1. To OpenGL gurus.

I have pared down my program to its bare essentials, moving constant and 
function definitions to include files.
The problem I am having now is that no GL objects are drawn to the 
screen.  I'm guessing it has something to do with getting the rendering 
context or device context.  I really don't know.
Any thoughts?

include constants.ew  --for the windows functions and constants
include GLfunc.ew  --for the OpenGL functions
include GLconst.ew  --for the OpenGL constants

atom glhRC, glhDC, hWnd, hInstance, ClassName, WindowRect
sequence keys keys = repeat(0,256)  -- array to hold key presses

integer active, retval
active = TRUE
glhRC = NULL
glhDC = NULL
hWnd = NULL
hInstance = NULL

procedure ReSizeGLScene(integer width, integer height)
    if height = 0 then
        height = 1  --prevent divide by 0
    end if
end procedure

procedure InitGL()
end procedure

procedure DrawGLScene()
    c_proc(glClear, {or_bits(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT,GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)})
    c_proc(glLoadIdentity, {})
    c_proc(glTranslatef, {-1.5,0.0,-6.0})
    c_proc(glBegin, {GL_TRIANGLES})
    c_proc(glColor3f, {1.0,0.0,0.0})
    c_proc(glVertex3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
    c_proc(glVertex3f, {-1.0,-1.0,0.0})
    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,0.0,1.0})
    c_proc(glVertex3f, {1.0,-1.0,0.0})
    c_proc(glEnd, {})
end procedure

function WndProc(atom hWnd, integer uMsg, atom wParam, atom lParam)
    if uMsg = WM_ACTIVATE then
        if not floor(wParam/#10000) then
            active = TRUE
            active = FALSE
        end if
    elsif  uMsg = WM_SYSCOMMAND then
        if wParam = SC_SCREENSAVE then end if
        if wParam = SC_MONITORPOWER then end if
    elsif uMsg = WM_CLOSE then
    elsif uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN then
        keys[wParam] = TRUE
    elsif uMsg = WM_KEYUP then
        keys[wParam] = FALSE
    elsif uMsg = WM_SIZE then
    end if
    return c_func(DefWindowProcA,{hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam})
end function

procedure ClassRegistration()
atom WndProcAddress, id, wc
    id = routine_id("WndProc")
    if id = -1 then
    puts(1, "routine_id failed!\n")
    end if
    WndProcAddress = call_back(id)
    hInstance = c_func(GetModuleHandleA,{NULL})
    ClassName = allocate_string("OpenGL")
    wc = allocate(40)
    poke4(wc,or_all({CS_HREDRAW, CS_VREDRAW, CS_OWNDC}))
    poke4(wc+24,c_func(LoadCursorA,{NULL, IDC_ARROW}))
    retval = c_func(RegisterClassA,{wc})
end procedure

procedure CreateGLWindow(atom title, integer width, integer height, 
integer bits)
    atom PixelFormat, pfd, dwExStyle, dwStyle
    WindowRect = allocate(16)
    poke4(WindowRect + 4,width)
    poke4(WindowRect + 8, 0)
    poke4(WindowRect + 12, height)
    if c_func(AdjustWindowRectEx,{WindowRect, dwStyle, FALSE, 
dwExStyle}) then end if
    hWnd = c_func(CreateWindowExA,{dwExStyle,  --extended window style
                                   ClassName,  --class
                                   title,      --window caption
or_all({WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,WS_CLIPCHILDREN,dwStyle}),  --window style
                                   peek4u(WindowRect + 4) - 
                                   peek4u(WindowRect + 12) - 
peek4u(WindowRect + 8),
    pfd = allocate(40)  --PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
    mem_set(pfd,0,40)  --clear pfd structure
    poke(pfd, 40)  --size of pfd structure
    poke(pfd + 2, 1) --version
    poke4(pfd + 4, 
--properties flags
    poke(pfd + 8, PFD_TYPE_RGBA)  --request an rgba format
    poke(pfd + 9, bits)  --select color depth
    poke(pfd + 23, 16)  --16bit Z-buffer
    glhDC = c_func(GetDC,{hWnd})  --create GL device context to match 
window device context
    PixelFormat = c_func(ChoosePixelFormat,{glhDC,pfd})  --find a pixel 
    retval = c_func(SetPixelFormat,{glhDC,PixelFormat,pfd})
    retval = c_func(DescribePixelFormat, {glhDC,PixelFormat,40,pfd})
    glhRC = c_func(wglCreateContext,{glhDC})  --create GL rendering context
    retval = c_func(wglMakeCurrent,{glhDC,glhRC}) --make GL device and 
rendering contexts active
    retval = c_func(ShowWindow,{hWnd,SW_SHOW}) --show the window
    retval = c_func(SetForegroundWindow,{hWnd}) --set it to always be in 
    retval = c_func(SetFocus,{hWnd}) --give it focus
    ReSizeGLScene(width, height)  --draw the GL scene to match the 
window size
    InitGL()  --initialize OpenGL
end procedure

integer MSG MSG = allocate(28)
integer title title = allocate_string("OpenGL")
procedure WinMain()
integer done, msg_message
    done = FALSE
    while not done do
        if c_func(PeekMessageA,{MSG,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE}) then
            msg_message = peek4u(MSG+4)
            if msg_message = WM_QUIT then
                done = TRUE
                retval = c_func(TranslateMessage,{MSG})
                retval = c_func(DispatchMessageA,{MSG})
            end if
            if active then
                if keys[VK_ESCAPE] then
                    done = TRUE
                    retval = c_func(SwapBuffers,{glhDC})
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end while
end procedure

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2. Re: To OpenGL gurus.

I'm not sure what could be wrong. It works for me if i take your 
init/display/reshape code and plug it into EuGL.
You could try setting  pfd.dwLayerMask = PFD_MAIN_PLANE

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3. Re: To OpenGL gurus.

Hears mine, the window is made by win32lib

atom window_dc,g_hRC
object junk
global procedure init_opengl_window(atom id)
        atom pfd,pixelformat
        poke4(pfd+4,or_all({PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW,  PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER ,
        junk= SetPixelFormat(window_dc, pixelformat, pfd)
        junk= wglMakeCurrent(window_dc, g_hRC)
end procedure

>     c_proc(glClearDepth,{1.0})
>     c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
Increase Your ClearDepth to the last param of gluPerspective
>     c_proc(glTranslatef, {-1.5,0.0,-6.0})
May put the puts the
    c_proc(glVertex3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glVertex3f, {-1.0,-1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,0.0,1.0})
>     c_proc(glVertex3f, {1.0,-1.0,0.0})
Completly Less than z(0.1) or greater that z(1.0)--which should be 100.0

That will do, I think
Daniel Kluss

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <1evan at sbcglobal.net>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:41 PM
Subject: To OpenGL gurus.

> I have pared down my program to its bare essentials, moving constant and
> function definitions to include files.
> The problem I am having now is that no GL objects are drawn to the
> screen.  I'm guessing it has something to do with getting the rendering
> context or device context.  I really don't know.
> Any thoughts?
> include constants.ew  --for the windows functions and constants
> include GLfunc.ew  --for the OpenGL functions
> include GLconst.ew  --for the OpenGL constants
> atom glhRC, glhDC, hWnd, hInstance, ClassName, WindowRect
> sequence keys keys = repeat(0,256)  -- array to hold key presses
> integer active, retval
> active = TRUE
> glhRC = NULL
> glhDC = NULL
> hWnd = NULL
> hInstance = NULL
> procedure ReSizeGLScene(integer width, integer height)
>     if height = 0 then
>         height = 1  --prevent divide by 0
>     end if
>     c_proc(glViewport,{0,0,width,height})
>     c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_PROJECTION})
>     c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
>     c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
>     c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_MODELVIEW})
>     c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
> end procedure
> procedure InitGL()
>     c_proc(glShadeModel,{GL_SMOOTH})
>     c_proc(glClearColor,{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glClearDepth,{1.0})
>     c_proc(glEnable,{GL_DEPTH_TEST})
>     c_proc(glDepthFunc,{GL_LEQUAL})
> end procedure
> procedure DrawGLScene()
>     c_proc(glClear, {or_bits(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT,GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)})
>     c_proc(glLoadIdentity, {})
>     c_proc(glTranslatef, {-1.5,0.0,-6.0})
>     c_proc(glBegin, {GL_TRIANGLES})
>     c_proc(glColor3f, {1.0,0.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glVertex3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glVertex3f, {-1.0,-1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,0.0,1.0})
>     c_proc(glVertex3f, {1.0,-1.0,0.0})
>     c_proc(glEnd, {})
> end procedure
> function WndProc(atom hWnd, integer uMsg, atom wParam, atom lParam)
>     if uMsg = WM_ACTIVATE then
>         if not floor(wParam/#10000) then
>             active = TRUE
>         else
>             active = FALSE
>         end if
>     elsif  uMsg = WM_SYSCOMMAND then
>         if wParam = SC_SCREENSAVE then end if
>         if wParam = SC_MONITORPOWER then end if
>     elsif uMsg = WM_CLOSE then
>         c_proc(PostQuitMessage,{0})
>     elsif uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN then
>         keys[wParam] = TRUE
>     elsif uMsg = WM_KEYUP then
>         keys[wParam] = FALSE
>     elsif uMsg = WM_SIZE then
>         ReSizeGLScene(and_bits(lParam,#FFFF),floor(lParam/#10000))
>     end if
>     return c_func(DefWindowProcA,{hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam})
> end function
> procedure ClassRegistration()
> atom WndProcAddress, id, wc
>     id = routine_id("WndProc")
>     if id = -1 then
>     puts(1, "routine_id failed!\n")
>     abort(1)
>     end if
>     WndProcAddress = call_back(id)
>     hInstance = c_func(GetModuleHandleA,{NULL})
>     ClassName = allocate_string("OpenGL")
>     wc = allocate(40)
>     poke4(wc,or_all({CS_HREDRAW, CS_VREDRAW, CS_OWNDC}))
>     poke4(wc+4,WndProcAddress)
>     poke4(wc+8,0)
>     poke4(wc+12,0)
>     poke4(wc+16,hInstance)
>     poke4(wc+20,c_func(LoadIconA,{NULL,IDI_WINLOGO}))
>     poke4(wc+24,c_func(LoadCursorA,{NULL, IDC_ARROW}))
>     poke4(wc+28,NULL)

>     retval = c_func(wglMakeCurrent,{glhDC,glhRC}) --make GL device and
> rendering contexts active
>     retval = c_func(ShowWindow,{hWnd,SW_SHOW}) --show the window
>     retval = c_func(SetForegroundWindow,{hWnd}) --set it to always be in
> foreground
>     retval = c_func(SetFocus,{hWnd}) --give it focus
>     ReSizeGLScene(width, height)  --draw the GL scene to match the
> window size
>     InitGL()  --initialize OpenGL
> end procedure
> integer MSG MSG = allocate(28)
> integer title title = allocate_string("OpenGL")
> procedure WinMain()
> integer done, msg_message
>     done = FALSE
>     CreateGLWindow(title,640,480,16)
>     while not done do
>         if c_func(PeekMessageA,{MSG,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE}) then
>             msg_message = peek4u(MSG+4)
>             if msg_message = WM_QUIT then
>                 done = TRUE
>             else
>                 retval = c_func(TranslateMessage,{MSG})
>                 retval = c_func(DispatchMessageA,{MSG})
>             end if
>         else
>             if active then
>                 if keys[VK_ESCAPE] then
>                     done = TRUE
>                 else
>                     DrawGLScene()
>                     retval = c_func(SwapBuffers,{glhDC})
>                 end if
>             end if
>         end if
>     end while
> end procedure
> WinMain()
> TOPICA - Start your own email discussion group. FREE!

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4. Re: To OpenGL gurus.

A clue perhaps?
If I change the parameters in glTranslatef so the first two are a 
positive value less than one and the third parameter equals 0, I get 
what looks like a rapidly vertically scrolling triangle.  Weirder yet is 
the fact that as I change the parameters, the color of the triangle changes.
My glTranslatef definition is: glTranslatef = link_c_proc(gl, 
"glTranslatef", {C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT})

Why are you using pfd = allocate(38)?  The PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR size is 
40.  I tried 38 and it didn't make any difference though.

xerox_irs at lvcm.com wrote:

>Hears mine, the window is made by win32lib
>atom window_dc,g_hRC
>object junk
>global procedure init_opengl_window(atom id)
>        atom pfd,pixelformat
>        window_dc=getDC(id)
>        pfd=allocate(38)
>        mem_set(pfd,0,38)
>        poke4(pfd,38)--size
>        poke4(pfd+2,1)--version
>        poke4(pfd+4,or_all({PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW,  PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER ,
>        poke(pfd+9,32)--color_bits
>        poke(pfd+23,32)--depth_bits
>        pixelformat=ChoosePixelFormat(window_dc,pfd)
>        junk= SetPixelFormat(window_dc, pixelformat, pfd)
>        g_hRC=wglCreateContext(window_dc)
>        junk= wglMakeCurrent(window_dc, g_hRC)
>end procedure
>>    c_proc(glClearDepth,{1.0})
>>    c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
>Increase Your ClearDepth to the last param of gluPerspective
>>    c_proc(glTranslatef, {-1.5,0.0,-6.0})
>May put the puts the
>    c_proc(glVertex3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>>    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
>>    c_proc(glVertex3f, {-1.0,-1.0,0.0})
>>    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,0.0,1.0})
>>    c_proc(glVertex3f, {1.0,-1.0,0.0})
>Completly Less than z(0.1) or greater that z(1.0)--which should be 100.0
>That will do, I think
>Daniel Kluss
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: <1evan at sbcglobal.net>
>To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:41 PM
>Subject: To OpenGL gurus.
>>I have pared down my program to its bare essentials, moving constant and
>>function definitions to include files.
>>The problem I am having now is that no GL objects are drawn to the
>>screen.  I'm guessing it has something to do with getting the rendering
>>context or device context.  I really don't know.
>>Any thoughts?
>>include constants.ew  --for the windows functions and constants
>>include GLfunc.ew  --for the OpenGL functions
>>include GLconst.ew  --for the OpenGL constants
>>atom glhRC, glhDC, hWnd, hInstance, ClassName, WindowRect
>>sequence keys keys = repeat(0,256)  -- array to hold key presses
>>integer active, retval
>>active = TRUE
>>glhRC = NULL
>>glhDC = NULL
>>hWnd = NULL
>>hInstance = NULL
>>procedure ReSizeGLScene(integer width, integer height)
>>    if height = 0 then
>>        height = 1  --prevent divide by 0
>>    end if
>>    c_proc(glViewport,{0,0,width,height})
>>    c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_PROJECTION})
>>    c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
>>    c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
>>    c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_MODELVIEW})
>>    c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
>>end procedure
>>procedure InitGL()
>>    c_proc(glShadeModel,{GL_SMOOTH})
>>    c_proc(glClearColor,{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0})
>>    c_proc(glClearDepth,{1.0})
>>    c_proc(glEnable,{GL_DEPTH_TEST})
>>    c_proc(glDepthFunc,{GL_LEQUAL})


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5. Re: To OpenGL gurus.

(38) Must have been a different version(?or a mistake) but it works ok, look
at my opengl demo in the recent contibutions.
The color changes because when it clips in interpolates the color funny
Strange, look at my demo, at the one with projection and compare them.

Daniel Kluss
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <1evan at sbcglobal.net>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: To OpenGL gurus.

> A clue perhaps?
> If I change the parameters in glTranslatef so the first two are a
> positive value less than one and the third parameter equals 0, I get
> what looks like a rapidly vertically scrolling triangle.  Weirder yet is
> the fact that as I change the parameters, the color of the triangle
> My glTranslatef definition is: glTranslatef = link_c_proc(gl,
> "glTranslatef", {C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT})
> Why are you using pfd = allocate(38)?  The PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR size is
> 40.  I tried 38 and it didn't make any difference though.
> xerox_irs at lvcm.com wrote:
> >
> >Hears mine, the window is made by win32lib
> >
> >atom window_dc,g_hRC
> >object junk
> >global procedure init_opengl_window(atom id)
> >        atom pfd,pixelformat
> >        window_dc=getDC(id)
> >        pfd=allocate(38)
> >        mem_set(pfd,0,38)
> >        poke4(pfd,38)--size
> >        poke4(pfd+2,1)--version
> >        poke4(pfd+4,or_all({PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW,  PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER ,
> >        poke(pfd+9,32)--color_bits
> >        poke(pfd+23,32)--depth_bits
> >        pixelformat=ChoosePixelFormat(window_dc,pfd)
> >        junk= SetPixelFormat(window_dc, pixelformat, pfd)
> >        g_hRC=wglCreateContext(window_dc)
> >        junk= wglMakeCurrent(window_dc, g_hRC)
> >end procedure
> >
> >
> >>    c_proc(glClearDepth,{1.0})
> >>    c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
> >>
> >>
> >Increase Your ClearDepth to the last param of gluPerspective
> >and
> >
> >
> >>    c_proc(glTranslatef, {-1.5,0.0,-6.0})
> >>
> >>
> >May put the puts the
> >    c_proc(glVertex3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
> >
> >
> >>    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,1.0,0.0})
> >>    c_proc(glVertex3f, {-1.0,-1.0,0.0})
> >>    c_proc(glColor3f, {0.0,0.0,1.0})
> >>    c_proc(glVertex3f, {1.0,-1.0,0.0})
> >>
> >>
> >Completly Less than z(0.1) or greater that z(1.0)--which should be 100.0
> >
> >That will do, I think
> >Daniel Kluss
> >
> >----- Original Message ----- 
> >From: <1evan at sbcglobal.net>
> >To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> >Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:41 PM
> >Subject: To OpenGL gurus.
> >
> >
> >>I have pared down my program to its bare essentials, moving constant and
> >>function definitions to include files.
> >>The problem I am having now is that no GL objects are drawn to the
> >>screen.  I'm guessing it has something to do with getting the rendering
> >>context or device context.  I really don't know.
> >>Any thoughts?
> >>
> >>include constants.ew  --for the windows functions and constants
> >>include GLfunc.ew  --for the OpenGL functions
> >>include GLconst.ew  --for the OpenGL constants
> >>
> >>atom glhRC, glhDC, hWnd, hInstance, ClassName, WindowRect
> >>sequence keys keys = repeat(0,256)  -- array to hold key presses
> >>
> >>integer active, retval
> >>active = TRUE
> >>glhRC = NULL
> >>glhDC = NULL
> >>hWnd = NULL
> >>hInstance = NULL
> >>
> >>procedure ReSizeGLScene(integer width, integer height)
> >>    if height = 0 then
> >>        height = 1  --prevent divide by 0
> >>    end if
> >>    c_proc(glViewport,{0,0,width,height})
> >>    c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_PROJECTION})
> >>    c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
> >>    c_proc(gluPerspective,{45.0,width/height,0.1,100.0})
> >>    c_proc(glMatrixMode,{GL_MODELVIEW})
> >>    c_proc(glLoadIdentity,{})
> >>end procedure
> >>
> >>procedure InitGL()
> >>    c_proc(glShadeModel,{GL_SMOOTH})


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6. Re: To OpenGL gurus.

>A clue perhaps?
>If I change the parameters in glTranslatef so the first two are a positive 
>value less than one and the third parameter equals 0, I get what looks like 
>a rapidly vertically scrolling triangle.  Weirder yet is the fact that as I 
>change the parameters, the color of the triangle changes.
>My glTranslatef definition is: glTranslatef = link_c_proc(gl, 
>"glTranslatef", {C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT,C_FLOAT})

Scrolling? Sounds like you're forgetting to reset the modelview matrix. Did 
you remove the LoadIdentity call? Anyway, the display-code you posted in 
your first mail was fine, it drew a red-green-blue triangle at the left side 
of the window.

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