1. fonts
- Posted by jiri babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ> Nov 06, 1998
Hi guys, I have just dispatched an update of my font package to RDS, so I hope it will appear on the Recent Contributions Page in a day or two. If you have any problems with it, please please let me know. Btw, I was very pleased by Ralf's report the package apparently works with Pete's Neil, but I have not tried it myself yet. Attached below is the what's.new file, but the main thing is I managed to finish the demo/tutorial! Enjoy. jiri -- file : font.new - changes in font.e version 4.30 -- author: jiri babor -- email : jbabor at paradise.net.nz -- date : 98-11-05 -- font version 4.30 Changes since the last public release (v 4.20): New align(i) procedure: to align the *current* font with some other font with handle i. Especially useful when mixing fonts of different sizes on the same line. write_vertical replaced by an 'orientation' mechanism with two new global routines and a couple of constants: i = orientation() -- return current line orientation set_orientation(i) -- set new line orientation HORIZONTAL = 0 -- default VERTICAL = 1 prompt() now returns a two element sequence {key, prompt_string}, where key is one of six built-in escape keys: tab, shift-tab, esc, enter and up or down arrow (Irv's suggestion). Updated and corrected documentation. Expanded and corrected demo/tutorial. More font files updated: cleaned and baseline heights set.
2. fonts
- Posted by "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Sep 17, 1997
Hi Everybody, I am about to start another major revision of my font package. I welcome all reasonable requests/suggestions and/or contributions. I have also just fixed a major bug in selector.e, graphical file requestor used in the font editor. I hope the corrected file will soon be available from the Official Euphoria Page. Jiri
3. Re: fonts
- Posted by Lee woo seob <wslee at HHI.CO.KR> Sep 22, 1997
Babo Jiri wrote: >I am about to start another major revision of my font >package. I welcome all reasonable requests/suggestions >and/or contributions. > Thanks Jiri, I am not sure if the following suggestion is reasonable or not, anyway i hope this helps. In your "fgets" routine, it may be desirable that the "fgets" have at least one "excape" key to cancel the input, that is, for example, if the "ESC" key is pressed, make "fgets" routine return void string or -1 that means the input is cancelled. I think it may be more desirable if you make it for user to define "excape" keys during input of "fgets". Please see the example code below. The codes below was written to be used in text mode, you can see that the global variable variable "out_keys" in the codes can be defined by the user. The reason that i make the "excape" key definable is that, in some times, the UP or DOWN arrow keys or other keys often used to excape out of an input field and go to next input field. In my codes below, the "excape" key and the string itself both are returned from the function, but i think it may be better that the excape key should be set into global variable and the only the string itself should be returned from the function, when you revise your "fgets". One more thing, the burp sound when invalid key is pressed in "fgets" is too big in my computer. Please enable user to select the sound on or off. Sorry for my poor english... i hope you can... Bye, - Lee, woo seob --------------------------- code starts here ---------------------------- include graphics.e include get.e global constant UP=328, DOWN=336, LEFT=331, RIGHT=333, PGUP=329, PGDN=337, HOME=327, END=335, BACK=8, DELETE=339, ESC=27, ENTER=13, ALT_Y=277, CTRL_Y=25, INSERT=338 global procedure prints(sequence bt, sequence rc, sequence string) sequence s integer ca0,ca,ch ca0=bt[1]*16 ca=ca0+bt[2] s={} for i=1 to length(string) do ch=string[i] if ch>255 then ca=ca0+ch-256 else s=s&{ch,ca} end if end for poke(#B8000+(rc[1]-1)*160+(rc[2]-1)*2,s) end procedure global integer insert global sequence out_keys global function reads(sequence bt, sequence rc, integer w, sequence s) integer p,ls,key if insert then cursor(#0207) else cursor(UNDERLINE_CURSOR) end if p=1 while 1 do ls=length(s) if ls>w then s=s[1..w] ls=w end if if p>w then p=w end if prints(bt,rc,s&repeat(32,w-ls)) position(rc[1],rc[2]+p-1) key=wait_key() if key>31 and key<256 then if insert then s=s[1..p-1]&key&s[p..ls] elsif p<=ls then s[p]=key else s=s&key end if p=p+1 elsif key=BACK then if p>1 then s=s[1..p-2]&s[p..ls] p=p-1 end if elsif key=DELETE then if p<=ls then s=s[1..p-1]&s[p+1..ls] end if elsif key=ALT_Y then s=s[1..p-1] elsif key=CTRL_Y then s={} p=1 elsif key=INSERT then insert=not insert if insert then cursor(#0207) else cursor(UNDERLINE_CURSOR) end if elsif key=LEFT then if p>1 then p=p-1 end if elsif key=RIGHT then if p<=ls then p=p+1 end if elsif key=HOME then p=1 elsif key=END then p=ls+1 elsif find(key,out_keys) then return {key,s} end if end while end function insert=1 -- default setting of insert mode (replace=0) out_keys={ENTER,ESC} -- default setting of excape keys ------------------------- example program -------------------- object junk cursor(NO_CURSOR) prints({BLACK,WHITE},{1,1},"ASCII 32~255 is accepted as normal characters") prints({BLACK,WHITE},{2,1},"Edit keys: Back, Delete, @Y, ^Y, Insert, Left, Right, Home, End") prints({BLACK,WHITE},{3,1},"Excape keys defined: Enter, Esc") junk=reads({BLUE,WHITE},{10,10},30,"100,200,300") junk=graphics_mode(-1) -------------------------- codes end here ----------------------------------