1. Moving The List

Chris Bensler set up a mailing list called EUforum
at topica.com and he invited me to check it out.
Over the past several days, I've tested all the features
and it looks very good. It has an archive with searching,
a Web interface for posting or viewing messages,
plus the usual immediate, or digested e-mail distribution
and posting. It has everything that this list has.

I'd like to move this Euphoria list over to topica.
It won't take any effort on anyone's part.
I just have to import the list of e-mail addresses from
this list into the topica list. You'll get a welcome
message from topica giving you an easy way to
opt out. If you do nothing (as I hope you will), you'll
be left in, but of course you can unsubscribe
at any time. A few subscribers to our current list have
concealed e-mail addresses. They will have to
subscribe to the new list by themselves.

Why do I want to do this?

1. John Kinne at Miami U. is the current list owner.
Most people assume that I'm the list owner, so I get
lots of requests to unsubscribe or change settings etc.
to which I have to compose a reply explaining what to do,
to which the person replies saying "it still doesn't work" etc. etc.
On topica I can unsubscribe someone, or change their
settings, with a couple of mouse clicks.

2. In the past year we've had several occasions
where someone is abusing the rest of us,
and there's little we can do other than
take a deep breath and hope he goes away.
We also had viruses posted, cracked software etc.
On topica I can suspend or remove someone with
a mouse click. If he comes back, I can click again.
I can immediately delete messages from the archive when they
contain viruses, trojans etc. before others are infected.
As Chris mentioned, it's a lot easier for me to get
rid of someone than it is for them to get a new
e-mail address and resubscribe.
If things get really bad, I can click the
topica list into moderation mode, where all posts
would go through me (or someone else) first.

3. This list has a lot of people, and there are a lot
of messages posted per day. If we choose to allow it,
Topica will give RDS a *lot* of free advertising in
exchange for 3-line text ads being inserted
in some of our messages. These ads do not appear
on the Web interface, only in e-mail messages.
A rough calculation shows that this advertising
would be 10x more significant to
RDS than the LinkExchange banner on our main
Web page. We can target our RDS ads to other
programming-related lists on topica. I think we'd
pick up a lot of new people. At any time, if the
ads were not achieving much, we could opt out
of the advertising system.

There's no rush, but I'm prepared to
move any time in the next few days. I can update
the list server page with the topica instructions.

If you want to view the "EUforum" Web interface it's at:


If you want you can "Join the List" right away to test it,
or simply "Read the List". As I said, I can automatically
subscribe everyone.

If you want to post messages via the Web interface,
you'll have to register a name and password with topica.
Anything else can be done without registering.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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2. Re: Moving The List

--- Robert Craig <rds at RAPIDEUPHORIA.COM> wrote:
> 2. In the past year we've had several occasions
> where someone is abusing the rest of us,
> and there's little we can do other than
> take a deep breath and hope he goes away.
> We also had viruses posted, cracked software etc.
> On topica I can suspend or remove someone with
> a mouse click. If he comes back, I can click again.
> I can immediately delete messages from the archive
> when they
> contain viruses, trojans etc. before others are
> infected.
> As Chris mentioned, it's a lot easier for me to get
> rid of someone than it is for them to get a new
> e-mail address and resubscribe.
> If things get really bad, I can click the
> topica list into moderation mode, where all posts
> would go through me (or someone else) first.

Well, not realy Rob...
For example, if you ban my mailing address one time,
I'll come back with 20.000 posts flooding your
'topica' to the next millenium.
And, if you ban my IP, I'll use Anonymizer or
SpaceProxy and come back with a different IP.
Then flood the list.

If I flood the list, I flood 275 people's mailboxes.

I might be rough around the edges.
But I'm a good man.
I still have -some- respect for my fellow man.
That's why I haven't flooded this list on the first
flame thown towards me.
But if you do ban me...well...ask Joe Siegler from 3D
Realms what happens then....

So Robert.
Keep me as a mascotte.
Put in a crapping shit filter for all I care.
But whatever you do, don't ban me.
I'm serious about this.
I throw up in the face of the one that was so weak he
decided to opt for flight instead of fight. By banning

In the words of one of our video game heroes...
"Fight me or bite me."

Mike The Spike
PS. "You can never win a flaming contest from MTS".

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3. Re: Moving The List

>From time to time, Topica does disclose aggregate user demographic data to
advertisers or other third parties.
*** Sale your information ***?

Topica does not claim ownership of the Content you transmit through Topica's
Service. By transmitting Content through Topica for distribution to your
Topica List, you grant Topica a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive
license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content solely for the
purpose of providing Topica's hosting, archiving, subscription, and
promotion services.

*** SPY'S ***?

>From time to time you may receive banner or other advertisements or
promotions from third parties while using Topica's Service. Your dealings
with such third parties, including, without limitation, the payment for and
delivery of goods and services, and any terms, conditions, warranties, or
representations associated with your dealings with third parties are solely
between you and the third party. Topica does not make any representations or
warranties with respect to any such dealings or any goods or services which
may be obtained from such third parties, and you agree that Topica shall
have no liability therefor.

*** Salesmen ***?

13. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Topica, its parents,
subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and
suppliers, and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees,
and agents, from any claim, action, demand, or damage, including reasonable
attorney's fees, made by any third party

*** Money for Lawyers ***>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Craig" <rds at RAPIDEUPHORIA.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 17:53
Subject: Moving The List

> Chris Bensler set up a mailing list called EUforum
> at topica.com and he invited me to check it out.
> Over the past several days, I've tested all the features
> and it looks very good. It has an archive with searching,
> a Web interface for posting or viewing messages,
> plus the usual immediate, or digested e-mail distribution
> and posting. It has everything that this list has.
> I'd like to move this Euphoria list over to topica.
> It won't take any effort on anyone's part.
> I just have to import the list of e-mail addresses from
> this list into the topica list. You'll get a welcome
> message from topica giving you an easy way to
> opt out. If you do nothing (as I hope you will), you'll
> be left in, but of course you can unsubscribe
> at any time. A few subscribers to our current list have
> concealed e-mail addresses. They will have to
> subscribe to the new list by themselves.
> Why do I want to do this?
> 1. John Kinne at Miami U. is the current list owner.
> Most people assume that I'm the list owner, so I get
> lots of requests to unsubscribe or change settings etc.
> to which I have to compose a reply explaining what to do,
> to which the person replies saying "it still doesn't work" etc. etc.
> On topica I can unsubscribe someone, or change their
> settings, with a couple of mouse clicks.
> 2. In the past year we've had several occasions
> where someone is abusing the rest of us,
> and there's little we can do other than
> take a deep breath and hope he goes away.
> We also had viruses posted, cracked software etc.
> On topica I can suspend or remove someone with
> a mouse click. If he comes back, I can click again.
> I can immediately delete messages from the archive when they
> contain viruses, trojans etc. before others are infected.
> As Chris mentioned, it's a lot easier for me to get
> rid of someone than it is for them to get a new
> e-mail address and resubscribe.
> If things get really bad, I can click the
> topica list into moderation mode, where all posts
> would go through me (or someone else) first.
> 3. This list has a lot of people, and there are a lot
> of messages posted per day. If we choose to allow it,
> Topica will give RDS a *lot* of free advertising in
> exchange for 3-line text ads being inserted
> in some of our messages. These ads do not appear
> on the Web interface, only in e-mail messages.
> A rough calculation shows that this advertising
> would be 10x more significant to
> RDS than the LinkExchange banner on our main
> Web page. We can target our RDS ads to other
> programming-related lists on topica. I think we'd
> pick up a lot of new people. At any time, if the
> ads were not achieving much, we could opt out
> of the advertising system.
> There's no rush, but I'm prepared to
> move any time in the next few days. I can update
> the list server page with the topica instructions.
> If you want to view the "EUforum" Web interface it's at:
> http://www.topica.com/lists/EUforum
> If you want you can "Join the List" right away to test it,
> or simply "Read the List". As I said, I can automatically
> subscribe everyone.
> If you want to post messages via the Web interface,
> you'll have to register a name and password with topica.
> Anything else can be done without registering.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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4. Re: Moving The List


     I read the email on line from the list server.
     I also use the list server to reply to the posted messages.

     I do not want to have to subscribe to any mailing list that
     sends me email. I do not want to use MS e-mail programs, etc.

     I just want to be able to do just the same things that the
     present list server does


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5. Re: Moving The List

On 24 Jan 2001, at 18:40, Euman wrote all the stuff below my comments:

I agree with all that. I'd prefer that the Eu listserv not be the source of my
address or demographic, actively promoted to anyone, for the purpose of
spamming me. Naturally, if advertising happens on the Eu list, it will be
more incentive for me to filter it out.

It seems to me RDS could host the list on their own puters, unless the
RDS site is hosted by a hosting company.


> >From time to time, Topica does disclose aggregate user demographic data to
> advertisers or other third parties.
> *** Sale your information ***?
> Topica does not claim ownership of the Content you transmit through Topica's
> Service. By transmitting Content through Topica for distribution to your
> Topica List, you grant Topica a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive
> license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content solely for the
> purpose of providing Topica's hosting, archiving, subscription, and promotion
> services.
> *** SPY'S ***?
> >From time to time you may receive banner or other advertisements or
> promotions from third parties while using Topica's Service. Your dealings with
> such third parties, including, without limitation, the payment for and
> delivery of goods and services, and any terms, conditions, warranties, or
> representations associated with your dealings with third parties are solely
> between you and the third party. Topica does not make any representations or
> warranties with respect to any such dealings or any goods or services which
> may be obtained from such third parties, and you agree that Topica shall have
> no liability therefor.
> *** Salesmen ***?
> 13. Indemnification
> You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Topica, its parents,
> subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and
> suppliers, and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees,
> and agents, from any claim, action, demand, or damage, including reasonable
> attorney's fees, made by any third party
> *** Money for Lawyers ***>

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6. Re: Moving The List

> It seems to me RDS could host the list on their own puters, unless the
> RDS site is hosted by a hosting company.
> Kat

(I think) ADDR.COM - San Jose, CA.
Contact Robert: rhc at addr.com

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7. Re: Moving The List

What a jolly good idea.
As for privacy and the like. I'm sure one's
just as bad as the other.



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8. Re: Moving The List

Euman writes:
>From time to time, Topica does disclose aggregate
> user demographic data to advertisers or other third parties.

If you don't register with them, they won't have any demographic
data on you. If you do register, you can lie about your age or

All they are saying is that they will tell advertisers things like
57% male, most between 20 and 40 ....

> Topica does not claim ownership of the
> Content you transmit through Topica's Service.

That's good.

> By transmitting Content through Topica for
> distribution to your Topica List, you grant Topica a
> world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive
> license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish
> the Content solely for the purpose of providing
> Topica's hosting, archiving, subscription, and
> promotion services.

Theoretically, when you create an e-mail message, you
own the copyright to that message. They just don't want
you to sue them for copying your copyrighted message
and giving it to 277 people.

> From time to time you may receive banner or other
> advertisements or promotions from third parties while
> using Topica's Service. Your dealings with such third parties,
> including, without limitation, the payment for and delivery of goods
> and services, and any terms, conditions, warranties, or
> representations associated with your dealings with third
> parties are solely between you and the third party.
> Topica does not make any representations or warranties
> with respect to any such dealings or any goods or
> services which may be obtained from such third parties,
> and you agree that Topica shall have no liability therefor.

If you buy something from one of their advertisers, you can't
sue topica when it proves to be defective.

They have a strict privacy policy. They will not give your
address to spammers, advertisers or anyone else. Your address is
safer with topica than it currently is with the Miami U. Listserver.
They even hide your address on the Web interface.
You can reply personally to someone through their Web
interface without being able to actually see that person's address.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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9. Re: Moving The List

Bernie writes:
> I read the email on line from the list server.
> I also use the list server to reply to the posted messages.
> I do not want to have to subscribe to any mailing list that
> sends me email. I do not want to use MS e-mail programs, etc.
> I just want to be able to do just the same things that the
> present list server does

When you subscribe, you can choose to have
immediate mail delivery, digests,
or no mail delivery - just Web access.
You can post via e-mail anytime, or use the Web.
You can change your settings later if you want.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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10. Re: Moving The List

Then you'll be happy to move to a listserver that
hides your address. No one will force you to give
any demographics about yourself. You don't even
have to register a name and password, or have anything
to do with topica, unless you want to post messages
via the Web interface.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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11. Re: Moving The List

Good, you can get rid of that nasty MTS virus crapathon turd smuggler thingy.


Get your small business started at Lycos Small Business at

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12. Re: Moving The List

Oops, I apologize.

And *I* was the one who objected, a while back, to the personal digs and flames
and all that.

Actually, I suppose that my partial quotation of Mike's characterization of the
micro-universe we are expected to install if we want to *&@#^$&* Java programs in
detail was a sort of backhanded compliment. I did laugh when I read it. Perhaps
MTS's less offensive idiosyncrasies could be tolerated if only he would restrain
himself from the more extreme abominations. This is not a porno/scatology list -
even if Mike happens to think it's "good" porno/scatology, or funny or whatever.
Am I right, people?
Just a few thoughts....

Get your small business started at Lycos Small Business at

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13. Re: Moving The List

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:29:35 -0500, Bernie <xotron at LOCALNET.COM> wrote:

>   ROB:
>     I read the email on line from the list server.
>     I also use the list server to reply to the posted messages.
>     I do not want to have to subscribe to any mailing list that
>     sends me email. I do not want to use MS e-mail programs, etc.
>     I just want to be able to do just the same things that the
>     present list server does
>  Bernie

Hi Bernie,

   I've been reg'd with topica for a year now, and the only msgs I get from
them are from the other list I was subscribed to. Besides those, I recieved
one or two emails from topica itself, informing of changes etc..


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14. Re: Moving The List


I'll be happy to see some control over the noisy, disgusting, unwelcome
subscribers this
list periodically has.

Fabio Ramirez R.
Administrador de Redes - CSI


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15. Re: Moving The List

I like the digest mode of current list (muohio.edu)
it packed emails in a email but without modification of the emails.
I just double click the digest email and emails come up, with
attachment still exist.
Not like egrops which modify the emails. I have not tried on topica.
So I prefer this list.

(sorry if my english is bad)
R> Chris Bensler set up a mailing list called EUforum
R> at topica.com and he invited me to check it out.
R> Over the past several days, I've tested all the features
R> and it looks very good. It has an archive with searching,
R> a Web interface for posting or viewing messages,
R> plus the usual immediate, or digested e-mail distribution
R> and posting. It has everything that this list has.

R> I'd like to move this Euphoria list over to topica.
R> It won't take any effort on anyone's part.
R> I just have to import the list of e-mail addresses from
R> this list into the topica list. You'll get a welcome
R> message from topica giving you an easy way to
R> opt out. If you do nothing (as I hope you will), you'll
R> be left in, but of course you can unsubscribe
R> at any time. A few subscribers to our current list have
R> concealed e-mail addresses. They will have to
R> subscribe to the new list by themselves.

R> Why do I want to do this?

R> 1. John Kinne at Miami U. is the current list owner.
R> Most people assume that I'm the list owner, so I get
R> lots of requests to unsubscribe or change settings etc.
R> to which I have to compose a reply explaining what to do,
R> to which the person replies saying "it still doesn't work" etc. etc.
R> On topica I can unsubscribe someone, or change their
R> settings, with a couple of mouse clicks.

R> 2. In the past year we've had several occasions
R> where someone is abusing the rest of us,
R> and there's little we can do other than
R> take a deep breath and hope he goes away.
R> We also had viruses posted, cracked software etc.
R> On topica I can suspend or remove someone with
R> a mouse click. If he comes back, I can click again.
R> I can immediately delete messages from the archive when they
R> contain viruses, trojans etc. before others are infected.
R> As Chris mentioned, it's a lot easier for me to get
R> rid of someone than it is for them to get a new
R> e-mail address and resubscribe.
R> If things get really bad, I can click the
R> topica list into moderation mode, where all posts
R> would go through me (or someone else) first.

R> 3. This list has a lot of people, and there are a lot
R> of messages posted per day. If we choose to allow it,
R> Topica will give RDS a *lot* of free advertising in
R> exchange for 3-line text ads being inserted
R> in some of our messages. These ads do not appear
R> on the Web interface, only in e-mail messages.
R> A rough calculation shows that this advertising
R> would be 10x more significant to
R> RDS than the LinkExchange banner on our main
R> Web page. We can target our RDS ads to other
R> programming-related lists on topica. I think we'd
R> pick up a lot of new people. At any time, if the
R> ads were not achieving much, we could opt out
R> of the advertising system.

R> There's no rush, but I'm prepared to
R> move any time in the next few days. I can update
R> the list server page with the topica instructions.

R> If you want to view the "EUforum" Web interface it's at:

R> http://www.topica.com/lists/EUforum

R> If you want you can "Join the List" right away to test it,
R> or simply "Read the List". As I said, I can automatically
R> subscribe everyone.

R> If you want to post messages via the Web interface,
R> you'll have to register a name and password with topica.
R> Anything else can be done without registering.

R> Regards,
R>    Rob Craig
R>    Rapid Deployment Software
R>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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16. Re: Moving The List

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 18:32:14 +0700, Aku <aku at INBOX.AS> wrote:

>I like the digest mode of current list (muohio.edu)
>it packed emails in a email but without modification of the emails.
>I just double click the digest email and emails come up, with
>attachment still exist.
>Not like egrops which modify the emails. I have not tried on topica.
>So I prefer this list.
>(sorry if my english is bad)

Topica supports attachments in digest mode...
Just tested it..


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