1. Routine for organising [ad-hoc] data, splice_sort()
- Posted by Aidan Bindoff <abindoff at ONE.NET.AU> Jan 24, 2001
Hello, here is a function splice_sort() which some of you may find useful. If you find any bugs, or think of any improvements, please let me know. I use it for organising ad-hoc data, e.g stock market data files. It might also be useful for event based programs. e.g x={{event,time},{event,time},{event,time}} y={{event,time},{event,time}} z={{event,time},{event,time}} log=splice_sort(x&y&z,2) -- to organise events in time series include sort.e function splice_sort(object string,integer pos) sequence temp if pos=1 then -- this section is just string=sort(string) -- an optimisation return string -- end if -- if pos>length(string[1]) then -- check that pos return -1 -- is valid end if -- i.e not > than sequence -- n.b could be added to each -- iteration of loop below for -- better error reporting, but slower temp=string for i=1 to length(string) do temp[i]=string[i][pos]&string[i] -- add element[pos] to end for -- first pos, temp=sort(temp) -- sort, for i=1 to length(temp) do -- temp[i]=temp[i][2..length(temp[i])] -- then clean up end for return temp -- known bug: if elements sorted are equal, it sorts next element etc... end function example: output=splice_sort(file1&file2,2) -- output={{"CCA",19930329,7.19},{"CCA",19930330,7.23}, {"CCA",19930402,7.25},{"CCA",19930402,7.28}} This has sorted data from file1 and file2 by date (element 2). Regards, Aidan
2. Re: Routine for organising [ad-hoc] data, splice_sort()
- Posted by Aidan Bindoff <abindoff at ONE.NET.AU> Jan 24, 2001
------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C0862E.7585E260 charset="iso-8859-1" That last post was potentially formatted so badly I have attached a file. Also I made a small error in the final example's output. Regards, Aidan ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C0862E.7585E260 name="splsort.e"
3. Re: Routine for organising [ad-hoc] data, splice_sort()
- Posted by Aidan Bindoff <abindoff at ONE.NET.AU> Jan 24, 2001
- Last edited Jan 25, 2001
Sorry to post again on this but I felt it useful to point out that this is another of those "sort by nth element" routines discussed earlier, and I've just realised that it doesn't really have an advantage over custom_sort or the method Graeme described on the 14th. In fact, I would guess Graeme's modified sort() would be considerably faster. I did benchmark against custom_sort and it was slightly faster (not as convenient though), even after doing the obvious optimisations (which didn't suit my original use). Regards, Aidan