1. Creating a text editor using win32lib?


I was wanting to create a small text editor type program using
David Cuny's Win32Lib.  Does anyone know if it's possible to
insert text in a Mletext control at the current cursor position?
i.e. just like inserting Date/Time from a date/time button.

Also how would I go about / what controls can be used to give
formatting information, e.g. bold, underline, font sizes,
colours etc?

From my current limited knowledge I assume all formatting would
have to be done manually and repainted on update ????

Any information is very appreciated

Ray Smith

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2. Re: Creating a text editor using win32lib?

Ray Smith wrote:

> I was wanting to create a small text editor type program
> using David Cuny's Win32Lib.

I would suggest that the best way to go about doing this would *not* be to
build around an MLE, but to design the control from scratch.

I've got a very buggy editor up you might want to look at. I haven't worked
on it in over a month, so if people are interested, I may just post it to
the contributions page. If enough people bug me, I could probably get it
finished. smile

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Creating a text editor using win32lib?

----Original Message-----
From: Smith Ray <Ray.Smith at FUJITSU.COM.AU>

>I was wanting to create a small text editor type program using
>David Cuny's Win32Lib.  Does anyone know if it's possible to
>insert text in a Mletext control at the current cursor position?
>i.e. just like inserting Date/Time from a date/time button.
>Also how would I go about / what controls can be used to give
>formatting information, e.g. bold, underline, font sizes,
>colours etc?

I have been looking at just the same thing. The file EX12.EXW which comes
with David Cuny's Win32lib seems to be a good start for the colour syntax
part of an editor. One of my ideas would include the ability to minimize a
function/procedure by, say, right-clicking the top line. ie:
puts(1,"This is a test")
function demo_fodder(integer r_click)  -- [this line is clicked]
    -- do some code
end function
object anything -- rest of code etc..
puts(1,"This is a test")
+FUNCTION demo_fodder(integer r_click)  -- [this routine is now minimized]
object anything -- rest of code etc..

Of course clicking the line again will restore it to normal for
editing/viewing etc..

Another idea was to have a setup that tested the speed of a function without
running the whole program.
It would write the function plus some timing code to a temporary file and
then execute it. The timing code would actually do the timing (naturally).

It goes without saying that the ideal editor would run dos or windows code.
I'll definitely want to include this capability.

Yours truly
michael at igrin.co.nz

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