success, 1 for fail
--   nv = integer value of octal_number
    integer v
    sequence s
    v = 0
    s = "01234567"
    for i = 1 to length(octal_number) do
	if find(octal_number[i], s) then
	    v += (octal_number[i]-'0')*power(8, length(octal_number)-i)
	    return {1, v}
	end if
    end for
    return {0, v}
end function

global function parsef(sequence format, sequence target)
-- format is a format string following the same conventions as printf(),
--  with each data field followed by at least 1 character.
-- target is a target string containing 1 or more embedded values
--  (note: target can have extra trailing characters without causing error)
-- returns {error status, data} where:
--    error status codes are:
--       0 - success
--       1 - format string syntax error
--       2 - format string data field error
--       3 - target string syntax error
--       4 - target string data field error
--    data is a sequence containing the parsed value(s)
    sequence fp, tp, dlen, result, parsed
    integer l1, l2, p1, p2, last_ptr
    -- parse format string
    -- 1st pass - remove %% fields (replace with -1)
    while 1 do
	p1 = match("%%", format)
	if p1 then
	    format = format[1..p1-1] & -1 & format[p1+2..length(format)]
	end if
    end while
    -- 2nd pass - find beginning and end of data fields
    fp = {}
    last_ptr = 0
    while 1 do
	p1 = find('%', format[last_ptr+1..length(format)])
	if p1 then
	    -- find end of field
	    p1 += last_ptr
	    p2 = p1+1
	    while 1 do
		if find(format[p2], "defgosx") then
		    fp &= {p1, p2}
		    p2 += 1
		end if
	    end while
	end if
	last_ptr = p1
    end while
    -- 3rd pass - check for illegal or ambiguous syntax
    if length(fp) then
	-- compute length of delimiter strings between values
	dlen = {fp[1]-1}  -- 1st delim
	for i = 2 to length(fp)-1 by 2 do
	    dlen &= fp[i+1]-fp[i]-1  -- middle delims
	end for
	dlen &= length(format)-fp[length(fp)]  -- last delim
	if length(dlen) > 2 then
	    for i = 2 to length(dlen) do
		if not dlen[i] then
		    return {1, {}}  -- error: zero-length delim after data field
		end if
	    end for
	end if
	return {1, {}}  -- error: format string has no data fields
    end if
    -- 4th pass - replace all -1 with '%'
    while 1 do
	p1 = find(-1, format)
	if p1 then
	    format[p1] = '%'
	end if
    end while
    -- finished parsing format string, now parse data string
    -- 1st pass - find delimiters and save pointers to data entries
    l1 = fp[1]
    -- 1st delim
    if equal(format[1..l1-1], target[1..l1-1]) then
	tp = {l1}  -- start of 1st data field
	return {3, {}}  -- error: 1st delim doesn't match
    end if
    -- the other delims
    p2 = l1
    for i = 2 to length(fp) by 2 do
	l1 = fp[i]+1
	if i < length(fp) then
	    l2 = fp[i+1]-1
	    l2 = length(format)
	end if
	p1 = match(format[l1..l2], target[p2+1..length(target)])
	if p1 then
	    p1 += p2
	    tp &= p1-1  -- end of previous data field
	    if i < length(fp) then
		p2 = p1+dlen[i/2+1]
		tp &= p2  -- start of next data field
	    end if
	    return {3, {}}  -- error: delim not found
	end if
    end for
    -- 2nd pass - extract data and save values
    parsed = {}
    for i = 1 to length(fp) by 2 do
	p1 = format[fp[i+1]]
	if find(p1, "defg") then
	    result = value(target[tp[i]..tp[i+1]])
	elsif p1 = 'o' then
	    result = read_octal(target[tp[i]..tp[i+1]])
	elsif p1 = 'x' then
	    result = value("#" & target[tp[i]..tp[i+1]])
	elsif p1 = 's' then
	    result = {0, {target[tp[i]..tp[i+1]]}}
	    return {2, {999}}  -- shoudn't happen
	end if
	if result[1] then
	    return {4, parsed}  -- error: couldn't read data field
	    parsed &= result[2]
	end if
    end for
    return {0, parsed}
end function


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3. Re: scanf

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


On  0, akusaya at gmx.net wrote:
> Is there a library that can mimic the function
> scanf(fileNumber, format, data) in C/C++ ?
> it's opposite of printf
> I could make it but it's better if already avaliable.
> Thanks!
> And thanks for open_dll("") explanation from
> Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum_analyst at hotmail.com>
> Ray Smith <smithr at ix.net.au>
> Martin Stachon <martin.stachon at worldonline.cz>
> jbrown105 at speedymail.org

No, there is no scanf() in Euphoria. You could take a look at
get.e, which may serve your purpose.

Also included was my failed attempt to emulate scanf() and sscanf()
in Euphoria.


 - Taking the "ail" out of email! 

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="scanf.e"

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4. scanf

Has anybody written a Euphoria version of the C scanf ?
(It's just about the only useful thing in C, IMO)

Visit my Euphoria programming web site:

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5. Re: scanf

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Irv Mullins wrote:

> Has anybody written a Euphoria version of the C scanf ?
> (It's just about the only useful thing in C, IMO)

What's wrong with GET.E's get(x) and plain old getc(x) and gets(x)?

I'm sure if you're desperate, using those three and a few simple
"if extype(variable) then"s a simple emulation can be written.

Carl R White - "Infinity equals Zero in more ways than (just) one - CRW"
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6. Re: scanf

> Has anybody written a Euphoria version of the C scanf ?
> (It's just about the only useful thing in C, IMO)

Actual-mont, I'd like to see Perl-esque regular expression handling.
I dig language with fantastic string handling, which is why I hate C, and
love languages like Pike and SNOBOL.

Cameron Kaiser * spectre at sserv.com * http://www.sserv.com/
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