1. Re: VCL
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Feb 21, 1999
Daniel Berstein wrote: >VCL is the Visual Component Library. It a collection of native code >components that encapsulate (each) a visual interface element ( = control >or gadget). It's much simpler to just include a "button" component in your >application than to explicitly creating/registering the window class and >then create it and make a wndproc. A clear interface is required, in >essence you neee OO to achieve this, but with some tricky use of routine >id's we should be able to by-pass this obstacle. Can you point to some reference which gives more details? >In general we'll need a generic library that act as a "middle-ware" between >the app and the underlaying components implementation. Win32lib is on the >way, but it's difficult to customize it. The component model enables third >parties to develop their own extension based on a common and well known >interface. A nice component for Euphoria would be a grid ;) Sounds a little bit like WinMan. *sniff* Now that I have some of the graphic routines working in Win32Lib, I could probably get around to emulating controls. Once a "generic" user defined control is up and running, people could write custom controls *in* Win32Lib, such as grids. But not for a while. -- David Cuny