1. registration and requests

Today´s sad story:
After almost two years using Euphoria I decided to register through
the web. I had not registered before because I considered some
registering options as expensive to the price of the package and the
cheap one, through the web,  difficult.
I was right. I got an automatic reply  saying that my address is not
my address.
Rob, you more than deserve your money, but this is frustrating, I
don´t want to keep trying, sending variations of the same tune, and
maybe some day getting registered. I wanted the download version
and no more.  :(

Now, I want to ask for something that I think is needed. Normally
when you want to do something zero or more times you use:

while x<10 do
. --code
end while

But when you want to execute a paragraph at least once, you use:

while 1 do
.   --code
    if x>10 then
    end if
end while

Why there is not something like:

until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop

Also I think that Euphoria objects and sequences are very flexible
and powerful, and for shure this is one of the main strengths of the
language, but there are times when you want to have fixed
structures that automatically complain if you violate content types
or sizes. In this particular case, structures or templates are really
needed (similarly to constants: individual elements that do not
change during the execution of the program. I would call them
Going back to the past, I think that expressions like:

seq[..5] and seq[6..]

meaning take the first 5 elements of seq and take from the 6th to the
end, respectively, give elegance to the language (although the first
does not save much keypresses).

Also, I want to thank all the participants in the list for the help
(although most of the time I am only an observer but learn through
the help you give to others) and the opportunity to learn with their
contributions and samples. You really do honor the name of the
language (by the way, it does not need to change, a language is
used because of its usefuness, expressiveness, and ease of use, not
because of its name), even with the permanent discussions and
disagreements. But remember, it is because we are all Euphoric!
(and I would like to be a registered one).

Greetings (y saludos a los muchos miembros de la lista que hablan

Carlos Valdés
jcarlosvo at hotmail.com

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2. Re: registration and requests

Carlos Valdes writes:
> After almost two years using Euphoria I decided to register through
> the web. I had not registered before because I considered some
> registering options as expensive to the price of the package and the
> cheap one, through the web,  difficult.
> I was right. I got an automatic reply  saying that my address is not
> my address.
> Rob, you more than deserve your money, but this is frustrating, I
> don´t want to keep trying, sending variations of the same tune, and
> maybe some day getting registered. I wanted the download version
> and no more.  :(

I'm sorry that you ran into a glitch. Over 95% of the time
PsL orders go very smoothly, but they do have some strict
security measures in place to prevent possible fraud.
It just means that you have to resubmit your Web order,
and be careful not to mistype your address or whatever.
We've only had one case where someone actually used
a stolen credit card in an attempt to register Euphoria.

I received a copy of the message that PsL sent you.
Apparently the address that you filled in was not exactly
the same as the address that your credit card company
has on record for you. You could try submitting your Web order
again as PsL suggests, or, you can call them at 713-524-6394
and talk to a human.

If you are frustrated with PsL, you could try one of the
following instead:

     * send RDS a check or money order in U.S. or Canadian funds
        $39 U.S. or $60 Canadian (Our bank accepts most major
        currencies, but not Mexican currency.)

     * send RDS *cash* in U.S. or Canadian funds. We don't
        recommend sending cash, but if you are really stuck,
        you can do it.

You don't have to go through PsL to avoid the $5 shipping charge.
We can e-mail the download instructions as soon as we receive
payment by any means.


> Why there is not something like:

> repeat
> .
> .
> .
> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop

Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
almost as well by existing features.

> seq[..5] and seq[6..]

I've been tempted to add this, but in the first case is it really
so hard to type a '1'?
  seq[1..5] instead of seq[..5]

The second form would be useful, but I still can't make up
my mind about it.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: registration and requests

At 00:19 2/13/99 -0500, Robert Craig wrote:
>Carlos Valdes writes:
>> Why there is not something like:
>> repeat
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop
>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>almost as well by existing features.

Amen to that!  For those who want Euphoria to be more "maximal",
there's always Perl.  Perl was designed by a linguist (who is also
an excellent computer scientist) and the same Perl statement can
usually be written in many ways, just as in most human languages.
This can be both a blessing and a curse.  It can be a very complex
and confusing language, particularly to a newbie.  And Perl doesn't
have anywhere near the performance of Euphoria.  All that code in
the compiler to handle all that extra syntax does have a price.

I'm not knocking Perl, BTW.  It's one of my favorite languages and
certainly the best there is for processing text files.  But I'll
take Euphoria for it's speed, simplicity, and easy-to-understand
syntax for most of my programming.
Don Groves

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4. Re: registration and requests

>> Why there is not something like:
>> repeat
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop
>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>almost as well by existing features.

I agree with the sentiments but this conflicts with some of the
realities of version 2.1 ... the 2.0 version allowed addition,
subtraction and so on so why were the += / -= operators added ? They
certainly weren't *needed*.

The REPEAT/UNTIL statement is infinitely more understandable and
readable that a bodged WHILE/END WHILE statement and one of the
fundamental control structures expected in a modern programming

It should be incredibly simple to add a REPEAT/UNTIL to Euphoria;
fobbing us off with, "this can be handled almost as well by existing

Please Rob, could you explain further why +=/-= are valid extensions in
2.1 but a REPEAT/UNTIL is rejected almost out of hand ? I'm at a loss as
to how to balance your views at the moment.

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5. Re: registration and requests

At 10:26 2/15/99 +0000, Bown, John wrote:
>>> Why there is not something like:
>>> repeat
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop
>>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>>almost as well by existing features.
>I agree with the sentiments but this conflicts with some of the
>realities of version 2.1 ... the 2.0 version allowed addition,
>subtraction and so on so why were the += / -= operators added ? They
>certainly weren't *needed*.

From my perspective, the += style operators save a lot of typing,
which cuts down on errors (for me, anyway blink.
"long_variable_name += 1" is much easier to type (and read) than
"long_variable_name = long_variable_name + 1", IMHO.
Don Groves

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6. Re: registration and requests

Robert Craig <rds at ATTCANADA.NET> wrote:

>> Why there is not something like:
>> repeat
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop
>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>almost as well by existing features.

Hmm...I guess *my* response would be that "repeat...until <condition>"
syntax is rather ugly and not very Euphoric -- it certainly doesn't fit very
well alongside all the while...end while/for...end for syntax. But perhaps
something *like* this would be nice to have:

   when x > 10 exit
end loop

1) loop...end loop -- Yes, I know this can be done with "while 1 do ... end
while", but really, that whole "while 1" business looks goofy. And isn't it
a bit slower than a dedicated "loop" would be? Doesn't the interpreter have
to check that "while 1" condition each time through the loop? Not very speed

2) when <condition> exit -- The "when" serves the same function as the "if",
except that it specifically indicates the loop's exit condition, and the
interpreter expects it to be delimited with the "exit" keyword. This is a
compact way of showing the loop's exit condition (instead of having to write
out a whole "if" statement just to exit). Best of all, this way you can set
up your exit condition anywhere you want to in the loop -- you're not tied
to having it at the bottom or at the top. Plus, you can maybe even indicate
more than one exit condition per loop this way if you need to.

Many times I've had to write code like this...

 -- example "a"
line = gets(fn)
while sequence(line) do
   -- whatever...
   line = gets(fn)
end while

..which can be a real pain when I forget to include that second "line =
gets(fn)" in my "while" loop. (I've done that WAAAY too many times!)
Euphoria shouldn't encourage that kind of error. With syntax like this...

 -- example "b"
   line = gets(fn)
   when atom(line) exit
   -- whatever...
end loop

..that kind of mistake isn't made, and we don't have that extra line of
redundant code.

Yes, yes, I know this "can be handled almost as well" by doing this...

 -- example "c"
while 1 do
   line = gets(fn)
   if atom(line) then
   end if
   -- whatever...
end while

..but then we're into that useless "while 1" condition again. Man, does
that look weird to waste a "while" on a "1" and use a whole "if" statement
for the loop's exit condition just one line later! And I'm sure it's not
very speedy either.

Oh well. In any case, those are my ideas for Euphoria alternate loop syntax
-- no more "while 1" loops! (NMW1L! -- my new acronymical battle cry :) )

>> seq[..5] and seq[6..]
>I've been tempted to add this, but in the first case is it really
>so hard to type a '1'?
>  seq[1..5] instead of seq[..5]
>The second form would be useful, but I still can't make up
>my mind about it.

I agree that the first form is unnecessary, but the second form is needed,
IMO. Not exactly as depicted above, but rather like this:


Where the 'end' keyword stands for 'length(seq)'. I don't see why the 'end'
keyword can't be used here -- after all, the two periods together ('..')
have a special meaning within the brackets, so why not do the same for

Using the 'end' keyword like this has another advantage over the seq[6..]
method -- you can do index calculations with it, and use it to indicate an
element instead of a slice:

slice = seq[6..end-1]    -- from element 6 thru the second-to-last element
element = seq[end]    -- the last element of the sequence
element = seq[end-1]    -- second-to-last element of the sequence

(If this looks familiar to some of you, this is the same usage of 'end' that
I originally suggested to Dave Cuny for his Euphoria preprocessor.)

I think this would keep slicing methods consistent with the way they work
now, while eliminating the need to type out 'length(seq)' every time.

Anyway, there's my two cents' worth -- at a penny per idea. What a bargain!

Gabriel Boehme


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7. Re: registration and requests

Gabriel Boehme writes:
> Doesn't the interpreter have
> to check that "while 1" condition each time through the loop?
> Not very speed efficient.

"while 1 do" is optimized away at compile time.
(Actually, any non-zero constant will be optimized.)
No internal code is emitted.
The "end while" will jump unconditionally back to the
first statement in the while loop. No test is ever
performed at run-time.

With Euphoria 2.1 it's even better. Consider:

  while 1 do
        a += 1
        if a > b then
              -- bunch of statements
        end if
  end while

With "branch straightening", when a <= b the internal form
code for the if-statement will jump *directly* back to "a += 1",
without executing the unconditional branch at "end while".

I have to admit that "while 1 do" seems like an awkward
way to introduce an infinite loop (Euphoria is not alone in this.)
However I don't want to introduce a third looping construct. In the very
early days, pre-1.0, I resisted adding the for-loop statement -
everything was done with while-loops up to that time.

John Bown writes (regarding minimalism):
> why were the += / -= operators added ? They
> certainly weren't *needed*.

That's a good point. I resisted adding these assignment operators
for a long time, on the basis of minimalism. Finally a few months
ago I succumbed, after typing statements like:

  galaxy[row][column][otype] = galaxy[row][column][otype] + 1

in many places in Language War.

What would the *ultimate* minimal language look like?

Theoretically the following language, consisting of 4
statements, will let you compute any mathematical
function that you can compute in Euphoria, C++, or any
other programming language. (Note that I/O is not considered,
just computation.)

1.   var = 0
2.   var = var + 1
3.   goto label
4.   loop var times ... end loop

where any statement can have a label, and be the target of a goto.
You can introduce as many vars as you want, without declaring them.

Want to add 3 to x?
     x = x + 1
     x = x + 1
     x = x + 1

Want to assign y to x?
    x = 0
    loop y times
          x = x + 1
    end loop

Want to subtract? multiply? divide? remainder? You can do
them all with loops and adding 1.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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8. Re: registration and requests

>At 10:26 2/15/99 +0000, Bown, John wrote:
>>>> Why there is not something like:
>>>> repeat
>>>> .
>>>> .
>>>> .
>>>> until x>10    --condition tested at end of loop
>>>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>>>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>>>almost as well by existing features.
>>I agree with the sentiments but this conflicts with some of the
>>realities of version 2.1 ... the 2.0 version allowed addition,
>>subtraction and so on so why were the += / -= operators added ? They
>>certainly weren't *needed*.
>From my perspective, the += style operators save a lot of typing,
>which cuts down on errors (for me, anyway blink.
>"long_variable_name += 1" is much easier to type (and read) than
>"long_variable_name = long_variable_name + 1", IMHO.
>Don Groves

I would prefer to see it like
"long_variable_name + 1"

that is very easy to read and to understand..(fo mer...remember I am a
inbread redneck)


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9. Re: registration and requests

Grape Vine <chat_town at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:

>>>>Euphoria tries to be a "minimal" language, where
>>>>we avoid adding language features for things that can be handled
>>>>almost as well by existing features.
>>>I agree with the sentiments but this conflicts with some of the
>>>realities of version 2.1 ... the 2.0 version allowed addition,
>>>subtraction and so on so why were the += / -= operators added ? They
>>>certainly weren't *needed*.
>>From my perspective, the += style operators save a lot of typing,
>>which cuts down on errors (for me, anyway blink.
>>"long_variable_name += 1" is much easier to type (and read) than
>>"long_variable_name = long_variable_name + 1", IMHO.
>>Don Groves
>I would prefer to see it like
>"long_variable_name + 1"
>that is very easy to read and to understand..(fo mer...remember I am a
>inbread redneck)

With +=, -=, etc., always remember the following phrase:

"If you don't like them, just don't use them!"


Gabriel Boehme

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