1. Py Programming Language

Someone asked the other day how to create executables using Py, so I've
hacked together a routine to bind Py programs into stand-alone executables,
much like Euphoria does. In addition, it performs a minor encryption on the
source code, to make it a bit harder for prying eyes to read.

You can find Py on my home page, at:


As always, feedback is appreciated.


-- David Cuny

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2. Re: Py Programming Language

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 01:00:33 -0800, David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> wrote:

>Someone asked the other day how to create executables using Py, so I've
>hacked together a routine to bind Py programs into stand-alone executables,
>much like Euphoria does. In addition, it performs a minor encryption on the
>source code, to make it a bit harder for prying eyes to read.
>You can find Py on my home page, at:
>   http://www.lanset.com/dcuny/py.htm
>As always, feedback is appreciated.
>-- David Cuny

A few questions about Py:
1) Can Py create stand-alone executables even with the non-registered
version of Euphoria?
2) Can I write windows GUI-programs with Py?
3) Is Py much slower than Euphoria...??

Kind regards
Eddy Van Esch

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3. Re: Py Programming Language

Apologies if this appears more than once; my prior response seems to have
vanished into the ether...

Eddy Van Esch wrote:

> Can Py create stand-alone executables even
> with the non-registered version of Euphoria?

Yes. There are even pre-compiled versions of Py available.

> Can I write windows GUI-programs with Py?

Yes, Py includes PI (Py Include), which will create wrappers so that
Euphoria libraries can be compiled into the Py language.

Wrapping something like Win32Lib is a bit tricky, since you have to replace
the call_proc() and call_func() routines int Win32Lib with calls to Py
instead, but it's not that much more work. The end of the Py documentation
has a discussion of how that can be done with a library which,
unfortunately, is no longer include with Py. I'll try to get a Win32 version
released soon, which includes a patched version of Win32Lib.

I wouldn't recommend running te=he Win32 version of Py, however. The console
I/O is frustratingly slow.

> Is Py much slower than Euphoria...??

Relative to Euphoria (which it is written in), Py is slow. That doesn't mean
that Py is slow, as much as it means that Euphoria is fast!

The compiled version of Py is considerably faster than the interpreted
version. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with get_key() that
causes it to lock up intermittantly. I'm looking forward to the next release
of EC.

-- David Cuny

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4. Re: Py Programming Language

Robert Craig wrote:

> I fixed an EC bug with get_key() for
> DJGPP in the December 14 release.

Ooops. I thought I had tried it with the most recent release, but I see by
the date (December 1) that it was prior to that. I'll have another go at it.


-- David Cuny

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5. Re: Py Programming Language

I wrote:

> I wouldn't recommend running te=he Win32
> version of Py, however.

I intended to write:

> I wouldn't recommend running the Win32
> version of Py *in interactive mode*, however.


-- David Cuny

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6. Re: Py Programming Language

David Cuny writes:
> Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with
> get_key() that causes it to lock up intermittantly.

I fixed an EC bug with get_key() for DJGPP in the
December 14 release. There was definitely a
coding error in there. Are you still experiencing problems
with DJGPP, or are you talking about WIN32 or Linux?

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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7. Re: Py Programming Language

I've updated Py to 3.0a; there was a bug in the shroud routine. It's
available in source, bound executable, and now a compiled executable:


The compiled version seems stable, and is much faster, so I'll be phasing
out posts of the bound executable. Here are some comparative benchmarks on a
modified Queens demo:

  interpreted: 2.42 seconds
  compiled: 2.36 seconds

  interpreted with_trace on: 28.40 seconds
  interpreted without_trace: 18.62 seconds
  compiled py: 9.17 seconds

I've also updated the instructions to show how Win32Lib can be interfaced to
it. At the moment, Py still brings up a console window because of writes to
stdout. I'll look at preventing that from happening in future releases.

As usual, feedback is appreciated!

-- David Cuny

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